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Riding the roffle wave!!111!1!Sportys French fruitcake. Clio 172. £1150 or roffle at £20 a go. Free extra ticket to four random entrants once 55 sold.


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  • 3 weeks later...



I'm getting the itch for a change now. Common sense says keep the car with the good heater, that always starts and doesn't steam up on damp days. My sense says, get something different.


Would like another Alfa, or possibly something comfy and auto. Or something stupid and mildly impractical. Or something rotary powered. 


Ideas/offers always welcome. 

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Did you ever find out what was causing the vibration?


Just a thought... I had vibration under acceleration on my Calibra a while back, it bugged me for ages until I finally discovered it was being caused by a knackered inner CV joint on one of the drive shafts.

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Did you ever find out what was causing the vibration?


Just a thought... I had vibration under acceleration on my Calibra a while back, it bugged me for ages until I finally discovered it was being caused by a knackered inner CV joint on one of the drive shafts.

It was the manifold catching the heatshield. Cured with a powerflex upper engine mount insert.

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Wish I could! Sadly insulting offers don't get less insulting by just repeating them

To be fair, it wasn't that far out that it was an insult.


I'll inbox you.....

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Any interest in this?


Would it roffle seeing as tickets would be £20 a pop? Especially seeing as the forum is pretty roffle-heavy at present.


Let me know what you all think...

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I reckon it's worth a go roffling it. It's not likely to be an overnight sellout but I'm sure everyone would like a 172 and if you started the ball rolling today you can catch the weekend drinkers at their most vulnerable. Mention in the title and thread that it is still available for outright sale and at the end of the day if the roffle doesn't sell out you haven't lost anything. I'd defo have a ticket if I was financially solvent enough to do so.

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Numbers have been allocated.


Yes Oui Si, do you want allocating now, or will you confirm after payday?

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As a bonus, once 55 tickets are sold, I will allocate a bonus ticket each to four randomly selected ticket buyers.

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I can confirm these are an absolute hoot and it's a cheap way to get that old-school hot hatch driving experience. It certainly took me back to when I was less sensible!


Practical too and 40-45mpg.

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I can think of worse ways of losing 20 quid, so sign me up for one random


Edit. I'll take number 1 if still available.



To be fair, this is the perfect car for you. 40mpg on a run, child friendly, and fun when you need it.

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