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Brownnova’s spots! A periodically updated thread of pictures of interesting motor cars. In the wild spots: A hoard of local honeys.


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Driving to our campsite (following the blowout on the M5 and 90 minutes on the hard shoulder) the sat nav sent us down a stupidly windy lane which in a normal car would’ve been fine, was less fun in a Campervan! 

However the gods of sat nav clearly had an agenda as I near squealed with excitement when I spotted this.


We decided to return the following day as we were a bit strung out from the days happenings. 

It was totally bucketing it down so I got these pics and decided to follow up the next day when it was sunny. BDF48529-75D5-4D6C-887F-7369E30E8655.jpeg2F977B3B-9408-44B8-95B1-7AD28FD9FCA7.jpeg

It was in an ironwork yard, safely ticked off the road. But sadly that meant that when I returned to it on Saturday the gates were locked. But here’s what I could see



To answer the questions from the news 24 thread it looks pretty far gone, rather frilly at the edges. 

Might still ring up... would be a challenge! And it’s a 5 hour drive from home ?

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When I was at art college, I often used to get a lift in a 15TL. VAL50L. It was odd, 1300cc and all torque, with no power band and no point revving it. There was a lot of soft black vinyl too.

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Great spottage!

TBH not half as bad topside as i was expecting; I had in mind the door skins loose and frilly and holes around the windows. That’s got to have been dry stored for a good long stretch. The interior has survived/ been spared  uv damage well too.

One of the original forum home page models IIRC.

One for skizzer?

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That's proper spotting. You've shown great dedication with multiple visits, suffering bad weather etc. 11/10 for effort.

The car looks weirdly familiar, I reckon it's been on ebay or something in the dim and distant past. That pockmarked roof is tres distinctive 

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11 hours ago, LightBulbFun said:

can you get a couples discount on welding courses? :mrgreen:

We’d absolutely consider that...  welding is one skill we currently lack between us... 

7 hours ago, HMC said:

Great spottage!

TBH not half as bad topside as i was expecting; I had in mind the door skins loose and frilly and holes around the windows. That’s got to have been dry stored for a good long stretch. The interior has survived/ been spared  uv damage well too.

One of the original forum home page models IIRC.

One for skizzer?

It looks a mess but not beyond saving... without a proper poke around I’d not be sure... 

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9 hours ago, HMC said:

One for skizzer?

LOL. This is more Nigel Bickle levels of bravery than me, but...that winding lane you mention - possible to get a trailer down it?

It’s a major project but it does look saveable.

With the paint being so, er, compromised it doesn’t want another winter outdoors.  My time and skills are limited but I’d be happy to be part of a rescue solution.

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That 17 has been sitting outside in that yard for at least 10 years. It has been moved around a bit though as the last few times I have been past I didn't spot it. The lane it is on is easy enough to get a trailer down but I would be surprised if they would sell it at a sensible price and even more surprised if it was saveable.

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1 hour ago, panhard65 said:

That 17 has been sitting outside in that yard for at least 10 years. It has been moved around a bit though as the last few times I have been past I didn't spot it. The lane it is on is easy enough to get a trailer down but I would be surprised if they would sell it at a sensible price and even more surprised if it was saveable.

Thanks - that does reduce the odds a bit. It’s done well for being outside all that time, poor thing.

I ’m guessing pitching up at your gaff and saying ‘just do the welding to get it through an MOT mate’ wouldn’t go down well, then? ?

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If ever there was a more suitable vehicle for an AS group rescue...


...though, as Slowsilver's R6 thread currently demonstrates, long-forgotten Renners are sometimes better best forgotten...

Still, having never seen a UK-plated R17 in the wild, this very much floats my boat. Top spottage, and dedication!

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On 8/18/2019 at 8:40 AM, panhard65 said:

That 17 has been sitting outside in that yard for at least 10 years......but I would be surprised if they would sell it at a sensible price and even more surprised if it was saveable.

It probably was saveable 10 years ago, but the unwillingness to sell at a sensible* price probably explains why it is now is as it is.....

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Enquiries shall be made, but I do think it’ll be well beyond my ability/experience... much as I’d like it not to be! 

We’ll see what they say. 

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Cool, ta for posting the interior pic ;)

Mmm maybe looked a bit cooler when I was 12 but still looks better than what a Marina Coupe or Capri had. I still like those separate cowled dials.

I wonder what that pedal like thing on the wheelarch is for ? Windscreen wash maybe??

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I've just realised the dashboard pic is marked Renault 15, but I think the 17s had the same style of dash for a while. The other style they had was this:


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I don't remember that dash in them it looks a bit like a Renault 20's. I'm pretty sure the 17 I sat in as a kid (in a scrappy) had a dash like the first pic'.

The seats in the second pic do look cool. Renault always had knack of making seats look great.

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1 hour ago, ETCHY said:

I don't remember that dash in them it looks a bit like a Renault 20's. I'm pretty sure the 17 I sat in as a kid (in a scrappy) had a dash like the first pic'.

The seats in the second pic do look cool. Renault always had knack of making seats look great.

...And comfy.

R25 still has the award of being the most comfortable car I've ever sat in.

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If you look closely at brownnova's pics of the N reg Renault 17, you can just make out the old type (cool) dashboard in it. So it must just be an earlier model feature.

On the subject of Renault seats, yeah I seem to recall they were very comfy in my old Renault 5.

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If it is too far gone to fix, it might make a good RHD donor car for a solid shell, from France or similar? I don’t know if you can swap the bits over of course. Some cars have different bulkheads etc between LHD or RHD?

Its a shame it’s been left to rot though, such cool looking cars! I don’t generally do French stuff but I’d love a 15 or 17.

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It’s all gone suspiciously quiet from BrownNova.

Either they’ve remembered what’s SUPPOSED to happen on Honeymoon, or they’re trying to calculate the Gross Weight of a Motorhome, Trailer and Rennolt 17. 

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1 minute ago, BorniteIdentity said:

It’s all gone suspiciously quiet from BrownNova.

Either they’ve remembered what’s SUPPOSED to happen on Honeymoon, or they’re trying to calculate the Gross Weight of a Motorhome, Trailer and Rennolt 17. 

You can see how the latter could easily lead to the former.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not managed to get hold of anyone about the Renault.... and since my Yugo purchase I’m less inclined to go chasing a car hundreds of miles away, so if anyone wants the number please PM me.... 

Back in the world of my spots.... 

The M56 yielded this rather tasty Lancia.... hnnnnngggggg


This Mitsubishi Eterna was a turn up for the books....(and no I didn’t google the model name... honest....)


I was sat in the hospital with mrs_brownnova (she’d been bitten by something and ended up with Lisa Reilly’s hand attached to her body) and two old chaps were sat in the waiting room discussing their old cars (one had owned a Moskvitch) and one said he now had a Reliant Kitten. I was glad to find it in the car park... 


I finally snapped a local festering wreck. 


On Anglesey I saw this luuuurvely Sherpa pick up still in regular service! 


Just up the road was this 100NX! My primary school girlfriend’s mum had a white one... I’ve akways fancied a shot at one ever since! 


And as I saw this at Chumley... I loved it!! 


Thats all for now spot fans! 

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3 minutes ago, brownnova said:

I was sat in the hospital with mrs_brownnova (she’d been bitten by something and ended up with Lisa Reilly’s hand attached to her body) and two old chaps were sat in the waiting room discussing their old cars (one had owned a Moskvitch) and one said he now had a Reliant Kitten. I was glad to find it in the car park... 


Model 70 Rear lights FTW! :mrgreen:

(and before anyone says anything the Model 70 came before the Kitten :mrgreen: although Stuart says at one point he tried to fit those rear lights to his Model 70 and they did not quite fit so they might be slightly different)

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  • 1 month later...

Prynhawn Da (as we say in Wales)!

Time for some spottage update, and no I don’t mean the trail of PAS fluid left by the Mazda before I fixed it!

First up a base spec Rover 820!! 

Having some paint work done very soon by an owner who really appreciates what he’s got (and was very surprised that I knew what it was!)


This was the epitome of Shonky, and had shat out all of its coolant!

Deep underground I found a Saaaaaab 


And in a local show (yes I’m a cheat for posting show spots) the Renault 15 a few of us drooled over at Chumley


If you like your cars Tennis ball coloured... 


Another cheat shot... but worthy of posting... a Dyane Caban!! 


Belongs to my mate Steve, it’s an absolute belter! 

Musso is the name, rotting gracefully is the game... 


Talking of grimy eastern cars... have a 300C which looks to have been sat there since 2007! 
Got me some good grim shots from this one!

I thought the lorry lickers might like this! 

Found in some kind of Landrover graveyard. 

With added Robin-y goodness! 

And finally a Hillman Minx. A lovely little thing


That’s all for now! See you next time spot fans! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

A moderately successful spate of spotting over the last two weeks... 

I’ve spied this Renault 4 a few times parked off a main road, but t’other day I had the opportunity to pop there and pap it. 

It’s a lovely solid little thing.

For a bonus shot though... parked at the same spot an Austin Champ!!


One day across the road from work, spyable from Mrs_brownnova’s upstairs classroom... What a view! 

This photo befits the title of this thread particularly well. Smeared windows from hundreds of miles of motorway abuse... but through the grime dead body haulage! 

Shame it’s a GTE but any Astra of this vintage is worth a pap


Aaaaaand finally.

The Saab and I sat in many many miles of queues on the way home from York last night. The saving grace? Playing cat and mouse with this honey all the way.



Off we pop... there’s a dining room to paint! 

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