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Warren T Claim Vs Christian Fundamentalists

warren t claim

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Oh, and get this totally crazy and incomprehensible concept: I believe in the bible and scientific progress, too!!! :shock: :shock: I know, schizo or what!!!


Same here, there are a lot of Christian Scientists, they just tend to have quieter voices than Richard Dawkins.


My comments about fundamentalist Christians was aimed at the at the American Bible Belt and Cults who have a unwillingness to listen to other arguments and accept everything in the Bible as Gospel without any interpretation, just incase anyone was offended by those comments!

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Warren - your employers would have a real problem with what I do in my spare time then.


I volunteer on a Christian radio station. :lol: How to annoy and placate them - although the type of music we play is probably too 'modern' for them.


It's on the web too - which would probably make them doubly confused.

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I certainly have faith. Religion is right out for me. All this eating fish on Fridays, taking my boots off before I enter things... :shock: etc. I believe in God with a big G, and more importantly, he believes in me. The very fact I am here today is proof of that. I have friends all over the World, from all backgrounds and faiths, and on Facebook, one of the guys I converse with the most is an extremely devout Muslim (note, not an extremist) and he is of the opinion that my Son being a Soldier in Afghanistan is a great idea, as he is there for the protection of innocents. I went to School with this guy about 30 years ago, and we had the same high-brow conversations now, as we did back then! Without this Faith in a greater being, I reckon my life would have degenerated into a spiral of doom. Without the feeling of something better about to happen (I think they call it hope) I would have drunk myself into a stupor, or worse, wrapped one of my Sierras round a tree. Or both. With a sheep. Etc.

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These Plymouth Brethren whilst completely strange to me were great bosses , kind , thoughtful and caring , I just couldnt understand any of their beliefs whatsoever.

I have no issues with anyone , black , white , yellow , gay , lesbian or otherwise

I hate religion but understand others need it

As for believing im open minded

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Well anyone who belives in any of the main religious faiths in this modern world is a fool, it has been known for some time now that the earth was created by the Magratheans at the request of superior beings in the search for the answer to the ultimate question & that the human race itself is in fact decended from the rejected useless population of Golgafrinchan.

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if Shiteism is a religion (of which Autoshiteism is a subset), is a Shiteist allowed to listen to the radio?

Probably he can listen to AM and FM but not DAB.

Also he's only allowed to access the Internet on a 56k modem.


How long will it take for this site to be the top hit on google for "Shiteism religion"?

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Remember my 2nd day at senior school, just over 28 years ago, first R.E lesson, teacher, Mr Jones asked me if I believed in God, I said;

"Yes, but I don't think he believes in me"

More I see of this world the more I'm sure I was right.

Would give ANYTHING for some faith but just don't have it.

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How long will it take for this site to be the top hit on google for "Shiteism religion"?


One suspects there may be thousands of strange porn sites ahead in the listings...




Back on topic though, I want to know about Warren's employers.

Does the truck radio ban also apply to SW/CB radio and mobile/car/truck phones? And where does satnav and vehicle tracking sit?

Assuming all these items are on the banned list, how do they run a business.


Presumably they don't advertise on tv/radio?


Are you delivering their own products or are they just tranpsort and logistics?

I imagine they are transport as I can't see them dealing with the public on a one off basis so must have lots of repeat trade custom?


What happens when the customer phones up about a time critical delivery of cream cakes (its always cream cakes on that Stobart show) that hasn't turned up?

Do they

a) Say "i'll call you back in 5 guvnor once I've given the driver a bell"


B) Say "ah, ours is not to reason why. The lord works in mysterious ways."

I can't imagine option B going down well.


Or is their customer base small christian bookshops, church halls and religious youth groups (paedo priests optional)?


Would they ship halal meat, jewish skull caps or those funny candelabra things?

And if they did would they put them in the same truck?

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I reckon they ask him to send smoke signals. Three rev's of the engine on his Bedford TM and the stack exhaust lets out a plume of smoke to let his employers know that he's on the M1 doing 11mph up a hill.

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Vicars...due to poverty...seem to be into Shite Cars and know how to fix them. It's amazing how many you come across ... Methodist ones seem go really like Volvos...I've sold two 940s To two separate ones. I've also had a 240 and a BX from a vicar....isn't the Allegro OC chap a vicar?


Radio wise....join audible ...buy an unabidged audio book and download it on your phone. Sorted!

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Probably he can listen to AM and FM but not DAB


The radio in the R14 only works on AM, then again so does the Megane - spooky!


Vicars...due to poverty...seem to be into Shite Cars and know how to fix them.


One of the now retired Vicars round here drives a lovely green MG Magnette. One of our previous Vicars had a Volvo 240 Estate.

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I think its great that there's a thread on religion and it hasn't degenerated into chaos and mayhem like it would on 99% of other forums. "Christians are misguided idiots, Islam is violent but remember the crusades?" e.t.c. e.t.c. Autoshite is the most tolerant religion there is!


B.T.W, I attend a Methodist Church most weekends. I have never really been religious but the Wife and her family are. I have to say I enjoy going, so there!


My Mother discovered the whole Jehovah's Witness thing a few years ago and its all fine, although she does come out with some random stuff sometimes, she sometimes tells me that as I'm not a witness when I die i'll rot in the ground and everyone else will live in paradise with no memory of me. Thanks Mum!. They all seem like a great bunch however.

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How long will it take for this site to be the top hit on google for "Shiteism religion"?


One suspects there may be thousands of strange porn sites ahead in the listings...




Back on topic though, I want to know about Warren's employers.

Does the truck radio ban also apply to SW/CB radio and mobile/car/truck phones? And where does satnav and vehicle tracking sit?

Assuming all these items are on the banned list, how do they run a business.


Presumably they don't advertise on tv/radio?


Are you delivering their own products or are they just tranpsort and logistics?

I imagine they are transport as I can't see them dealing with the public on a one off basis so must have lots of repeat trade custom?


What happens when the customer phones up about a time critical delivery of cream cakes (its always cream cakes on that Stobart show) that hasn't turned up?

Do they

a) Say "i'll call you back in 5 guvnor once I've given the driver a bell"


B) Say "ah, ours is not to reason why. The lord works in mysterious ways."

I can't imagine option B going down well.


Or is their customer base small christian bookshops, church halls and religious youth groups (paedo priests optional)?


Would they ship halal meat, jewish skull caps or those funny candelabra things?

And if they did would they put them in the same truck?


To answer a few questions now I'm back for a bit...


Yes we have phones and sat navs in our cabs.


No the don't advertise on tv or radio.


They do have music on hold when you ring them.


They only carry their own goods in the vehicles.


As an aside, I thought that the Plymouth Brethren was a car that Eddyramrod used to drive around Southport painted up like a NYPD police cruiser.

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On the whole they all believe in the same shite anyhow, just slight dissagreements about technicalities which seem a good idea to fight over.


As this is a religious debate on a car forum have a happy medium





(I have no idea what that last car has to do with religion, it just came up on Google images when I typed in religious car)

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While not a churchgoer, I do stuff to help out at the church my family attends. It's a belter of a Norman Church, over 800 years old, and as such constantly needs things doing. My Dad and I recently plumbed in a new lav and handbasin in the church hall, we've been tidying up the graveyard and I got some of my mates from the building trade to help out too with various stuff. My mate Dave was down with us, welding up some railings, and being built like a brick shithouse and covered in tattoos he got a few confused looks!


Here's the church :




Our local mahoosive petrol station is owned by a family of Christian Brethren. The garage does the Lottery and opens on a Sunday.

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I thought that the Plymouth Brethren was a car that Eddyramrod used to drive around Southport painted up like a NYPD police cruiser.



Much lol over that! Now do I give you factual or facetious? What the hell, have both, I'm feeling generous :D .

Facetious: The Brethren was a small car, I had a full-size Gran Fury.


Prefer factual? It was LAPD, or possibly SFPD; both use black cars with a white roof and 4 white doors, and almost all the insignia/badging/slogans had long gone by the time it came to me. NYPD, of the period, would be light blue with a white roof. [/anorak] And, my car being rather too much of a project, I didn't really get to drive it, except home from the MoT garage; from one address to another when we moved; and up onto the transporter when I sold it. :(


My friends with the garage and vast collection of rally cars and other stuff, are Jehova's Witnesses. Occasionally I get into some sort of bible-based conversation, especially with Costas (the middle son, the one with the rally-rep Sunbeam under construction) but we survive, we manage not to fight. I was raised Roman Catholic, not that I do anything about that these days, but importantly I was also raised with good manners, and the idea that I should treat people as I'd like them to treat me. Finally, that's beginning to work! It's taken bloody long enough!


Radio in the cab? Essential safety device. Years ago I worked for someone who deliberately ordered his vehicles without radio as he believed it would be a distraction. I firmly believe he was wrong.

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Darwin pretty much had to pay at least lip-service to religion in his day.


So why do you religious types think we're all that important in the grand scheme of things? Might our entire universe not just be an atom in a much larger universe? Or a kid's toy?

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I've heard there's a trucking company in the UK run by some members of the God Squad who don't believe in sat-nav. I guess that's how the devil finds you? I'm wondering if this is the same company? Evidently, they don't do computers, either. Must make running a business in 2011 quite an ordeal?


Interesting to know America doesn't have the monopoly on religious crackpots!

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To be fair, truckers managed to find their way around without satnav for probably about 80 years, so I don't see any reason why they should not be able to still do so today. And at least not having satnav will avoid situations where HGV drivers blindly follow their nav down completely inappropriate roads and get themselves stuck.

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Definately agree about option 1, although I think radio 1 sucks in general anyway!Maybe I am just getting old!!


Nope. I'm only 28 and I've thought it was shit since I moved here 5 years ago.....

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I don't have faith nor religion. The thing that pisses me off most about the whole thing is the type of person that "has" religion and uses elements of their belief (usually misguidedly) as a form of emotional blackmail either to control other people or to make themselves feel superior. So far, I haven't experienced this type of person on Autoshite.

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Yeah, that sort of thing is missing on here. I vote we get Danny Dyer to make a documentary on Autoshite, the majority of which should be filmed at a classic car show in the Midlands as we battle it out with other 'firms' over some perceived slight. Maybe the BL fans could mob up with Ford/Vauxhall owners and set about a few German car drivers?

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danny dyer would be perfect for it


he's earthy, direct and seriously needs a good kicking.


how about a special booth where autoshitters could pay a sixpence to see danny dyer Vs Bartley Gorman in a grudge match to the death



edit: just found out bartley's dead :x


at least danny would get the first punch in then


heres bartley with some other bloke



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I don't have faith nor religion. The thing that pisses me off most about the whole thing is the type of person that "has" religion and uses elements of their belief (usually misguidedly) as a form of emotional blackmail either to control other people or to make themselves feel superior. So far, I haven't experienced this type of person on Autoshite.


If a Christian does that then they haven't read their Bible properly. It is pretty obvious that Jesus Christ had a lot more time for those who were despised in that society (lepers, tax collectors (proxy for the Roman occupation), prostitutes) than he did for religious leaders who were acting as you describe (I'm not saying that they all were).


Also a Christian should know his own faults and therefore know that he's no better than anyone else. If he doesn't know his own faults then he's not listening properly (Matthew 7v3).


Ultimately we have no way of knowing how God will judge someone at the pearly gates and so my view is that I have no right to judge anyone. Expecting someone who isn't Christian to live according to Christian teachings seems as irrelevant and futile as expecting someone in a different country to follow UK laws, and won't convert anyone.


I can't speak for other religions though.

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I don't have faith nor religion. The thing that pisses me off most about the whole thing is the type of person that "has" religion and uses elements of their belief (usually misguidedly) as a form of emotional blackmail either to control other people or to make themselves feel superior. So far, I haven't experienced this type of person on Autoshite.


If a Christian does that then they haven't read their Bible properly. It is pretty obvious that Jesus Christ had a lot more time for those who were despised in that society (lepers, tax collectors (proxy for the Roman occupation), prostitutes) than he did for religious leaders who were acting as you describe (I'm not saying that they all were).


It's a shame it's institutionalised behaviour within some religions.

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