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Tickman's stuff. MOT day for the Polo conclusion.


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I'm under no illusion that if this was owned by a normal member of the public it would already be scrap.

The sill repairs* have gone as well as expected.

This is the stuff no longer attached to the car.


In the rear arch it went well*


A previous plate, possibly original, had disintegrated and is now in that pile above.

The rear of the sill now looks like this.


The front of the sill now looks like this.


This needs a small patch in the middle sill as well.

End of play today after a tidy up.


All rust treated and done for the day. Back in a couple of days most likely.

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I've been glueing this morning as the elves hadn't come and done it for me. It is just cooling down in a few places so I can do a bit of infill.

Rear of the sill.


Inside the rear arch.


Another bit done in the same place.


Front of the sill patch nearly done, I've even added a drain channel in this bit.


Lunch eaten, time for more.

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I put in this strange piece that keeps all the shit out of the join between the arch and body join.



I raided the stocks of perfectly* matched paint and did the rear.


And the front.


A bit of tidying up to do to make it look a bit* better but this side is solid now, I think the other side is actually ok but I will have to investigate that at a later date.

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Time for more. The rear arch was a little bit grotty so I attacked it with the powerfile and grinder with predictable results.


Little piece for the inside bit.


I obviously got carried away here as I took no pictures until the outside bit was on too.


Then a dab of filler which can wait until next time.


Other side was done with the same sort of results.

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Just to keep things up to date and maybe find a buyer the Toledo is up for sale, advert in the for sale forum.

It has gone from being disassembled like this.


Lights fitted and working.


To having the front put back on.


The rusty bit of chassis leg that I had cut out now filled back in. 


Some dressing back and some paint and that will be that bit done.

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Had to make some brackets to hang some ladders and gave the little welder a good workout. I had never seen this thermal cut out warning light before. (The power switch light)


Quite happy with the welds from it. Enough of the metal was cleaned for welding.



Then back on with the GSR, some more filler then sanding, then filler and sanding before a bit of primer.



Then up a bit for some rear subframe rust treatment.



Still ticking along, more still to be done though.

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Quick bit of stuff for @dome first this morning.

Poly bush inserts and original inserts becoming one.

Turn down the original insert.


Press into the new insert.


Turn down to length because the new inserts are longer.


Repeat until there are eight 


The new inserts were of slightly varying length and a couple had very rough ends to them. The original insert were 44.75mm in length give or take a bit so the finished ones are between 44.6 and 44.8mm.

That should do.

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25 minutes ago, Tickman said:

Quick bit of stuff for @dome first this morning.

Poly bush inserts and original inserts becoming one.

Turn down the original insert.


Press into the new insert.


Turn down to length because the new inserts are longer.


Repeat until there are eight 


The new inserts were of slightly varying length and a couple had very rough ends to them. The original insert were 44.75mm in length give or take a bit so the finished ones are between 44.6 and 44.8mm.

That should do.

You sir, are a legend

Let me know when you've fitted them to the car now thanks?

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@garethj did the GSR ever have any bodywork done on the passenger side while in your custody?

Now I have some paint mixed up for the car I'm attending to other bits while I'm at it.

The passenger door above the rubbing strip has paint damage. It looks like a previous repair and looks like filler is starting to be visible so I've done some sanding.

This is how it looked.


That is before any work and the surface was very rough to the touch. It was shown some 1200 grit and some water which made it less rough to the touch but looking much worse, I've done some of the repaired areas, this is after one coat.


I've not tried to hide the sill repairs, just stone chip and paint to seal it all up.

Quite clear that it still needs more work but I will be happy when it is a little more presentable.

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1 hour ago, Tickman said:

@garethj did the GSR ever have any bodywork done on the passenger side while in your custody?

Now I have some paint mixed up for the car I'm attending to other bits while I'm at it.

The passenger door above the rubbing strip has paint damage. It looks like a previous repair and looks like filler is starting to be visible so I've done some sanding.

This is how it looked.


That is before any work and the surface was very rough to the touch. It was shown some 1200 grit and some water which made it less rough to the touch but looking much worse, I've done some of the repaired areas, this is after one coat.


I've not tried to hide the sill repairs, just stone chip and paint to seal it all up.

Quite clear that it still needs more work but I will be happy when it is a little more presentable.

Not while I owned it, the only work was a new petrol filler pipe as inside the rear arches is a rust trap.

The car looks good now, they were very rare when I bought it, that one must be about the only one left on the road now.

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3 minutes ago, garethj said:

Not while I owned it, the only work was a new petrol filler pipe as inside the rear arches is a rust trap.

The car looks good now, they were very rare when I bought it, that one must be about the only one left on the road now.

It must predate you then.

Inside the rear arches does collect a fair bit of muck.

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44 minutes ago, TheMokrite said:

Great deal, one time alcohol free Heineken included #notsponsored

I think with the Heineken it is just too much for me ;)

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14 minutes ago, Tickman said:

It must predate you then.

Inside the rear arches does collect a fair bit of muck.

It was March 2015 when I bought it so that repair has been around a long time

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3 hours ago, Tickman said:

I'm quite happy with the outcome.


I will have to take off the rest of the masking and then polish out any bits that are stuck in it.

It really couldn't have been any worse!

That looks fucking impressive for a non-booth DIY effort!

Well done indeed man. 

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Toledo time.

I used the grinder to have a look at the front of the driver's sill. 


That's better*


I removed all of this.


Mid sill first.


Then the piece underneath.


Time for measuring up for the outer sill where it tapers under the wing.


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