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Bugs : A Contemporary Study in Shite.


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For some reason I've decided to rediscover Bugs, that BBC 1 drama staffed by ex cast members of Neighbours, The Bill and Eldorado.


I was in the last year of primary school when the first series came out. Nothing dates like a programme about technology, and despite the plotlines varying between silly and absurd, it still holds up.


I managed to get Series 1 for £7 off gaybay, and while I was waiting for my useless mate to come round with my tool kit, I fired up FRAPS and grabbed some shots of the epic wheeled and technological chod on display.


DVLA surveys suggest that many of the cars were press fleet motors, but a couple are still running today.


Hard to believe this is a 14 year show we're looking at.


Anyway, enjoy :)


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Bugger me, a Mercury phone box, I remember those!


First up, Ros' 205 GTI. From the looks of it this was a very early car that was tarted up and later flattened. It has the first gen dash and BE 1 'box. Plate is probably from a second unit stock of dead registrations the DVLA give out to production companies. Perhaps Fred can put me right on that one.


Still, it did well on the dead access roads of Docklands against the Senator. The locales remind me a great deal of Salford Quays.


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Plus bonus Honda Acty, can't make the plate out.


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Senny's long dead, not surprising really.


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205 on the way to be squished :(


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That early dashboard again.


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D plate Range Rover classic that I think is an ARG press plate. Not known to the DVLA anyway.


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Next, a real autoshite confrontation : Jeep Cherokee vs early Rover 800. Weirdly, despite the death by budget BBC special effects, it seems to have lived until 2000 - well, the plate did........


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Not rehearsed or anything.......


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'Oi Tandy, get back in your TR7 before it explodes' :lol:


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Does any of London actually look like this?


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Next, some kind of absurd cash deal involving poorly designed GUIs and Philips 1084S monitors. And turbo buttons for one's 486 33. With flicker fixers to protect one from the radiation.










Plane shite - a remotely controlled BAC 1 - 11.




Faintly absurd Jeep chase scene, versus a Scorpio.








To die in a Scorpio under a metal bar supporting a Vulcan - quite an Autoshite way to go.




Then for some unknown reason Ros gets a Fiat Punto Cabrio, tastefully done out in yellow with a blue hood. GR8 4 SURVEILLANCE. Later this got replaced with a Mk 4 Escort of similar decor that was full of bees or something, the third series was a bit toss.




Nice bonus bit W107 cack in there too.






DVLA says this was taxed until the start of this month.




Crim in a Series 1 LR, AS fodder again, long dead.




Bonus Airstream caravan.






Whoever thought of giving an international fraudster a Xantia is a fucking genius. Guess what - despite being a CUK press car, it's still running and has tax into next year. RESPEC FOR DA XUD. Bet it's a NA as well :lol:




Bit part by a Hilux, probably still doing sterling service for the Mujahideen.


A few episodes on it got really daft. They did a whole episode about a mysterious new supercar that was actually the McLaren F1, and most of it was shot in location in Woking!












You can see the Albert XP prototype and production line in a few shots.












Bonus shite points then accrued by an 'undercover' Audi 80 coupe, painted in blackboard with deflection stickers on it. Fuck were these kids ahead of their time, that'd probably get mega faps from the DUBZ CRU these days.




MOAR 1084S confusion. Job lot anyone?




Nice use of an actual BMW McLaren V12 there. That's one fucking expensive prop. Bet that gave the underwriters a twitchy arse.




Then the undercover car explodes, and for some reason turns into a Maestro.


The perps then get away in a Xedos 6. WHUMPF.


I get Series 2 on Friday. See you then.

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Oh my god i remember this!+1 with the cherokee thing, as soon as i saw this show i wanted one.Bare in mind i was 4 when this show started.Top quality program this, i seem to recall a jeep being squished by a rather large dump truck in one episode, which made me sad(back then)

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Oh my god i remember this!+1 with the cherokee thing, as soon as i saw this show i wanted one.Bare in mind i was 4 when this show started.Top quality program this, i seem to recall a jeep being squished by a rather large dump truck in one episode, which made me sad(back then)

I only remember bits and pieces of it. I remember Series 3 was crap, and Series 4 they got a new Ed in who was a bit of a prat.The product placement really kicked into overdrive in the later series' - there seemed to be loads of Chryslers in it all of a sudden.
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Let's have another shot of that fucking ace Jeep Cherokee. This was definitely a press car, most of the Chrysler stuff was on an OKJ prefix.


If I had the money to fuel it, I'd blezz about in a 4 litre limited any day. I don't care if it only had 190 brake, and that it's a boat anchor engine from American Motors, it's still MINT.


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I have all 4 series on DVD - it pisses the wife off something terrible as she hates them! The Jeeps reg changes to something like 17 LJS from Series 2 onwards and the baddies start using moree black Citroen DS's, but still a farking ace shitefest.


If you like Bugs, you may also like the shite that is available in "Crime Traveler". Interestingly (for me) the Capri that gets mashed in the last episode of Crime Traveler came from the same dealership as my first Metro and had a number plate one didgit different.


I have a busy day today, but If I get chance will fire up the PC and grab a couple of screen shots from series 4. If you like helecopter shite you may have noticed the Castle air chopper used in both latr series of Treasure Hunt and The Interceptor that was "destroyed" in series one - G TELY. I was lucky enough to fly in G BHXU before it died.

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FYI I have never known the DVLA 'give out' registrations to production companies. Usually the plates are on prop cars, or with period stuff they are physical plates kept on retention by action vehicle companies. If you have the V5, you can safely use it on camera, but not the street. I saves irate calls or letters from real or past owners complaining we have nicked their plates. The DVLA can get very funny about it if an official complaint is raised. I know a bloke who has 50 plates on SORN with no cars attached to them.

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Funnily enough I was only thinking of this show recently with all the electro stuff that has been on BBC4 lately. Bugs was widely slated at the time but I used to love it, can't believe it's so long since it was on mind!I used to like that other Saturday teatime series that was on about the same time with him out of Eastenders and her out of Red Dwarf. "Crime Traveller" it was called, kind of like a low budget Quantum Leap but they could only travel a couple of hours or so!

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If you like helecopter shite you may have noticed the Castle air chopper used in both latr series of Treasure Hunt and The Interceptor that was "destroyed" in series one - G TELY.

I just have to cut in now and say that The Interceptor makes for utterly brilliant viewing, pure TV shite in the best possible way. A weird Scottish bloke in a black leather trenchcoat running around countryside beauty spots firing a "laser" at people and making strange screeching noises, it's utterly bonkers.


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Sometimes he even drives around in a Maserati Biturbo, doesn't get much better than that.

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"Does any of London actually look like this? "That looks like the old Beckton gasworks. It crops up in lots of films and tv. Oasis used it in one of their videos as well.The Mercury phone is in Liverpool st station.

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As I remember quite a lot was filmed around the developing docklands too - about that time there was still a fair bit that was being "redeveloped". Im going to have to dig the discs out of the sock drawer now and watch some tonight...

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Funnily enough I was only thinking of this show recently with all the electro stuff that has been on BBC4 lately. Bugs was widely slated at the time but I used to love it, can't believe it's so long since it was on mind!I used to like that other Saturday teatime series that was on about the same time with him out of Eastenders and her out of Red Dwarf. "Crime Traveller" it was called, kind of like a low budget Quantum Leap but they could only travel a couple of hours or so!

The thing is though, Bugs was probably produced on a tiny budget, and most of that will have gone on pyrotechnics. They had some fucking ace locations, the storylines were easy going - and it was top Saturday night telly.I think my favourite episode in Series 1 is the one with the Soviet sub in it.
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I think my favourite episode in Series 1 is the one with the Soviet sub in it.

Its a Boat

I'll get me coat....
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Can't say I watched it at the time, but I seem to remember seeing the begining of an episode that featured a character with a MK2 Cortina, possibly a Lotus...???

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Series 2 hath arrived today.BRING IT ON (etc)

Whoa, the second series is WAY different from what I remember. I seem to have series 2, 3 and 4 mashed together.The Escort Cabrio full of bees is in Episode 2.And the scripts are shit, even by the semi literate standard of Bugs.Also, the plots are far fetched. Even by the standards of Bugs.And, their new office is way less street and cool than the first one. True, it was razed to the ground by that bald thesp \ gorilla Frenchman, but I don't like it.Perhaps this is why I stopped watching.Series 1 still FTW though.Some epic chod in there already, so will break out FRAPS again once I've done my usual watching over a few nights routine.Cheaper than getting into a fight over George Best anyway.
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WHOA!!! The late Rover dealer at Liverpool Street station where you couldn't buy a car!


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I never knew that there was a Rover salesroom there.

I was tasked with putting a lift just there a couple of years ago, betwixt the tube, concourse and the upper level shops. Spent weeks on it then the project got shelved and we got f*cked off, so don't know if it happened.



OT, I liked 'bugs' at the time, but can't remember that much about it, aside from "Marcus Tandy" driving about in the cherokee....

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The shot of the two Philips monitors are actually the CM8833-II. The 1084 was a Commodore branded and slightly redesigned CM8833 MkI.Back in t'day, most TV productions used Amigas to output the 'GUI' as it was a 15KHz signal and wouldn't flicker when you pointed a TV camera at it like a 31KHz VGA signal would.

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The shot of the two Philips monitors are actually the CM8833-II. The 1084 was a Commodore branded and slightly redesigned CM8833 MkI.Back in t'day, most TV productions used Amigas to output the 'GUI' as it was a 15KHz signal and wouldn't flicker when you pointed a TV camera at it like a 31KHz VGA signal would.

Buggeration, I wasn't 100% sure on the Amiga monitor thing. I knew the chassis and gubbins were related, and I know the 1084S was a rebranded Philips monitor, but I though they were one and the same.Interesting use for an Amiga as well.
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The shot of the two Philips monitors are actually the CM8833-II. The 1084 was a Commodore branded and slightly redesigned CM8833 MkI.Back in t'day, most TV productions used Amigas to output the 'GUI' as it was a 15KHz signal and wouldn't flicker when you pointed a TV camera at it like a 31KHz VGA signal would.

Buggeration, I wasn't 100% sure on the Amiga monitor thing. I knew the chassis and gubbins were related, and I know the 1084S was a rebranded Philips monitor, but I though they were one and the same.Interesting use for an Amiga as well.
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Episode 4 (Hollow Man) Series 3 - a Mann truck takes out a Mk 1 BX, Mk 1 Sierra and early Mk 2 Metro :(

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