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NU Yank Shite (Camry in drag)


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Bloody hell.  I ain't spending what I paid for the car on a set of clocks.  It seems a really really common issue with no definitive solution online, just an endless stream of links to "send away and we'll repair" services based in the US who obviously don't want to give away their secret.  Might throw it by my auto spark and completely ruin the look on his face.

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Bloody hell. I ain't spending what I paid for the car on a set of clocks. It seems a really really common issue with no definitive solution online, just an endless stream of links to "send away and we'll repair" services based in the US who obviously don't want to give away their secret. Might throw it by my auto spark and completely ruin the look on his face.

Have you asked Lexus dealer to check global stock levels yet.

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I like that, obviously.


I have a spare set of 'traditional' instruments from an estate, trouble is they're from RHD, UK-spec 2.2 not a V6 so I doubt they'd be very swappable.

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Before you send that cluster anywhere, smash your hand on the dashboard a few times and see if it does anything. Also obviously check the fuse.


If not and the problem is similar to the LS/SC clusters which it looks like:


Read this thread from comment #90 on:




I had the same problem in my '92 Celsior and managed to have it all fixed (including the ECU capacitors) for under 100 quid. Just find a decent car electrician that can solder properly.


EDIT: Looking at it closer, the cluster design is much simpler. The cause for failure is probably similar though.


It's great to see an ES300 on Autoshite, another so unlikely car to see here. If you treat it half decently (as in, not autocross it and blow the engine as a certain Jalopnik writer did), it will last you forever. And having one without leather makes a little extra special. Manual would be absolute winning.


Hoovie sold his ages ago, war wrongly geared for a 'Merricuhn', and he paid naff all for it

He didn't sell it because of the manual, he bought it because of it. He just didn't have any use for it and got a great offer.

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