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The grumpy thread


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Sorry S-O-C, misread what you had typed earlier.


Actually thought my 380 had broken when it conked out one day racing a mate on his RD250E and was part happy, part horrified to find it was fuel.

An acquaintence at the time had a GT550 with a Piper 3-1 system on it, it sounded like nothing else on earth and was a right old laugh.


GVM: Cheers for that, would be thrilled to have that bike back one day. It was black when I had it with poorly sprayed decals on the tank but it was a tidy enough old bus and I absolutely loved it. Sold it to a lad from Ellesmere Port and saw it occasionally being used as it should up/down the M53, but not for a long while now. Sorry to twat on (more than usual) but had some epic fun on that bike and sold it when I discovered Mrs CM was pregnant with our first born.

Think I had it six or seven years and made £20 more than I had paid for it. I still remember like yesterday one of my mates caught me up and nearly wet himself laughing: I'd noticed a loud noise suddenly develop but just ignored it, as you do. Turned out one of the o/s baffles had made a break for freedom, he was behind me and just managed to duck as it shot over his head and skimmed the top of his pillion's crash helmet. The lad on the back was plastered in two stroke and not to happy about it!

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http://retrorides.proboards.com/index.c ... ead=109873


I wonder if I could live without my knackers? It could be a straight choice between this car or a birthday present for the old bread knife, and no, the former wouldn't be acceptable for the latter.

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I'm sure the insurance companies will load car premiums to cover the riot payouts just like the way we end up paying for an earthquake in America.

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Apparently there are gangs of youths gathering in parts of Wolverhampton and Coventry now!!


Just watched some footage of some yobs wantanly ransacking a Morrisons store in Peckham with the police yards away just watching them!! :shock:

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fukkin well grumpy.... meeting at work to be told we are closing and relocating to enfield..... could be redundances if we are unsucessfull in reapplying for our present jobs..... after all the bullshit of saying how great we were at being the only store in london to fufill all our deliveries when the snow was mega bad..... then they expect you to have a smile on your face as you are sent out in riot torn london to do deliveries.... :shock: fuck em

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Apparently there are gangs of youths gathering in parts of Wolverhampton and Coventry now!!


Just watched some footage of some yobs wantanly ransacking a Morrisons store in Peckham with the police yards away just watching them!! :shock:


The mega-riots of 2008 in Athens became really big mostly because the government ordered the police to be 'non-confrontational' while people's property was burning! :shock:

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Lightening McQueen choose the wrong week to take a hoilday to London. :(


This picture will be WATS new avatar later this week.

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And in South Central LA, when the cops ran for cover, the only line between chaos and civilization was in the hands of the Korean store owners who brandished their firearms in defense of their homes and businesses.


I saw that video. Young Korean chap with a big ass pump-action shotgun amongst others. Cool as fuck.

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Got to admit that I haven't seen much footage or imagery of the riots (so perhaps I'm not as clued up as others) but it is worldwide news. Understandably it's different to the G20 situation a couple of years back, though I must admit that the first thought that came to my head when I heard about the riots was this:



As I say, I'm not there and haven't witnessed any of the problems first hand but it is food for thought that perhaps it wouldn't be such an issue if there wasn't as much news coverage. Rather like the build up to the Rugby World Cup here :roll:

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The Second Amendment: It's not about duck hunting or biathlon contests....


If we had such liberal gun laws I'm sure there would of been dozens of fatalities by now. Mass gun ownership is the sign of a paranoid and dangerous society.

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Norm, in this case it has! People have seen the results of rioting in London on T.V (i.e lots of free laptops and trainers e.t.c for looters) and have done the same in their own town centre shopping centre. The angry mob gets bigger thanks to text messages and twitter.


The "riots" in my own hometown of Birmingham have only been about looting. They have even smashed up McDonalds!

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Norway has more liberal gun laws than the UK Norm. Nothing untoward ever happens there does it?


Maybe if London's black population continue to riot we should strap them to a chair and pass a current of electricity through them?

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According to the news they have started the shootings now in Clapham and there's rumours of rioting in Bromley as well, Seth and Torsten have been very quiet lately...

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I'm going to start a Facebook campaign to try and get Ghost Town by the Specials back to number one in the charts.

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I wish the police would jsut go in a crack some skulls. But doubtless someone will youtube it and the human rights brigade will have a fit.


A scumbag gangster is hot dead after trying to kill a policeman. Said gangster's mates and promising footballers take a break from stabbing eachother to cause some anarchy. Zero sympathy.


Purely coincidental that a fair number of rioters come from a certain ethnic group though.


Yeah thats right...but the sock that the gun was in in was actually bullet proof...so it backfired and killed him..and Ian Tomlinson the newspaper vendor who got beaten to death by the cops was actually a suspected neo nazi sympathiser due to the fact he sold The Sun...Smiley Culture who somehow or other got himself stabbed to death in an arrest in his own home actually did a hari kiri on a butter knife whilst making toast..Blair Peach the New Zealand teacher killed in Southall in the 70s actually was performing a tradition Maori club performance that went wrong...the police had nothing to do with any of this..or the perpetual harassment based on racial profiling...all these current events are just inevitable...it was predicted it would happen..and now it has..so there..

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LBC radio said that young asian lads were chasing the rioters out of their area to stop them damaging their property.....


vigilante law coming to london streets?


they have to give the police the okay to go in and go in hard... fuck the human rights these scum need to know that they cant just go about taking and burning stuff that doesn;t belong to them


rant over

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Megalolz @ Hirst! Those films are fantastic, I rented one from the DVD shop only the other week.


News coverage obviously doesn't create riots though media saturation of events with ever increasing methods of reporting (either from 'professionals' or the public) isn't neccessarily an advantage. My 99 year old grandma is convinced the world is a worse place now than it was when she was younger and in many ways it may be. Or perhaps they're just being reported more now. Obviously this doesn't relate directly to the riots but I think it's worth being mindful of the fact that to some there's more to be garnered if a news event lasts a little longer. Akin to feeding the trolls I suppose, though with revenue involved.


Anyway, I think this has stretched to about 5 pages and I didn't mean to get so involved in something I don't really care about that much. Perhaps I should just call in to Jeremy Vine's radio show next time.

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That's bollocks Fotorabia, and you know it. Racial pofiling exists because of prior statistics.


It's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy...Treat a group of people like criminals and they're more likely to follow such a career path, and then you have more of a reason to treat them like criminals and so on. Classic chicken-and-egg situation, both parties culpable (of course, it would be fair to say that the criminals are more culpable than the police, but it's not really a question of quantity that we're talking about here).


As for gun ownership, it's like the opposite of an insurance policy. 99.9% of the time it seems like a good idea, but a couple of lunatics with easy access to guns is all you need for dozens of innocent people dying.

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Maybe a "certain person" and his fellow Nokia owners ought to patrol the streets armed with their Model 3210's. Christ, that'll show the punks who's boss!


A Nokia-armed society is a polite society!


Yeah, we can talk about Norway, just as soon as we talk about Switzerland, where men of military age keep full-auto machine guns in their homes, and just look at the wanton slaughter which happens daily there. :roll:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_L%C3% ... l_shooting

Oh really?


FYI I don't actually own a Nokia phone, I just made the signature up as an ironic pisstake of the "sent from my iPhone" sigs on other forums.

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