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Laguna I RT Sport - 12 months MoT - Won and Sold


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A manual car is completely useless to me but this is a Laguna Mk I so I'll have no. 14 if available, any other if not.


And yes, Rob thought the power steering on his roffled 405 was heavy; I was happy to assure him it was completely normal!


P.S Autos much better bet, especially when you're a middle-aged old fogey like me.

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P.S Autos much better bet, especially when you're a middle-aged old fogey like me.


Ditto Carl.


I've just sent the PMs requesting payment, hopefully I haven't missed anyone out.  Thanks all and good luck!

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Nothing like a deadline and the potential for a rollover to spur shiters on to buy more roffle tickets for a car they don't need.


It seems like a goodun from the pictures, bet it's lovely to drive

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Bloody hell Fat Pirate. I just logged on to see if this thread was still languishing in the doldrums and if so bump it up with a pic of a Laguna touring car.





Come on everyone, it would be good if this sold out and then Rob would probably only be making a medium sized loss on this rather than his usual big loss.

Buy more tickets please and help Rob fund his James Bond lifestyle or crack habit or whatever.

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I sent Mrs_Pirate a text earlier, assuring her I'm deffo winning this for her on Saturday.  She replied with "I'm packing your bags" which I assume is some kinky sex thing, looking forward to that.

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I sent Mrs_Pirate a text earlier, assuring her I'm deffo winning this for her on Saturday. She replied with "I'm packing your bags" which I assume is some kinky sex thing, looking forward to that.


She must be rewarding you with a lovely holiday?

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Buy more tickets please and help Rob fund his James Bond lifestyle or crack habit or whatever.


Nowt so exciting I'm afraid.  It'll fund a trip to Lincolnshire on Saturday...


My own stupid fault for i) setting the date when only a third of tickets were sold, ii) doing it in January when everyone is skint, and iii) it's a Laguna.


List is on page 1 here for any new gullible participants.



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I feel monumentally guilty for painstakingly cataloguing the many and varied ways in which my Lagunas caused me woes, especially as they were fundamentally really good cars and I very much enjoyed driving them.


Slap me down for a random, if you would be so kind.


I don't need it, and have no practical means to collect it or transport it anywhere but, as with the PT Cruiser roffle, in the event of an unexpected win I'm sure someone here would be pleased to give it a suitable home...

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Thanks for the burst of interest folks. I should also say if you do win you're free to do whatever you want with it e.g. similar to some other roffles, if someone else wants to buy it you don't even have to fetch it. Although shifting it from here within a couple of weeks would be nice as I'll be swapping the insurance.

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