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Oh dear. *Carcraft alert*


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Surely though if his family have experienced financial problems due to credit agreements etc- they might think it perhaps wasn't the best idea to get another one?(Ps No offence is intended to anyone)

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I might go over to Carcraft one night just to witness the bollocks they spew forth."You don't want to keep that 20 year old car, the dynamometer will explode, giving your kids AIDS, and then you will become gay. Buy this '05 Corsa 1.0. It's got METALLIC PAINT."

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Same chap later in the thread, talking about why he is paying 2.5k for car insurance....

im in Bradford.. The BNP leader knows the main problem with this city and that main problem causes the prices to go up

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Surely his parents would have tried to talk him out of the idea? Or maybe they're the thickos who suggested it?!

When I was looking for my first car, my dad took me to Carcraft.
When I was looking for my first car my dad told me to buy the small ads and learn about where cars rust :lol:
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Fukkin hell, what a depessing story. I only read a couple of pages and found myself reaching for the razor and running the bath. I thought the £2.4k insurance thing must've been a joke ...

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So if you paid £10k for a car that's worth £6k the normal insurance will cover the market value and the gap insurance will cover the extra £4k?

Yep. I've only ever seen it offered with new cars, where even a month's depreciation would be quite a lot. But you can apparently buy it for used vehicles too. This site explains it pretty well:http://www.gapinsurance.co.uk/
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I had it offered to me on a second hand car but it cost a fortune. And almost certainly is too good to be true. A bloke I know had it on a Hyundai Coupe which was written off in a smash and they refused to pay out. I don't know the details but it have something to do with the fact he went into the back of Mr Plod ...

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I can't even be arsed to read it. There's plenty enough mouth-breathing twats around here who have done the same to know how it works. It really is a joke, and how these twunts fall for it I do not know. Mrs_Pog's sister's ex-husband got totally stitched by YES! a few years ago, and I laughed my bollocks off. He bought a W-reg mondeo on tick. Book price about £6000 at the time, he paid more like 8k, then there's the 49% apr, and then the insurance and gap insurance which you have to take out, and OOPS it's £199 a month for TEN YEARS. What!?!(Please remember this is around the same time I bought for cash 60% of book for a similarly aged Focus diesel for Er Indoors)His car was always 'better', though given that he couldn't afford to spend £140 to scrape previous ancient sierra through another MoT, he certainly couldn't maintain a Mondeo as prescribed - inevitably it broke down hideously, could afford repair due to the repayments (£199 a month is alot if you earn min. wage), had to have the car repo'd but still owed more than the original value of the car. HA HA HA TWAT. I can't be that smug - randomly paying cash is hard for me these days since the bank decided that because I didn't have a salary paid every month, I couldn't have a vast overdraft any more. Thanks banks. :roll:

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£24000 for a W plate Mundne???????



Where do I sign?

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What a numpty, Surly this kid has parents and friends that would of told him what a fool he's being?My moment of shame here, But in February 2004 i brought a brand new Renault Cilo 1.2 Dynamic, In black with the climate and electric sunroof.TBH it was a very nice car, The first and only time i'd ever brought a new car, It was up for £8350 and we got it on the Renault finance options.It worked something like £129 a month over 3 years plus a final lump payment with the opition to trade it in against another new car and to carry on again, We kept the car for a year and 10000 miles before i decided we was fools for getting it as we need the money to buy our first home and it was a bit gutless and small for us, so ended up ebaying it for £5800 in the end.Lost loads on it but after reading that story i feel happier about things, Happier in the knowledge that there bigger idiots about then me. :lol:

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what a fool! Surely this is the worst thing to do in a recession, especially considering most jobs are not certain for the time being.People like this annoy me, I am so used to hearing people of my age going on and on about how they have to the newest corsa, the newest fiesta, or something which has all the newest toys.As far as I am concerned a first car is one you get to build confidence on the road, one you hone your skills in, so theres no point getting a new whatever just in case you meet someone else on the road. I am going to get a little old car, something with character. I am assuming his car didnt come with a warranty either, shame he didnt think of that when buying it, because repair bills will be through the roof as far as he is concerned.

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Carcraft are cunts. That's all there is to it.I had an interview with them a few years ago for a salesmans job. Bunch of absolute shysters.Went on about how the cars had 100 point checks, how many mechanics were on site, how they HPI your car when you drive on site - you drive in, the reg is either taken by a guard or taken from CCTV. If you're going to be refused credit they pretty much ignore you, if you're likely to be a victim, they want you in their web.A good trick is to spend a day test driving their cars, then whip out a Glass's Guide and offer them cash for the best one at book price. They HATE you doing that, and they'll refuse the cash.

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I've just spent a little while on their website trying to find their most expensive car.


Their Leeds branch have this delightful Saab 9-3 with a £15,000 web exclusive price. Or £377.48 per month for 60 months, total amount payable £22,847.60 including deposit, acceptance fee and discharge fee.


Motorpoint on Autotrader have a bunch of the exact same model, same mileage, same age for £12,499.


Someone must be buying these prestige cars, because if Carcraft couldn't sell them, they wouldn't be buying them in. But they don't make sense as a cash purchase, and if the above is the only kind of finance you can secure, you're just not in the position to buy such a car.



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Same chap later in the thread, talking about why he is paying 2.5k for car insurance....

im in Bradford.. The BNP leader knows the main problem with this city and that main problem causes the prices to go up

Ah, thanks. I was almost feeling sorry for the bloke for a moment! He deserves everything he gets.
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"That might be to much a month, but what if your old car broke down in the fast lane on the way home with the kids in..."

Back when I was a financial adviser I was headhunted by recruitment company that found me a job as a senior branch adviser for the Woolwich.The area manager's training programme involved lots of this 'emotional path' bollox. I remember clearly him saying to me 'get them down the path as low as they can go - then hit them with the solution'I walked after 3 months.
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I've just spent a little while on their website trying to find their most expensive car.


Their Leeds branch have this delightful Saab 9-3 with a £15,000 web exclusive price. Or £377.48 per month for 60 months, total amount payable £22,847.60 including deposit, acceptance fee and discharge fee.


Motorpoint on Autotrader have a bunch of the exact same model, same mileage, same age for £12,499.


Someone must be buying these prestige cars, because if Carcraft couldn't sell them, they wouldn't be buying them in. But they don't make sense as a cash purchase, and if the above is the only kind of finance you can secure, you're just not in the position to buy such a car.



I can only assume they are buying them for next to nowt out of the auctions and as you say finding mugs to offload them too.

I expect the dunce who bought that Clio was caught by the bright lights and highly polished cars in the showroom and got taken in, but that's no excuse for stupidity.

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Many years ago - about 97 I think, I went to carpraft and was looking at Pug 406 sized cars. I was put off by the salesleach who never left my side and the lack of prices in the windows of the cars - just a "£xyz" per month sticker.I kept asking "£how much for the blue one" and kept getting the reply, "you tell me which one you want to buy and we will do a deal" Oh and orgainsing a test drive was next to impossible as "we have to move the cars, can you come back on Wednesday".I left.

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About 2 year ago, when looking for SWMBO's "new" car, they had a deal NOT TO BE MISSED!!!!0% finance on selected vehicles....your old car may be full deposit etc etc.What a load of wank.Went in looked at a 2 year old renno Clito, £6995, bearing in mind that a new on could be bought for £6795......we left....

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I took a mate there, who knows nothing about cars. The only thing that these places are useful for is that you get to sit in and 'get the feel' for a huge range of cars. He wanted a 206, but we had the opportunity to have a look at Clios, Fiestas, Focus etc etc.When approached by a salesperson, we just ignored them and moved on to the next car on his list.We then left, and he bought a 206 (despite my protestations) from a Main Dealer for far less, and didn't have to go into the sales suite and be violated from behind buy the finance agreement.

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Same chap later in the thread, talking about why he is paying 2.5k for car insurance....

im in Bradford.. The BNP leader knows the main problem with this city and that main problem causes the prices to go up

Ah, thanks. I was almost feeling sorry for the bloke for a moment! He deserves everything he gets.
What does this mean? Is he being racist or something?? :?
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I was put off by the salesleach who never left my side and the lack of prices in the windows of the cars - just a "£xyz" per month sticker.



Years back, Empress Car Sales in South Wales, now Carcraft Newport, didn't have any prices on the cars - just gave out a printed sheet with all of them on. At least Empress was cheap.


Cargiant in London, again zero service, and loads of pressure to buy add ons crap etc ("oh you will need a shitty-covers f**k all warranty on a one year old Hyundai mate"), but the cars are only a bit over private sales price.


Test drives are a joke, a two minute go at sub20 mph around the shitty sub-scrapyard industrial estate in some godforsaken part of North West London.


If your car is over 10 years old they won't take it in PX, fair enough given some of the shit in the customers car park, and they point out helpfully that there is a massive EMR metal yard next door though - I strongly suspect this is where a lot of the marginal 6-9 year old PX's end up if they're worth less than £500 and space is tight.


However the £5k three year old BM 320d's advertised in the Evening Standard never actually seem to be in stock - funny that. :roll:

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Same chap later in the thread, talking about why he is paying 2.5k for car insurance....

im in Bradford.. The BNP leader knows the main problem with this city and that main problem causes the prices to go up

Ah, thanks. I was almost feeling sorry for the bloke for a moment! He deserves everything he gets.
What does this mean? Is he being racist or something?? :?
Dollywobbler is referring to the chap's less than inclusive views on the majority population of Bradford, which is Asian (Indian/Pakistani).You need to get out of Sussex now and again Reg! :D
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Guest Tony Hayers

Years back, Empress Car Sales in South Wales, now Carcraft Newport, didn't have any prices on the cars - just gave out a printed sheet with all of them on. At least Empress was cheap.

Thats going back years! :D They had 3 sites as I remember. The main one, somewhere between Cardiff and Newport had all the new stock up to 4 year old, Then the second site somewhere near Pontypool dealt with all the 5-10 year old stock and then the best one of all dealt with all the Part X cars with and without MOT's was up in Blackwood, still going today I believe as Dans Bangers although the prices have gone up and all the stock has current MOT's so its not as interesting anymore.Remember wandering round the place in the early/mid 90's with loads of new 19's, 190's, Sierra's, Belmont's etc etc up for £5995 etc etc :lol:
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Same chap later in the thread, talking about why he is paying 2.5k for car insurance....

im in Bradford.. The BNP leader knows the main problem with this city and that main problem causes the prices to go up

Ah, thanks. I was almost feeling sorry for the bloke for a moment! He deserves everything he gets.
What does this mean? Is he being racist or something?? :?
Dollywobbler is referring to the chap's less than inclusive views on the majority population of Bradford, which is Asian (Indian/Pakistani).You need to get out of Sussex now and again Reg! :D
Hey, I was in Kent on Sunday I'll have you know! :lol: I could tell from the mere mention of BNP that it would be something racist. I'm not sure why it's an argument for the pricing though!
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I could tell from the mere mention of BNP that it would be something racist. I'm not sure why it's an argument for the pricing though!

No flies on you reg! The point is that this lad has worked out that his insurance is expensive due to the high proportion of asian folk where he lives.
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Which tells us that either the insurance companies are institutionally racist, or statistically there's something in it! :shock::?

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Or that the lad is desperately stupid of course, thats the third (most likely) option, in view of the fact that he is chuffed to bits at paying 2x market value for his car.

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Same chap later in the thread, talking about why he is paying 2.5k for car insurance....

im in Bradford.. The BNP leader knows the main problem with this city and that main problem causes the prices to go up

Ah, thanks. I was almost feeling sorry for the bloke for a moment! He deserves everything he gets.
What does this mean? Is he being racist or something?? :?
Dollywobbler is referring to the chap's less than inclusive views on the majority population of Bradford, which is Asian (Indian/Pakistani).You need to get out of Sussex now and again Reg! :D
Hey, I was in Kent on Sunday I'll have you know! :lol: I could tell from the mere mention of BNP that it would be something racist. I'm not sure why it's an argument for the pricing though!
Yeah, agreed, I dont see why the ethnic makeup of an urban area should have anything to do with the level of motor insurance premiums. Unless of course theres stacks of uninsured drivers in the city which somehows loads it up for the rest of the locals, but that doesnt make much sense either
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I'll be honest, as someone who lives near Bradford I'm fully aware that it has a high level of car insurance fraud - there's dubious "arranged" crashes and also a particularly unfair one where they suddenly anchor on and have some innocent go into the back of them. It was and probably still is the number one city in the UK for this and there have been numerous arrests over it. Whether it is primarily by particular groups is up for debate, but it certainly exists and is a problem. High insurance premiums won't just be down to this though - it'll also be down to the fact that most urbanised areas of West Yorkshire aren't particularly great. My premiums aren't particularly brilliant.However, none of the above is a relevant excuse for buying a shit Clio from Carcraft, so he can nob off.

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