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Renault 6TL "Crapaud"


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I had this recently with a car that just did not want to be fixed. It let me down on several occasions, I replaced and checked everything yet still it wanted to test me.

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Backfire obviously means spark is igniting the fuel at the wrong times per Mr Bolleux' post? Is it the normal 1-3-4-2, or different?


I'm assuming the 6 has the engine arse about face as per original R5..? In which case, you haven't muddled Cyls 1 and 4....?


The engine would still run if a valve had stuck open, just run on 3 cylinders.

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I had this on mine, the distributor cap was fubar despite being new(ish) and having no signs of failure.


It was not distributing the spark where it should have been going.


Instead, it was going where the hell it wanted, often to the wrong plug causing backfires and general non-starting.



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I'd say most of us have been here. I reached that point with my Volvo V70. it had a few silly faults that I probably could have got my head around with enough time but had lost heart. The citroen has a far longer niggle list but I'm far more enthusiastic about fixing it.

I imagine if this was the Princess you'd give it more time as you've the emotional buy in with that.


That's the key really, so IMO you are correct to sell


Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk

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Next step might be a replacement motor from a 4 or an early 5.


But don't give up on it yet, put it to one side and give it a week, then maybe have another look with fresh eyes. It might be something minor you can't believe you have missed before.

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I dunno, I can see where your coming from. For every weekend you spend on this not quite getting anywhere, the Princess stalls and the rover gets no love.


May as well get rid and free up space and cash and kick the Princess up a notch, what with it being hours* away from an mot, and I reckon your love is stronger for that than the renault.


At least you tried, and have the tales to tell in the future

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Sorry to see you’re planning on getting rid of the car after coming so far.  It’s surely just one problem left to fix before it starts running.   But it’s your car and if you’re fed up with it…..   Leave it a few months and come back to it when your mojo is back up again.


My suggestion for what it’s worth is to get one of these endoscope cameras:



Take each spark plug out in turn and stick the camera down the bore to see what’s happening while you turn it over by hand.  You might need the mirror attachment to see “sideways†to look at the valves.  You can check the timing of the moving bits and see if a valve is stuck. I used one of these to sort out a horrible plumbing / blockage problem at home and they’re pretty good with built in lights to see in the darkness.


PS. PhilA’s comment about the distributor cap being fubar sounds a good possibility.

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Sorry to see you’re planning on getting rid of the car after coming so far.  It’s surely just one problem left to fix before it starts running.   But it’s your car and if you’re fed up with it…..   Leave it a few months and come back to it when your mojo is back up again.


My suggestion for what it’s worth is to get one of these endoscope cameras:



Take each spark plug out in turn and stick the camera down the bore to see what’s happening while you turn it over by hand.  You might need the mirror attachment to see “sideways†to look at the valves.  You can check the timing of the moving bits and see if a valve is stuck. I used one of these to sort out a horrible plumbing / blockage problem at home and they’re pretty good with built in lights to see in the darkness.


PS. PhilA’s comment about the distributor cap being fubar sounds a good possibility.

Just before Christmas I had to abandon my Renault 5 in a side street due to a failed distributor cap. Fitted a new one the next morning and all was fine.

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Vulgalour, you have done your best with this, and indeed worked wonders to get it to this stage, but it's obviously time you walked away from it. Hold your head up high and be proud of what you have done.

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I'd go against the flow here...........if you give up this close it will nag your mind forever.


Leave it a while..........maybe get the Princess mot'd and then you'll be on a high and in a better frame of mind to take a fresh look

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I'm relieved to be parting ways with it.


I've done a lot of work I'm very happy with, some I'm not, and it has a problem I'm not enjoying getting to the bottom of.  If anyone else wants it to fix the problem and find out for themselves how easy/difficult it is, you know where the sale thread is.


This is a rational decision, not an emotional one.  I've saved it from the crusher, now it's someone else's turn to do the next bit.  It will be as simple as fitting the other distributor cap I have or as difficult as dismantling the engine to reset the crank/cam timing.  I want to do neither job, I'm not longer emotionally invested in this vehicle, it is just an object now taking up space and locking up some cash I could do with using on other vehicles.


So please, again, no more suggestions of what might be wrong.  I've had my fill of that.  I know what *might* be wrong, but I have no intention of investigating further.  The new owner is welcome to take the advice from this thread and put it into practice.  I'll be delighted if it is something simple so that they can enjoy the car quickly on the back of the work I've already put in.  I've got what I need from this project now and it's time for it to move on.


Thank you to those of you that understand where I am too and why I'm walking away from this one.

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How about a massive AS assault on the thing before it gets sold? That way it might get sorted and could attract extra interest and/or coin? You could sit in the garden/Rover/Princess whilst said AS lunatics beaver away?


You have put a huge amount of energy into it and it is a shame that it remains a non-runner.

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It would be better if the new owner had a whip round like that, I have no desire to host such an event.  It is a kind suggestion though, all the same, and I appreciate that.

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Been following this one for a long while and as you have said you have taken what was formerly an unloved car which would have almost certainly have been doomed had you not rescued it.


The most off putting feature was the roof gutters and you did a grand job of fixing them and everything else, learning an absolute heap of stuff along the way.


Now the car is a truly viable and attractive prospect for somebody to finish off and it's all thanks to you, Mike et al.


You are clearly aware of what you have achieved and learned and for that and all of the rest, I tip my hat to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Today marks the end of my journey with this little car properly because it sold.  Perhaps the easiest sale I've had and to someone who really got what this car is.  He was quite excited by the whole thing, and who can blame him?  It's an exciting car ;)  I feel comfortable it's gone to the right person, he gave the impression of understanding the shortcomings on the car and recognising the work already done and didn't feel particularly daunted by it.  The right questions were asked about various parts of the car and I just got a generally good vibe.  Hopefully, this little car will go on to bigger and better things still with the new owner and I'll be pointing him at the various threads and forums I've used to record the adventures and troubles with it over the past few years.


Au revoir, little car, until we meet again.


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I don't believe so.  He's actually someone I know in passing from Twitter.  He was sharing some of the pictures of an opaline green SD1 he'd done some restoration on, which is pretty good provenance in my book.  He said he was the mechanic on Turbo Pickers, or something like that... I can't believe I've already forgotten exactly.  I'm terrible with details like that.

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I don't believe so. He's actually someone I know in passing from Twitter. He was sharing some of the pictures of an opaline green SD1 he'd done some restoration on, which is pretty good provenance in my book. He said he was the mechanic on Turbo Pickers, or something like that... I can't believe I've already forgotten exactly. I'm terrible with details like that.

Well done on moving the car on. Is the new owner the chap on the right?




Watched a few of their programmes which were alright to be fair.

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No, it wasn't him.  I'm pretty sure it's the guy on the left of this (really unflattering, as it happens) picture.  Andy, I think he said his name was?  In my defense, I work nights and had only been awake for, at best, half an hour, when he turned up for the handover. Trying to remember all the things he needed to know about the Renault, let alone new info like names and TV programmes was pretty challenging.



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