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That Scrappy By Junction 9 M62 Warrington..

Banger Kenny

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The one that everyone wonders about when they see it from the motorway when they are driving away from Liverpool - it's called "Wade's" - I paid a rare visit today - I don't go that often because one of the blokes who used to frequent it is to be best described as a "friendly psychopath" depending on what mood one of his persona's is in :-D


Anyhoo, inbetween looking for Saab steering bits, I took a few pics.


Day-oo-woo and Tr7 Rot-Top



Proton of the "J reg" persuasion



Saab/Fiesta combo






Montego/SVM pin-up



Windy Scirocco



Split Spit



Twin-Pot Caliper Donor



PC Cresta (it has the holes in the wings for the badge - most solid part of the wing)




Mk2 Cav



Group Shot



That P5 looked familiar, like I seen it before,




then it clicked - it is an Urbex internet star from the now-flattened RAF Croft - I had planned to visit to do the token arty shots while trespassing but never got the chance.




I thought this had ended up as land-fill, god bless the "creative" contractors who decided to weigh it in for beer tokens instead :mrgreen:





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I used to drive past that place a fair bit (I lived in Warrington for a short time). Never got round to paying it a visit, so thanks for sharing.

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Judging by the state of most cars that went round the oval in Stoke that Junkman papped, that P5 may have a final moment of glory at some point.


Not the Cresta though, it looks like it has collapsed.


A proper old school scrappy, good to see some still exist.

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Oooof, I know someone who'd like the gearbox outta that Monty

Looking at it's location it will be easier if they went to Australia and came in from underneath.

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I didn't see a blue SD1 Mr Bren (if I had, I would have papped it, there is so much to take in when you walk in!)

I've just found a pic of a red one from 2009



I've just found a few pics from then which I was going to post when I first joined here.. :-D

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I've popped in a few times over the years, most recently to extract a headlight switch for a smiley-mouthed Fiesta.


The 'friendly psychopath' may well be an informal patient from the Winwick hospital, which is about 3/4 mile away and still regularly receives visits from patients who were patients when patients were inmates.

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The 'friendly psychopath' may well be an informal patient from the Winwick hospital, which is about 3/4 mile away and still regularly receives visits from patients who were patients when patients were inmates.


I think he used to work there - you had to catch him in the right mood at the right time - if you walked in and asked something he either snarled at you or told you where to look, then him and his colleagues kept clocking what you was upto, and then on your way out he would be the complete opposite! Not that I'm knocking people with mental health issues, I just don't need that sort of grief from anyone. Because of that, I considered Wade's as a "last resort" and would have gone/go to to Ellis Aston Street, Jackson Street, Atlas Court, and Mally's first! (and they are all nearer)


The young lad I spoke to yesterday (Owners Son?) shocked me by how polite and helpful he was - not what I was prepared for!

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There is a chopped cresta on retro rides - now I know how the vendor sorted the roof.


To be fair, the cresta probably looked like that from 18 months old.

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Some more from 2009 - the place was less packed then due to the price of metal in those days.




Somewhere North, a mysterious group shed a tear for a fallen one.. :-(




Scrapped because the numberplate type font is Rong.



H.R.H Royally Borked



..And then five minutes after the crusher, the scene tax kicked in.



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Hahaha, I took the wing mirror off that black MR2 a few years back and he wanted £40 for it 😂😂


His reasoning was 'it's electric and it worked when it came in'. I'll let you ponder as to when that was but I think it's safe to say it had been there 'a while'. And I'm sure every electrical item was tested on it. I politely declined his kind offer.

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Where is this place, I used to work in Warrington and never once clocked it.

Do you think that rough looking MR2 is still there?


Heading away from Liverpool on the 62, come off at Junction 9 (B&Q on left) take first left at lights just past B&Q (Delph Lane) then across the mini-roundabout.

Go past the Horsey's in the field on the right-hand side down the hill to the end of the road.

Turn left (Mill Lane) go directly under the motorway and take the first right down a track that appears to take you into the 1980's - through a little tunnel under a railway bridge and you will see this directly in front of you -


Follow the track to the right going under the Motorway (Warning - visions of being in the opening scenes of the Sweeney or Minder may occur)

Follow the track (watch for deep holes) until you see the entrance - you can park on the end of dirt track (Look out for a Genuine Vauxhall mudflap - I lost one there from my Mk1 Astra wheelspinning one night in 1994)



Or using Sat-Nav

Old Winwick Quay/Mill La, Warrington WA2 8RL :-D




I didn't see a MR2, Soz.

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Informed the relevant audience about that Ambassador.  Would anyone local to that yard be able to grab me the windscreen seal and post it on to me?  Happy to pay, of course.

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Winwick hospital is now called Hollins Park - full of people wanting to escape normal life.

Including me, during my five years of working there ('08-'13). Sometimes, the escape from real life seemed pretty appealing to be honest.

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Including me, during my five years of working there ('08-'13). Sometimes, the escape from real life seemed pretty appealing to be honest.

I know what you mean

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  • 5 months later...

Holey Fred Resurrection! :-D


I paid a rare visit earlier in the week in the pursuit of a Saab 9-3 electric window regulator.

So I asked the question.


"Dunno, bit new for us, never had any" was the reply (surprising seeing as they had at least 3 in when I last paid a visit)


"Any 900's in instead then?" I asked cheerily.


"Might have one in at the back on the right hand side half way down!"  He replied.


"Can I have a look please?" I asked politely in the style of someone who might be prepared to buy some parts from a breakers yard.


"Yeah. Go on!" He replied in the style of someone who was keeper of some sacred secret thing that cannot ever be taken away from him regardless of any other persons need or willingness to pay for such a treasured item.


(I told you they can be a bit difficult) :?


In the yard itself, I noticed a heck of a lot more cars than before, strangely more 70's and 80's vehicles than I would expect see in 2015 that seemed "new arrivals" - So, while I looked for the elusive 900, (that was at the very end on the left.. ) and as the place was clearly deserted of human life, I took a few photos..


But they also seemed strangely familiar.


Few Merc 308's and ADO 16's - one of the Wolseley persuasion



I counted 9 Beetles






Stuffed Stag



All this and much, much more - TR7, Spity's, P6, Strada, more Mercs etc.



It was as I took this last photo (the 900 was on left out of shot) I span around and guess who was heading towards me.. The Sacred Keeper of the Treasure!!

I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket and walked towards him.


"That's no good to me I'm afraid, I want a five door"


"Oh right." he said with his usual charismatic charm.


I got the feeling I was being "escorted" towards the exit..  I tried to strike up some kind of conversation as we went towards it.


"Wow, there is SO much to take in!" I said like some sort of excited fetishist who gets his kicks taking photos in scrapyards.


He said Nothing.


"How long has this place been here?" I continued in the same style like an excited schoolboy.


"Bout 50 years" He replied


Much as He would have loved to have talked like this all day, like we was kindred spirits pretending to be civilized human beings, the Exit was reached. I headed for the sanctuary of the TDDI - He may of thought I took one pic, but I took a few more than that..


Till the next time, sacred keeper of the yard. The game goes on.


P.S Vulgalour I was trying to see if that Ambassador was still there and still had the screen rubber, but some Charming Gentleman got in the way.  Sorry.


It was only till later on I realized that they was familiar - they came from a place local to me who has a reputation as a hoarder, and I had seen them before. Apparently they have been told to clear up or else by the local council - It also explains why I was "Escorted" around another nameless local yard the day before because I realized some of the more saleable stock is held in there.

Here is an edited photo which will give an idea of the size of the collection.



I WILL NOT go into any more details or discussion about the location or the people involved (they have had one of their businesses and some vehicles previously set on fire, and I don't want any repercussions for myself and my contacts, however slight the chance of that may be just "enjoy" the pictures.


It does sadden me as a car enthusiast that these vehicles have been left to deteriorate, and I've watched them get worse year after year - I do hope some things can be salvaged to help others.

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It does sadden me as a car enthusiast that these vehicles have been left to deteriorate


Hoarding is a tricky illness to deal with. The person has to want to help themselves but that means admitting they have a problem which most of the time they will be far too stubborn to do.

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Why in a lot of scrap yards are the owners so bloody awkward. The one near me, the owner would be downright rude to you, constantly suggesting you were taking the piss or thieving. It just put me and a lot of others off using it, seemed such a bizarre way of doing business.

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I'm at wades fairly regularly and the owner can be a tad " awkward" to deal with and we have locked horns on occasion. Worst being when I took off a coil pack from a saab 9000 and turned out the other staff can't sell anything if he is not on site, 45 minute wait for him to turn up and the price was ridiculous. To be fairthough I was able to strip an e21 BMW 323i for reasonable money and this paid for Christmas a few years back. If you go on a sunday his mates run it for him and are Land rover nut's and very sociable.


Vulgalour I'm sure there is also a buried princess there too, would the seal be the same? don't mind having a poke around next time I'm there


Here's a few old pics from last year


71240539-FB94-491A-BC40-02B22BF568AD-197   6F4F65C9-3D4D-4913-B6C3-1024E3CB827E-197ABCFD6C8-4ECB-4AFC-A163-B2E0B4E737E8-197EC4F9CF8-07D2-4925-9BDC-AB17712BF5F1-19711F5F545-6805-4764-A61F-7A6BA0F45585-1977885A46D-C09A-4A89-B4B3-A65CADC556FC-19773934702-7B2B-4072-8747-D9DB72BCC377-1972988C881-B764-463D-8952-D4D97DBF1029-1977215A613-B147-43A9-B5A4-B5AA2B15AE13-197

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Cheers for sharing Bangerkenny.


My best Scrapyard wanker story:



Ring scrapyard -


Me:  "Morning fella, have you got X?"


SYW:  "Aye. Cash only."


Me: "Righto, be half an hour"


*noises of car driving, stopping , and the drivers door opening and closing*



Me: "Morning mate, I was on the phone earlier, I've need the X you said you had."



SYW: "£80. I took them off the car."



Me "Really?! Theyre like £20 on ebay, with a tenner postage? I'd go £35 if it helps"



*SYW throwns one part on the ground and stamps on it, shattering plastic and ruining it*



SYW:  "I'd rather smash it than sell it for that.  Get one off fucking ebay, fucking timewaster."



Me:  "Will do man.  Have a good day."



*sound of car door opening and closing, engine starting and car driving away*



I dont know how people like that stay in business, but they never seem skint.

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Fair play, he's missing some tricks with that lot. Those old Merc 308s are v.popular for the slow boat to Africa.

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