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The grumpy thread


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Some lycra clad twat nearly ran my daughter over on the cycle path today. He was riding the same way she walking, didn't ring his bell to warn her he was coming then apparantly told her to 'f*ck off and get out the f*cking way'.

I hope she points him out to me in the future as I'd like to see how he gets on when he's picking his f*king bike out of the canal with broken fingers.


Work: Why not spend shit loads of money changing the signs because you've sold/bought the company but still fail to get the computers to work properly?


eBay users: how about reading the f*cking listing BEFORE asking stupid f*king questions which were already answered in the text?

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Cavette I shouted at the neighbours son for cutting me up on his push bike on Monday morning. Bearing in mind I was coming home off a 12hour night turn in a hurry, he was lucky he never got squished. So I shouted again, no response.


Then I saw the white generic mp3 headphones....

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Some lycra clad twat nearly ran my daughter over on the cycle path today. He was riding the same way she walking, didn't ring his bell to warn her he was coming then apparantly told her to 'f*ck off and get out the f*cking way'.

I hope she points him out to me in the future as I'd like to see how he gets on when he's picking his f*king bike out of the canal with broken fingers.



That pisses me off no end. Pavement is for pedestrians so ride on the road. Oh, and why not stop at red lights once in a while?

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Some lycra clad twat nearly ran my daughter over on the cycle path today. He was riding the same way she walking, didn't ring his bell to warn her he was coming then apparantly told her to 'f*ck off and get out the f*cking way'.

I hope she points him out to me in the future as I'd like to see how he gets on when he's picking his f*king bike out of the canal with broken fingers.



That pisses me off no end. Pavement is for pedestrians so ride on the road. Oh, and why not stop at red lights once in a while?



If it's a cycle path then ride on it - just remember that pedestrians have right of way over bikes... We have combined footpaths/cyclepaths here which I don't use, I usually ride a bit too fast to be around people walking. Oh, and if I think a junction/set of lights etc. is a bit dodgy I push my bike across the pedestrian crossing.


As a cyclist (between driving), other cyclists and the general attitude they assume as soon as they are in the saddle really gets my goat. I obey the rules of the road whatever form of transport I happen to be using at the time. What really pisses me off is getting tarred with the same brush.

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Some lycra clad twat nearly ran my daughter over on the cycle path today. He was riding the same way she walking, didn't ring his bell to warn her he was coming then apparantly told her to 'f*ck off and get out the f*cking way'.

I hope she points him out to me in the future as I'd like to see how he gets on when he's picking his f*king bike out of the canal with broken fingers.


On the twathole cyclist question, you're welcome to lend my jack handle any time you like. I can even hold your coat if you like.


eBay users: how about reading the f*cking listing BEFORE asking stupid f*king questions which were already answered in the text?


hi m8 i wil giv u a mongdayo mayde of taype 4 ur clito wot u fink

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Men Wearing Lycra? Should be illegal really, as a fashion crime....


That as well. Double kickings for transgressors. Feel free to add a full stop with some of your armory Norm.

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I'm getting pretty sick of militant cyclists as well. Saw one of the fuckers absolutely BOLTING down a steep road in Haworth the other day, and a guy in a car turned into a street about 50 yards in front of him. Though he'd been a reasonable distance away, he still saw fit to swear at the driver as he sped past. Many of them seem to think all other road users are responsible for their being safe and so they're free to do whatever they want. Why should they brake a little just because some fascist in a car turned off a little in front of them? Tossers.


Also, if I see another Slovakian registered Octavia with those hateful 'Lexus' rear light clusters and scuffed three spoke alloys I shall quite probably go all Norway on this God-forsaken town.

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Some lycra clad twat nearly ran my daughter over on the cycle path today. He was riding the same way she walking, didn't ring his bell to warn her he was coming then apparantly told her to 'f*ck off and get out the f*cking way'.

I hope she points him out to me in the future as I'd like to see how he gets on when he's picking his f*king bike out of the canal with broken fingers.


On the twathole cyclist question, you're welcome to lend my jack handle any time you like. I can even hold your coat if you like.


eBay users: how about reading the f*cking listing BEFORE asking stupid f*king questions which were already answered in the text?


hi m8 i wil giv u a mongdayo mayde of taype 4 ur clito wot u fink


Here's another one I've noticed recently with eBay. If you list something and start with a low price you get loads of 'can I come and view the item' messages. So you tell them yes, they ask for your phone number and by then you've had two or three bids so they don't call you. Pretty obvious they were hoping there'd be no bids so they could offer a paltry amount and think you'll take it.

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PC World. Despite the fact you've always been shit, you always had a corner of the store full of brown boxes with cool stuff like motherboards and cpus and ram and other fun things at reasonable prices, and I could quite happily waste a lunch hour browsing through bits and occasionally accidentally leave having bought most of a new PC in bits. Now you've spent a bloody fortune dolling your shop up so it's exactly the same as your Currys ones, and there is literally nothing in there I want to buy or look at any more. Thanks.

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On my way from work to my car I have to cross a pelican crossing on a 30 mph dual carriageway. From experience, I never set a foot on there until the approaching cars have stopped or are crawling to a halt. Today I do the usual, both cars stop so I begin to cross. But oh no, some utter prick on his shitbox crosser decides against this and cuts between the two waiting cars without even slowing, missing me by about a metre. He then proceeds to pull a wheelie and fly along the road, undertaking on his way.


I can only hope when Darwin comes in to play there is no one else involved.

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I've currently got 'the runs'. :(


Christ, what a day! I ran completely out of TOILET PAPER and have been using NEWSPAPER (the Wirral Globe no less)! No matter how much you scrunch that stuff, it doesn't get anymore easier.

Andrex feels like sliding down a ribbon of finest silk ATM.

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I've currently got 'the runs'. :(


Christ, what a day! I ran completely out of TOILET PAPER and have been using NEWSPAPER (the Wirral Globe no less)! No matter how much you scrunch that stuff, it doesn't get anymore easier.

Andrex feels like sliding down a ribbon of finest silk ATM.


Lolz, oh man that would make anyone grumpy. I've never got to newspaper before but a couple of pillowcases have been sacrificed to the cause in the past.

And no, I didn't put them back on the bed when I was finished.

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I couldn't sacrifice something like that, it was a small hardship I suppose!

Cause: Bought 4x Activia yoghurts =last month= that were 20p because past sell by date. Found them last week under the seat in the car (not fridge, the car, one month after I bought them cheap because they were close to going off).

Knew they were going to be well past rank, but they smelt absolutely fine. I ate two like a greedy fool and have now paid the price.

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What you've done there is bought yoghurt that gives you the shits out of date, which would give you the shits. You've then left them under a seat to get hot, which would give the shits then eat them when they're further out of date, which would give you the further shits.


That's Shits to the power of 5.

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Although fuck knows what it has to do with birds


That ain't a Pelican crossing. Pelican is a "pedestrian, light controlled" crossing.



Hey this is the pedant thread.

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Dont you just love Ebayers? Guy bought a book from me and paid for it monday night but emails tuesday lunchtime moaning where the fuck is it I should have it now :roll:

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Got my mums Ka for sale. It's your usual rusty old nail of a ka, sills patched hastily last year (by me), needing some more minor plating and a few tyres for this mot.



I get a question: "IS IT A 1.0CC OR 1.3CC I CANT AFORD ISURANCE ON 1.3CC"

1: ALL of them are 1.3. Every single one.

2: its group 2 insurance for crying out loud.

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^^Tell him to go on Ebay and bid on some farking clues. That should clear up some things.


He should do Norm and look for some manners too :lol:

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Dont you just love Ebayers? Guy bought a book from me and paid for it monday night but emails tuesday lunchtime moaning where the fuck is it I should have it now :roll:


I would probably wait a few days before posting it, its the only way he's gonna learn

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Got my mums Ka for sale. It's your usual rusty old nail of a ka, sills patched hastily last year (by me), needing some more minor plating and a few tyres for this mot.



I get a question: "IS IT A 1.0CC OR 1.3CC I CANT AFORD ISURANCE ON 1.3CC"

1: ALL of them are 1.3. Every single one.

2: its group 2 insurance for crying out loud.


Surely 1.3cc would make it a radio-controlled 1/10 scale model of a Ka? 1.3 litres, on the other hand, might be a full-size car, although in this case I think that's stretching the definition (I've driven one...) :D

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I've currently got 'the runs'. :(


Christ, what a day! I ran completely out of TOILET PAPER and have been using NEWSPAPER (the Wirral Globe no less)! No matter how much you scrunch that stuff, it doesn't get anymore easier.

Andrex feels like sliding down a ribbon of finest silk ATM.


Can't be any worse than that 'glossy' loo paper think this is the stuff:



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Dont you just love Ebayers? Guy bought a book from me and paid for it monday night but emails tuesday lunchtime moaning where the fuck is it I should have it now :roll:


I would probably wait a few days before posting it, its the only way he's gonna learn


If it's a thriller novel, remove the last page before sending it.

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I've currently got 'the runs'. :(


Christ, what a day! I ran completely out of TOILET PAPER and have been using NEWSPAPER (the Wirral Globe no less)! No matter how much you scrunch that stuff, it doesn't get anymore easier.

Andrex feels like sliding down a ribbon of finest silk ATM.


Can't be any worse than that 'glossy' loo paper think this is the stuff:




:lol: i remember that loo roll when it was used in primary school ... was like wiping yer arse with a stanley blade

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I just took Retro Rides off my list and logged out. The Audi thread was the last straw. Shit I really hate the way the place has gone.

As a non RR subscriber can I have a linky please?

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