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The Doctor's travels through time. Fin.


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In the vw world, it’s not uncommon to paint your van with Rustoleum Combi Colour paint. Maybe something like this would make it more red? (Check out google for some rustoleum respray). You’d probably repaint it for £50 that way, and itd be more saleable.

Ive a good mate with a similar persuasion for painting stuff matt black, apocalypse mods etc, but he always struggles to get rid of a car he’s modded, so fine if you wanna keep it years, but if your likely to get bored..

Just a thought, really. I’m a firm fan of modified stuff, so it’s not I don’t get it. 


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Never fear, this won't be a matt black solution. At least I don't think so... 

I was thinking of at least respraying the grey parts first, see how that goes, then perhaps try a small red panel... 


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I don't know how far some think is too far for buying an old car. My record was 580 miles for a 200 pound xantia, and I'm sitting just now 380 miles away from home for a 500 pound vw! Am I the maddest man on earth? Highly possible haha

Sent from my SM-T585 using Tapatalk

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Personally I used to go anywhere and everywhere but struggle to muster the motivation to go into the next county these days. Public transport is a massive turn off for me in the current climate too.

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There is a Lexus Soarer parked in a side road in Chiswick that links Chiswick High Road to the A4 just before the Hogarth Roundabout. It is almost orange where it has been painted with that rusty paint whatever it is. 

WHY IN THE FUCKS NAME WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING to what is already a pretty bloody nice motor. 4.0 v8's they had in them I think and they are getting on for quite rare too now.

I dont get it (please someone enlighten me) and fuck me the neighbours would castrate me if I came home in something like that. Sure to devalue every house in the road, probably the next 2 or 3 roads for that matter by about £30k.

I'll grab a picture next time I drive past it so you can see the utter mess he/she has created

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11 minutes ago, Wingz123 said:

There is a Lexus Soarer parked in a side road in Chiswick that links Chiswick High Road to the A4 just before the Hogarth Roundabout. It is almost orange where it has been painted with that rusty paint whatever it is. 

WHY IN THE FUCKS NAME WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING to what is already a pretty bloody nice motor. 4.0 v8's they had in them I think and they are getting on for quite rare too now.

I dont get it (please someone enlighten me) and fuck me the neighbours would castrate me if I came home in something like that. Sure to devalue every house in the road, probably the next 2 or 3 roads for that matter by about £30k.

Not sure why you've mentioned that - but I think @rickvw72 above is talking about a paint brand called rustoleum as opposed to 'rusty paint', which is of course pretty shit.

As for why people do it, I guess it's like ripped jeans - if we don't 'get it', we'll never 'get it'. 

I think it's like punk, it was originally about rebellion and sticking it to 'the man' , but then it became trendy to be punk and it lost its meaning. 

I like to think I'm pretty chilled towards all genres in the car game, I can have a good conversation with anyone from an MGB rivet counter to a banger racer to a 'STANCEWORKZ Boy to a Ratlook scoundrel to a Hot Rodder. I don't diss their ideas/vision and I don't force my views on them. 

Its all about enjoying cars and everyone has a different taste - even if theirs is a bit weird or confusing. 

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13 minutes ago, TheDoctor said:

rustoleum as opposed to 'rusty paint

I think it has been done with stuff you paint on and it gets progressively worse over time. I.e more and more rusty. 

I try and understand why they've done what they've done. So far I haven't met anyone who's said oh yeh that looks flippin brilliant.

Like you say, each to their own. Thankfully the majority of cars haven't been ruined like that. I mean there are some pretty horrific car wraps out there too.

If your ever in Westbourne Park as you come off the A40 there is a gold wrapped mini convertible. The true definition of tacky as has been poorly done 

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14 minutes ago, TheDoctor said:

Not sure why you've mentioned that - but I think @rickvw72 above is talking about a paint brand called rustoleum as opposed to 'rusty paint', which is of course pretty shit.

In response to the rustoleum comment!?

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14 minutes ago, Wingz123 said:

In response to the rustoleum comment!?

Yeah but rustoleum is a paint for painting over rust, not for making things rusty. 

You're thinking of 'rusty paint' which is basically fake patina. 



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When asked at a BP garage struth I don't know how many years ago now a young lad had a polo like this. Asked how he achieved it, he said something to do with metal filings, a rustoleum primer of some sort and it not being allowed to dry properly when initially applied and each time it rains it gets progressively worse....!?

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As stated rustoleum is a brand, American I beleive. It has a high build, and can be rollered on, then cut back and polished, very similar to two pack. 
It has some durability too, so is a cheap substitute to a respray. 

Rust paint I think has metal filings in it, so they rust in the damp. I’ve seen it used on plastic parts and it rusts up. Not my thing, I like a ratty looking car but it has to be patina, not faked for me.

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Used up some of the crap tint I had on the Fenlander sunroof as I was getting a sunburnt head through it! It's a 20 yard job, but it will do. 




In other news the alarm keeps going off randomly, so I need to figure out a way to disable it. For now I've just taken the fuse out of the horn... 


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Oh, and when i say sorting the paintwork, here's what I'm getting done - a remake of the original Fenlander Logo!




Not bad eh?




Edit: Just to clarify, the vinyl is being done professionally, it's not something in my skill set! 

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Having had the tyres done, it was time to tidy up the steel wheels, as some were a little worse for wear. Also took the front mudflaps off as the plastic has gone really weird. I'm going to look for some NOS to replace them I think. 


I'm in a bit of a quandary about some of the things that need sorting, as like @BorniteIdentity's Sierra, a lot of what is untidy about this car is also its character. Do I repair all the dents and scrapes? Do I repaint it? I think I'll have to, otherwise I'll get fed up with it, but I'll try to keep it true to its history. 

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Completely unrelated to cars (well, I guess a little bit) - I have found out I am Autistic, which, coupled with ADHD, anxiety and depression, explains a lot. 

Just sharing this on here, as apparently there's a lot of things I say that I think are polite / nice that come across as shitty and rude. I don't mean to cause offence, and if I do/have, I apologise. It's also probably the reason I don't really have any friends. ?



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2 hours ago, TheDoctor said:

Completely unrelated to cars (well, I guess a little bit) - I have figured out that I have a very high likelihood of Autism/Aspergers, which, coupled with ADHD, anxiety and depression, explains a lot. I'm going to get a professional diagnosis, but the fact that it can take up to a year is disheartening. 

Just sharing this on here, as apparently there's a lot of things I say that I think are polite / nice that come across as shitty and rude. I don't mean to cause offence, and if I do/have, I apologise. It's also probably the reason I don't really have any friends. ?



I had this exact exchange with someone I know yesterday.  She was going to set up a GoFundMe page to get a private diagnosis of ASD for her 12 year old son (they don't have a piss to pot in).

I asked her what difference she thought it would make?  Our 8 year old is clearly on the spectrum - neither my wife or I see the benefit of a label.  Just because the school might get more funding, it doesn't mean HE will.  He's also tremendously bright, academic and already knows he's a bit different.  It's a superpower as far as I'm concerned, and we just celebrate him for being him.

If we were tested in the 80s as they do today, I'm absolutely certain I'd have aspergers!

The truth is, the world will not change for us - or for our kids.  You have to learn to cope in it.  Learn mechanisms and systems.

Good luck with the diagnosis, but ask yourself pretty bluntly.  Once someone tells you what you want to hear (or suspect) - then what?  A mate of mine who's 41 just got diagnosed. He tells people quite freely, they shrug their shoulders.  Generally - people don't give a shit.  I don't think it even affords you any latitude or whatever.

Best of luck man.

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17 minutes ago, TheDoctor said:

there's a lot of things I say that I think are polite / nice that come across as shitty and rude.

Do you have any examples, I can't think of any ??

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24 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

I had this exact exchange with someone I know yesterday.  She was going to set up a GoFundMe page to get a private diagnosis of ASD for her 12 year old son (they don't have a piss to pot in).

I asked her what difference she thought it would make?  Our 8 year old is clearly on the spectrum - neither my wife or I see the benefit of a label.  Just because the school might get more funding, it doesn't mean HE will.  He's also tremendously bright, academic and already knows he's a bit different.  It's a superpower as far as I'm concerned, and we just celebrate him for being 

If we were tested in the 80s as they do today, I'm absolutely certain I'd have aspergers!

The truth is, the world will not change for us - or for our kids.  You have to learn to cope in it.  Learn mechanisms and systems.

Good luck with the diagnosis, but ask yourself pretty bluntly.  Once someone tells you what you want to hear (or suspect) - then what?  A mate of mine who's 41 just got diagnosed. He tells people quite freely, they shrug their shoulders.  Generally - people don't give a shit.  I don't think it even affords you any latitude or whatever.

Best of luck man.

Yeah, balls to paying for a diagnosis, I'll try through my GP, but if I don't get anywhere, so be it. 

It just helps me understand why I act and feel certain ways, why I obsess over certain things and struggle with some serious personality flaws. 

I've never bothered to get a proper diagnosis for my 'M.E / CFS' symptoms either, I've just learned to work around the aches and pains I've had since I was 19, and I know that even if I did have an 'official diagnosis', it wouldn't change anything - it's not like they can fix it. 

23 minutes ago, mitsisigma01 said:

Do you have any examples, I can't think of any ??

Can't pick on anything specifically, but so many times I've been talking &/or typing about something and the other person reacts badly and I realise I must have put something /said something that was taken another way, and I'm confused, as it seems OK to me. Happens all the time with my ex, but I'm not convinced that's 100% me. ?


Edit: Then the more I think about it, I can't tell if your comment is sarcastic and you mean everything I say is shitty! See what I'm up against? ??

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As Dick says most of if not all people have it to a greater or lesser extent, as I understand it.

Our eldest works at a Special Needs school and reckons I have some mild traits, like wanting some things to be organised. My view is that it's a result of having been an accountant as organising things in that job is a necessity.

Whether I am or not is irrelevant to me and I'm only posting this as a slightly different perspective.

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Not sarcastic at all Doc, you can't please all the people all the time. 

On here everything can be misinterpreted, but then some people on here have either had a bad day or are just complete cockwombles looking for an argument or something to moan about.... 

You is what you is, you ain't what you ain't....

Life's too short ....


Hey ho... 



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In Fenlander news, I've been using it to run my missus to and from work this week, and last night the temperature got quite hot. I thought 'not again!' then when I tried to wipe the rear window this morning - nothing. 

Upon investigation today it seems the fuse for the radiator fan is the same one as the rear wash wipe, and it had popped. Hooray for easy fixes. 

I think sitting in the KFC drive thru last night with the engine running caused the fan to kick in, and after months / years of not being needed, it spat it's dummy out. Maybe. I've tested the fan today and it works, but I will replace the temp switch just for peace of mind. 

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28 minutes ago, TheDoctor said:

In Fenlander news, I've been using it to run my missus to and from work this week, and last night the temperature got quite hot. I thought 'not again!' then when I tried to wipe the rear window this morning - nothing. 

Upon investigation today it seems the fuse for the radiator fan is the same one as the rear wash wipe, and it had popped. Hooray for easy fixes. 

I think sitting in the KFC drive thru last night with the engine running caused the fan to kick in, and after months / years of not being needed, it spat it's dummy out. Maybe. I've tested the fan today and it works, but I will replace the temp switch just for peace of mind. 

Indeed, hurray for what seems like a nightmare just being a popped fuse.

You can't blame an old car for having old fuses, after all?

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For what it's worth, you come across as very genuine and approachable, both on the forum and in person. 

Takes a bit of balls to share what you've done to the tourer on a forum that's generally about standard cars too (not that anyone's been unpleasant about it)

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26 minutes ago, bunglebus said:

you come across as very genuine and approachable, both on the forum and in person.

As for what you've done to the cars YOU'VE had, they are yours for you to do what YOU like to, if other people don't like it, tough, unless they offer you enough wedge to buy it off you, crack on ??

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