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Shite in Miniature II


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Oooh, that Kidco Accord, want.

Saw some premium Hot Wheels in a Tesco the other day, Jay Leno series. If money was a bit better I'd have grabbed some - one was the Tank Car.

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18 hours ago, bunglebus said:

Oh and I went out hunting this morning - the Matchbox 5 packs seem to be widely available at Tescos but only one of each type. B&M had quite an impressive array but they were all older releases



Your own personal Nemisis Bungle?

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Dawn patrol.


Blimey, another cold one.


Only a mild frost remaining in Belfast though, with the mercury hovering at zero - so have some Tatmospherics (TM) while I crop and rotate a few market pics...



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It was always going to be a tough act to follow last week's cornucopia, so here goes anyway...



Rubbishy Lesneys.



More loose buses/ coaches/ trolleybuses of varying ages and origins.



Boxed buses.



Those mispackaged Matchbox again.



Terrible 8-Tracks, of the kind that only show up on stalls like this.

They're mostly Country & Irish - no Beatles, Stones or Zep here, I'm afraid.


So let's dig a little deeper and find out...


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Up top, only the Corgitronics Radio Luxembourg van held any particular interest, as it appeared in marginally better nick than my own longstanding example - except The Nemesis was quick to sweep it away as my fingers got too close, along with what looked to be a less curvy Noddy Car of uncertain parentage.

Seems that he'd already claimed them both, as he paid up for the pair and buggered off not long after.


Lesneys were a bit meh, to be honest.


A coloured-in Lincoln Continental, two fairly playworn Studebaker Lark Wagonaires, a Bedford TK tanker that's been involved in a horrific accident, a trackless Big Bull, a bootless Merc, and a so-so Peterbilt tanker... not necessarily stuff to set the heart a-racing.

Corgi Transit in AA paint was ok, but only ok.


Gopping Lone Star E-Type is as gopping as ever; K-13 Aircraft Transporter seems to have received a partial Humbrol repaint before uncertainty and regret kicked in on the part of its young owner.

Buses aren't quite the same as those from last week, but seemingly hail from the same massive collection.


EFSI, Majorette, Atlas, OOC, EFE and Corgi Classics all well represented here.


Unfortunately most of these were pretty dusty with some mild chipping and things like door mirrors broken off.


Joal Volvo and Scania lurking towards the back.


Very minty Buddy L school bus was quite a jolly thing, though.


I thought this was a Dinky item, but no...



Not at all familiar with Milton - and it appears to have had its rivets interfered with at some stage.


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13 minutes ago, flat4alfa said:

Ooooo one of those gopping Lone Star E-Types

No, don't want it

Yeah you do. I'll have you know it's possibly the most accurate representation of the real thing ever


  • Haha 3
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5 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

Up top, only the Corgitronics Radio Luxembourg van held any particular interest, as it appeared in marginally better nick than my own longstanding example - except The Nemesis was quick to sweep it away as my fingers got too close


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9 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:


Not at all familiar with Milton - and it appears to have had its rivets interfered with at some stage.

Made in Calcutta, India.  Appear to be quite collectable.

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Just now, flat4alfa said:

Made in Calcutta, India.  Appear to be quite collectable.

Ah, interesting... something along the lines of the Maxwell buses that turned up a few years back, then!

Casting looks pretty rough, to be fair, though paintwork isn't that bad.

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Big box of 1/76 scale buses had some nice items in there, many of them still sealed:


I was kinda interested in the Brighton & Hove Leyland Lynx as there were still plenty of them in service during my time living there, but I decided that's not a rabbit hole I want to fall down...


Top double decker is another Hong Kong bus. 


I keep buying Leyland Nationals, then selling them on.

Maybe one day I'll buy one and keep it - but today is not that day.


So yeah - a fair few Nationals, plus others.

Presumably £5 each, though I didn't see a sign this week.

None of the buses spec'd by @Rover414 last week appeared for an encore, but that doesn't mean they won't show up again in subsequent weeks... 

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Yes Maxwell / Milton were same. Apparently they acquired the Dinky moulds

Casting unlikely to be brill - have you seen the building standards around Colcutta?

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21 minutes ago, flat4alfa said:

I'll have a dig.  I think I have 3 of them

Sure you have one already though?

Cheers - not desperate for one but it isn't something I've got my hands on yet

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And then lastly came the Matchbox (and others) box:


Now, while I was greedily pawing through the crates last week, a lady with a squalling toddler rocked up and asked where the £1 Hot Wheels were, as she'd promised the ankle-biter a wee car. Market Blokey explained that he hadn't brought them that day, as it's pot luck what he pulls out of the lock-up - but he'd bring them in next time.

Having already scrabbled through said box exhaustively on several occasions last year, I can't say I was expecting very much - though there did appear to be some Majorettes visible which hadn't appeared last time.


Again, these were all previously opened and badly sealed-up with tape, indicating the same source as the Matchbox and Hot Wheels... and even though the K12 Micras and C4 weren't quite my bag, I kept digging...


Mmm... getting older...


Well, okay. Wow.

NOW, before everyone gets too excited, I should make it clear that these are all opened and are all in the wrong packaging, and most of them have a degree of wear - some heavily so.

This is plainly not a 205 Convertible, not is it factory fresh...


But - they are only a pound...

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