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Shite in Miniature II


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The Cortina in my set is the dark blue version. I still have the estate that I guess my mum bought me with the golf clubs but it has suffered a crap repaint by my etc. The Minis in my set are a pale blue version, the wickerwork one and a Monte Carlo rally. I remember the later Rover with spoked wheels then of course they did the 'Golden Jacks' later on, I've got the green one which mum surprised me with, should of course have chosen the white one which she gave to my brother. Doh!

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I have the Corgi Police Imp. In my opinion the slightly larger Dinky Imp was superior in accuracy but less characterful! The latter was one of the first ever cars I bought at a Swapmeet in about 1989.

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all this imp-ish talk means i'll have to get a picture of the Dinky Imp with the Corgi version.


but untill i manage to get them together, it will have to do with this slightly blured picture of my Dinky one.


it has had a really nice repaint done at somepoint, and for extra points i do like the opeing bonnet and boot, surely a very rare feature on such a small car!


dinky one



corgi one



as for which is best......


i like them both! but the corgi one seems to have the crisper, finer detailled casting.

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I have just won some 1/43 Scabak stuff from evilbay in the main stealer boxes, the Scrote estate, and floppytoppy, both appear to be correctly hand driveness. and Troy Queef would say...'minty'. No doubt they will be the usual half arsed Schabak quality

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I'm not familiar with the brand but look forward to photos when the loot arrives.  


I must try to get my arse in gear and photograph my 'earlyish' Dinkys, many of which are in various states of disrepair.  I've got a Shell (I think) Matchbox sized Wolseley police car on my bedside cabinet.  It looks like a real one which has been left to rot in a damp climate e.g. GB.  There's no hope of me being able to repair it with my shaky hands.  It would be a challenge for me even at 1/18 scale  :-D .

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The Wulzy would be a Morestone (Morris & Stone) product but they did sell them in petrol pump themed boxes...






Later on these  were re-launched as Budgie Toys to bring them into line with the 1/43 equivalents being made under that brand name.  


It's a nice wee model.

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Extraordinary....Looks like zinc pest only I didn't think these suffered......It would make an ace Fifties stock car - you already have somewhere to put the roof number!    

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Judging by the bent baseplate next to the missing bit of wing, the police jumped a red light and got hit by someone not proceeding with caution on a green.  I think this was one of two toys found by my Dad (gardening) when he moved in to a brand new bungalow in Longthorpe, Peterborough.  The other one was a Dinky Royal Mail van which I restored 30 years ago but has since rejected the filler used to hide the extensive corrosion.  Topsoil is often carted in from elsewhere on new (1976) developments so lord knows what the history of these cast-offs was.  They could have been in damp soil for years. 

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I bought my local Asda out of Matchbox Willys Jeeps, I got a sum total of 2.

I hope I can find the wagon version. So I can replicate the Willys in the film It's a Mad mad mad world.You know the one driven by Terry Thomas with the wonky front wheel. Wow I'm a nerd:-D


I couldn't resist the Hudson or the camo convoy thing.



The camo top pulls off. 





Edit I've just noticed the Husky Jag Fire car in the background looks very similar to the Hudson. 

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That looks as good as any other I have seen....I have the hardtop but it has a bit of after-market ventilation going on.


When they are good, they can be very good! This example is rather nice.



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I hope I can find the wagon version. So I can replicate the Willys in the film It's a Mad mad mad world.You know the one driven by Terry Thomas with the wonky front wheel. Wow I'm a nerd:-D



I always considered it completely normal and not at all nerd-ish to recall that movie role every time I see a Willys wagon.   Even though my Uncle in Brazil had one, I still immediately think of Terry Thomas!   There is a neat little EKO version if you cannot find another.....



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Finally getting much of the stuff what I have bought sorted out so here's some more photos, this time being good old British Dinky Toys and some stuff made by Johnny Foreigner.









Now for the foreign stuff, mix of Murrican, French, Danish & er, Russian.














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I found this last Sunday at a boot sale,a damaged matchbox Bedford milk float missing it's base and running gear,so just the shell.

I didn't have one,so still bought it.


But what to do with it???


Lots of open space in the rear,Mmmmmmmmmmm.


I chopped up a Hot Wheels Cool combi Vw for its base and wheels,it was just the right width and it has wheelie bars!!

A plan formed,sorta.











An old hot wheels dragster provided the engine and rear wing,

The base needed some chopping about to fit,

But the bodyshell is untouched,still has it's original paint.


Will have admit I'm quite pleased with how this turned out.


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Two more arrivals, they came as a pair very cheap from ebay.

One of them will be butchered to make a tractor unit for a corgi transporter trailer.

Probably the U23.

More norev Amis are incoming so should soon have a car transporter full of multicoloured French Shite ☺


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I always considered it completely normal and not at all nerd-ish to recall that movie role every time I see a Willys wagon.   Even though my Uncle in Brazil had one, I still immediately think of Terry Thomas!   There is a neat little EKO version if you cannot find another.....





Bigger is better.




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In further news, I have comparatively small news.


First off is a Pilen 850 Spider with a collapsed suspension (TADTS).













There has been some spare parts receivage for my Dinky (F) Michel Tanguy 'trelle.




That windscreen is folding.





Note the shift lever.




It is now complete again. Next there will be some careful paint rectification.



I got me a Bond car.



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There is also some psychedelic plastic newsage, believe it or not.


Courtesy of Burnside's metal 104, my plastic 104 is now top notch.







And if you think I'm this lucky git who finds all those mint Norevs for peanuts, think again.

I had to throw this much shit at the wall




until some of it stuck.






Yes, you read that rightly. Five Chryslers, each one fucked in a different bizarre way, were necessary to resurrect this one,

which btw is far from perfect.


But I finally have the correct tow car for my hilariously warped Rocca.



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