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Shitting in the shallow end. *Arse friends electric*

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Is it fuel injected or carb?


Er, carb.


Never had a Tu with injection.




Ah so its got a choke.


4 gears, carb and a choke - its peaked my interest!

  • Like 2

That's got to be injection at that age. I'm pretty sure the last of the carbs were K reg, I had one with a manual choke. The forum bike AX, same age and engine is single point injection.

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Ah so its got a choke.


4 gears, carb and a choke - its peaked my interest!

If it's got a choke it must be auto cos there's no handle and it starts up cold.


Looks like a throttle body to me, but I'm no expert. What are the wires plugged into the top of the struts? Looks exceedingly French. I'm guessing you have to attend to the cam belt, must be pretty simple to do though.


That's got to be injection at that age. I'm pretty sure the last of the carbs were K reg, I had one with a manual choke. The forum bike AX, same age and engine is single point injection.

In that case it's probs spi then. I was just comparing it visually against later Tu injections.


Looks like a throttle body to me, but I'm no expert. What are the wires plugged into the top of the struts? Looks exceedingly French.

I just got the fuel delivery system wrong. Don't ask me!


Ohhh get in .. very nice.. looking forward to roffle action


Like most little cars these got single point injection fitted at around 1992 to get around the newly introduced emission rules.

Single point injection is just one big injector above a throttle flap all housed in a simple carburettor shaped body.
It's simple and cheap to produce although nowhere near as efficient and one injector per cylinder systems.


Here's our 954cc four speeder that my father uses as his smoking shelter.
It was the late mother in laws daily and hasn't moved now for a good six years but it was always a friendly,eager little car.

I won it on ebay circa 2005 for £41 with a broken cambelt and  A framed it back from Horley to Rochester one friday afternoon (M23 / M25) behind my turbo Impreza.

I wouldn't attempt such shenanigans now days.


Well that explains why it looks just like a carbed one to my ignorant eye. Cheers man.


No plans to get the little smoking shelter moving around again?


I’ve changed a few of these for friends and family and the really weird thing is you don’t have the same problem on the really early Binis which have metal door strap so I guess BMW changed the design for cheapness.


^ delayed reply there Vince?


Three stud hubs?



Yup. It's a three stub stunner.


^ delayed reply there Vince?

Oops sorry I just realised as I was reading the thread and my phone battery died and when I managed to charge it back up it opened up on the page I was on and forgot where I was lol.

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Just had the AX up the jetwash and the Albanians (or insert other clichéd presumption of nationality and ethanicity) were creased up laughing at me in it. They even went indoors to get other random people to come outside and have a look at me in it.


That aside, good news!


I can confirm that the sunroof doesn't leak.


And she cleans up rather well.



















I did give it a few emergency stops on my run around this afternoon and the breaks do seem improved. I also worked out that the pedal position and lack of room make it a lot harder to drive with purpose when compared to just motorway cruising.


I also did a quick button count. If you don't count the fancy radio, this car has three buttons.













And foghat.






Actually, fog hat is quite appropriate.



I thought this would be carb, too.


Every day is a school day!

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No plans to get the little smoking shelter moving around again?

Hell no it's now minging inside !!


Actually yes one day it'll go back on the road again.

It'll need far more than it's worth spending on it though.


Wait. what? Roffling already?

  • Like 1

That is utterly tremendous, so much want. 


Wait. what? Roffling already?

Not the car. Not now anyway. But the thread will probably be on that theme. I tend to buy a lot of cars and usually roffle them so instead of a load of individual threads, itll just all be done in this one thread.

  • Like 2

If this roffle sells out in a rare 45 minutes of me not logging in: 2 ransoms plz

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