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The grumpy thread


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Some of the images on BBC news just now from Libya are awful. The abandoned hospital is one of the most shocking things I have ever seen.


Seen that as well. Absolutely ghastly. :cry:


I'd get used to it if I were you... :roll:

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A favourite moan on here but anyway.


Waiting for a parcel.

Meant to be delivered before 1pm.

10.30am UPS report that they tried to deliver but there was no-one home. A FUCKING LIE.

Phone UPS, someone has mistaken 'Flat 2' for 'Flat 1'. They say it's Virgin mobile's fault and I should call them.

Call Virgin mobile, have to read my address to someone with no grasp of the English alphabet and who argues that there is no county of Sussex and that I actually live in Essex.

I have been on hold for 5 minutes and counting...


Update: Woman at Virgin has called UPS and told them the 'new' address. I asked when I could expect the delivery now, she paused and said 'errr, sometime today'. I suspect she doesn't have a clue and just made that up, especially as the UPS site now says I can expect it monday.




Also, I feel a lot of sympathy for the poor people of Libya. A country which was, politics aside, fairly stable appears to have been turned into hell on earth.

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effin rain. Couldn't you have waited till 18:30? For the sake of half an hour's worth of parking which I don't have the coins to pay (the battery is borked), I have to stay in the car and hope that my last-ditch attempt to cover up the broken window without fresh tape (I need to go to my flat for some, but I can't because it is a dead certain that a traffic warden will come around in the 7 minutes of my absence) will work. :evil:

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My pressed metal number plates arrived, except I put the wrong reg on the order form. Polite message sent to the ebay seller asking if i can exchange them

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My pressed metal number plates arrived, except I put the wrong reg on the order form. Polite message sent to the ebay seller asking if i can exchange them



Who are they going to sell them to if you return them? Reminds me of the old joke -


"For sale, Tombstone. Hardly used, ideal for man named Murphy..."

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Come all brother tradesmen who travel along,

Oh pray come and tell me where the trade has all gone.....

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My pressed metal number plates arrived, except I put the wrong reg on the order form. Polite message sent to the ebay seller asking if i can exchange them



Who are they going to sell them to if you return them? Reminds me of the old joke -


"For sale, Tombstone. Hardly used, ideal for man named Murphy..."



Its worth asking at least. If he says no then nothing more i can do as it was my fault. Wouldn't do something shitty like neg him as a lot of buyer would

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Polite message sent to the ebay seller asking if i can exchange them


Its worth asking at least.


The best you can hope for is a pity discount on a new set. Why the hell would the seller exchange them?

This is like buying a cheese sandwich, eating it and then going back to the shop and saying "actually I wanted a HAM sandwich, could I have a free one please?"

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Some of the images on BBC news just now from Libya are awful. The abandoned hospital is one of the most shocking things I have ever seen.


Seen that as well. Absolutely ghastly. :cry:


That and seeing the terrible situation in Syria too, I've got alot of family in Syria so I am pretty worried :( Also, myself and Fatha_Sterling cannot return there to visit our family as long as this draws out.

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My pressed metal number plates arrived, except I put the wrong reg on the order form. Polite message sent to the ebay seller asking if i can exchange them



Who are they going to sell them to if you return them? Reminds me of the old joke -


"For sale, Tombstone. Hardly used, ideal for man named Murphy..."



Its worth asking at least. If he says no then nothing more i can do as it was my fault. Wouldn't do something shitty like neg him as a lot of buyer would

why is it worth asking - you're a cheapskate who made a mistake and now you want someone else to pick up the tab for your stupidity!


I am now grumpy knowing that not only are you an idiot but that you expect sympathy from the man who made what you ordered him to make.

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Come on, you don't have to be that harsh. The world isn't always a zero-sum game. If the trader DOES make NC a new plate at cost or even for free, NC is likely to not only provide him with repeat business in the future but also spread the word about how fantabulous the trader is so it may be worth doing for the goodwill. Of course, it's up to the trader to make that calculation, and he may well decide against it, but let's not get too judgemental here.

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Come on, you don't have to be that harsh.




While I agree NC pretty much doesn't have a leg to stand on, he has consistently shown himself not to be an idiot in the past, a quality which is getting harder to attribute to users of this forum as the days go by. Mis-typing a 7 digit number is an honest mistake, asking for a new set of plates with a discount is cheeky, but not idiotic.


I think you should both go 'on cam'* and dare each other to do things until the inevitable nude, tearful apology.





* i.e webcam. Not intended to be a reference to any kilt-wearing members of this forum.

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NC's biggest error was telling this forum about it.



i'm grumpy today as i still load of gardening to do and it's started drizzling.



at least i'm not this bloke:






EDIT: and i've just read on bbcnews:130mph crash at York dragraces, 1 dead :(

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Come on, you don't have to be that harsh.




While I agree NC pretty much doesn't have a leg to stand on, he has consistently shown himself not to be an idiot in the past, a quality which is getting harder to attribute to users of this forum as the days go by. Mis-typing a 7 digit number is an honest mistake, asking for a new set of plates with a discount is cheeky, but not idiotic.


I think you should both go 'on cam'* and dare each other to do things until the inevitable nude, tearful apology.





* i.e webcam. Not intended to be a reference to any kilt-wearing members of this forum.



Thank you. Not quite sure why people are being so harsh since I stated in the very first post it was my mistake and I know the seller would be well within his rights to say no. If he does, chalk it down to experience and move on. I have bought plates from him before incidentally, and very nice they are too

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Come on, you don't have to be that harsh.




While I agree NC pretty much doesn't have a leg to stand on, he has consistently shown himself not to be an idiot in the past, a quality which is getting harder to attribute to users of this forum as the days go by. Mis-typing a 7 digit number is an honest mistake, asking for a new set of plates with a discount is cheeky, but not idiotic.


I think you should both go 'on cam'* and dare each other to do things until the inevitable nude, tearful apology.





* i.e webcam. Not intended to be a reference to any kilt-wearing members of this forum.


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* i.e webcam. Not intended to be a reference to any kilt-wearing members of this forum.

I am a kilt-wearing member of this forum called Cam!


Was I harsh? I hope so.


FWIW my opinion is that you should grin and bear the hit as it's your fault, or go buy a personalised number to go with your new number plates!


Anyway, NC, let us know how you get on - I'll be interested to know.


Grump mode off, :lol:

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I once ordered the WRONG SIDE sill for my Allegro, emailed the seller and he sent me the other side at cost. 100% my fault but he still helped me out. In the event I needed both sides anyway!

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Come on, you don't have to be that harsh.




While I agree NC pretty much doesn't have a leg to stand on, he has consistently shown himself not to be an idiot in the past, a quality which is getting harder to attribute to users of this forum as the days go by. Mis-typing a 7 digit number is an honest mistake, asking for a new set of plates with a discount is cheeky, but not idiotic.


I think you should both go 'on cam'* and dare each other to do things until the inevitable nude, tearful apology.





* i.e webcam. Not intended to be a reference to any kilt-wearing members of this forum.



Thank you. Not quite sure why people are being so harsh since I stated in the very first post it was my mistake and I know the seller would be well within his rights to say no. If he does, chalk it down to experience and move on. I have bought plates from him before incidentally, and very nice they are too


who did them for you NC ?

o/t but haven't see you on RetroGamer for a while ?

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That CLK is starting to become a pain.I relisted it this morning on a buy it now and fark me it sold within minutes.After sending the invoice twice and umpteen messages all to no reply I sent a cancellation notice to the buyer.Got home tonight and a message from the buyer asking me to cancel his bid,that way I can relist for free.Err, actually you clicked the buy it now button I cannot cancel as the deal is done.Due to this spaccer I've had to relist it.Hopefully the first (red) paragraphed will offend this car's target audience enough to leave me alone.I've also mentioned the first dickhead too.


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1998-MERCEDES ... 3a69c29977

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Pushed well over litre of brake fluid through a pair of replacement back calipers on the golf, through traditional "press down, yeah, up,, yeah, down" idea, then a shitty "onemanbleed" kit and then a heath robinson pressure bleeding kit. Still no good :(


Car doesnt stop, but I've got a working handbrake for the first time in years. but it doesnt stop.

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That CLK is starting to become a pain.I relisted it this morning on a buy it now and fark me it sold within minutes.After sending the invoice twice and umpteen messages all to no reply I sent a cancellation notice to the buyer.Got home tonight and a message from the buyer asking me to cancel his bid,that way I can relist for free.Err, actually you clicked the buy it now button I cannot cancel as the deal is done.Due to this spaccer I've had to relist it.Hopefully the first (red) paragraphed will offend this car's target audience enough to leave me alone.I've also mentioned the first dickhead too.


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1998-MERCEDES ... 3a69c29977



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Bloody he'll there's no need to go so Keyboard Conan on N.C' s ass here. As was said earlier he's a good contributor on here and always has something worth reading.

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I once asked the ice cream man for peppermint, but I really wanted raspberry with sprinkles. After I paid and he handed me the cone, I slurped the cone for a couple minutes. Then I went back and said, ya-know I really wanted raspberry with sprinkles and I don't know why I said peppermint. He was a jolly nice man and gave me the second cone for free. The End. Does anyone have any more stories like he can share with the class?




"I ordered vanilla twist!"

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