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tall, slim, funny looking - it's ROFFLE TIME !!1!1!11! paid in full - DRAW TONIGHT 20:30 MUCH EXCITE :)

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when someone at work asks "how many cars DO you have ?" and you need to stop and think then answer "only three" as if it's perfectly normal


It's when you stop and think and forget one (or two)  when you have a real problem.

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It’s clearly some kind of illness, I returned home from work today to find my daughter and granddad had been drawing pictures...



Sick me down for number 53 if it's still available, otherwise a winning random would be nice!


PM sent as having issues with my bank at the moment (see grumpy thread)


Tell you what, can I have another one, please?


you most certainly can - any preference ? the list is on page three


Fuckity fuck. 

It's far too fucky far away.

A single randomised ticket for me please.


apologies for the radio silence, took my mother out for lunch today, would have been rude to keep checking for messages every time the phone beeped :)


randoms allocated, only thirteen numbers to go !


only thirteen numbers to go !


Might want to change thread title to show this,

Sometimes helps to get the last few taken.


I'll have a random.


Always had a thing for these, one random please



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


This has slowed down... somebody buy some tickets!  Think how much easier your life would be as an Audi Wanker.  No more lane or queue discipline, no urban speed limits, no time wasted being courteous to other road users, and of course park where and how you damn well please.  Disabled spots, ambulance slots outside A&E, zebra crossings, the world is your oyster.


In fact I'll take another random, please.


And we're off :)


1 pandamonium

2 skattrd

3 320touring

4 SRi05

5 Tayne

6 kiltox

7 drum

8 yes oui si


10 GeordieInExile

11 jumpingjehovas

12 J-T

13 95 quid Peugeot

14 stephen01

15 Ohdearme


17 doug


19 Mrs M'coli

20 Richard

21 kiltox

22 3VOM


24 Moog


26 Fat_Pirate


28 Keith777


30 matts-rusty-bus

31 Broadsword

32 Fat_Pirate

33 doug

34 bramz7

35 yes oui si

36 Tickman

37 Lacquer Peel

38 kiltox

39 skattrd

40 yes oui si

41 cavcraft

42 danterzza

43 njgleeds

44 gadgetgricey

45 FPB7

46 cavcraft

47 M'coli

48 jimbobmcgregor

49 barefoot

50 fatharris


52 bramz7

53 jollysmart

54 garethj

55 djoptix

56 Ohdearme


58 clayts450

59 Keith777


ten earth pounds a ticket, get 'em while they're hot :)

I'll have 51. It never comes up.


Where will I have to collect it.


I always loved the shape of these.


Let's get this sold out and tickets paid for. I want* to savour the sensation of an ever-clenched anus on Saturday evening.


un random if there's any left please.


Uh, how much are tickets btw?

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1-59 plz.

Someone needs to rethink this roffle.

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