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After my Seat Ibiza (Slug as he is known) disgraced himself last week by breaking down in the rain. He won it all back by getting to the garage resting a few days and starting straight up and running perfectly when the mechanic tried. They offered to put the code reader on but said it would be 40 quid and would make no difference. So I got in and drove away not owing them anything. They seemed happy as they were struggling to get through their list of cars to repair.

Buy a code reader yourself for £8 off ebay and check it yourself!

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Guest Hooli

Anyone have any remote idea about the horrible sticky gooey mess I keep finding on my car?


Clear, sticky goo that appears in about 1cm ‘blobs’ on my paintwork, can scrape it off with your nail, but trying to get the fucking stuff off your hands is horrendous. It smells menthol / euclyptussy. Seems to appear in hot weather so I’m guessing it’s sap or something from a tree I have yet to identify.


Parking near a bukkake party?


Koala spunk?



Iguana scrotum


New exhaust fitted to the Golf yesterday, sounds ace. Much better result than my second endoscopy outcome yesterday.


My pineappled hallway is still a challenge. I bought some better quality paint and painted a test patch over my cracked original paintings. No difference. So today I am going out to but wallpaper. Pain in the backside of a job involving ladders and boards. Three weeks till the kids break up from school. Needs to be done before then .


I could sand all the walls . But it would take just has long to paper it. So I am sort of picking the easier option. Sanding would work but I don't fancy cleaning up the dust for months.

Guest Hooli

Will paper stick to the wall or just the pealing paint?


On Tuesday I parked the Rover outside some friends' house in south Manchester. They live in a terrace and I put it outside the house next door, couldn't park it outside theirs as someone had put an A4 convertible there (none of theirs as far as I'm aware, they're all students). While I was inside one of them comes in and says 'your mirror was hanging off, I've stuck it back on for you'. Eh? They don't do that...

Turns out while the car was outside the driver's mirror glass had fallen out somehow and was hanging on by the heater element wires, and it now refused to reseat (I replaced it a few months ago). Wasn't me because I took a picture of the car before I went in because it looked nice there.

I had to hold it in place with sticky tape to make it usable.

I haven't used the car since Tuesday and I've been informed that the mirror glass is cracked now. Eh?

I can't be fucked with one of those adhesive glasses you just slap over the broken one because it's a heated powered mirror and I actually want to be able to make use of that, it seems like I'd have to bodge the broken glass on th the mirror with silicone or something as well because it refuses to mount. A NOS mirror glass is as much as a used mirror so I'll probably just try and find a mirror that isn't colour coded.


I could sand all the walls . But it would take just has long to paper it. So I am sort of picking the easier option. Sanding would work but I don't fancy cleaning up the dust for months.

What about more silk paint?



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The mirror wasn't cracked, Old Man in idiocy shocker* had misdiagnosed the sellotape on the glass as a crack. How I'm not sure.

The old mirror motor was fucked and full of sillycunt, and wouldn't hold the mirror glass at all so I lopped it off and soldered a spare one on that was in my shed, off an old mirror that came from chompy_rover or Vulg's 414. Inexplicably I had three passenger mirrors in the shed but no driver's ones - luckily the motors aren't handed. Saves disassembling the whole mirror, too. Bunged it all back together and it's fine now. I'm off out for a bit later so I'll see if it falls off again.

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Also - it turns out we have a local DIY scrapyard. Old Man wanted to pull a radiator fan motor off any old VAG shite in there, went down, then came back to tell me it was DIY, so I went off with him.


Above the Octavia he was working on was this:




Mitsubishi GTO :shock: It had 'do not touch' in paint pen on the driver's window.


The place was mainly full of VAG shite, early Binis, Fords and small shit European cars but there were a few interesting things here and there - two early Discoveries in red, a phase 3(?) 306 cabriolet, couple of 25s and 75s (one on Serpents), the above GTO, that was about it I think. There was an Insignia taxi too, wonder what failed for that to end up in there.


Someone nearby opened the door on a Mk4 Golf and the alarm went off :-D

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I could sand all the walls . But it would take just has long to paper it. So I am sort of picking the easier option. Sanding would work but I don't fancy cleaning up the dust for months.

Polyfilla do a cover up paint that's really good. It's expensive and as thick as plaster but really effective. It's designed to cover up imperfections and seal over damp stains etc. I've used it on a shoddy plaster and mildew stains before with great results. Got to be worth a try on one wall before reaching for the wallpaper. 


Also - it turns out we have a local DIY scrapyard. Old Man wanted to pull a radiator fan motor off any old VAG shite in there, went down, then came back to tell me it was DIY, so I went off with him.


Above the Octavia he was working on was this:




Mitsubishi GTO :shock: It had 'do not touch' in paint pen on the driver's window.


The place was mainly full of VAG shite, early Binis, Fords and small shit European cars but there were a few interesting things here and there - two early Discoveries in red, a phase 3(?) 306 cabriolet, couple of 25s and 75s (one on Serpents), the above GTO, that was about it I think. There was an Insignia taxi too, wonder what failed for that to end up in there.


Someone nearby opened the door on a Mk4 Golf and the alarm went off :-D

Serpents are nice. Rare find, if there cheap you could make a few quid selling them on.




Woo Hoo, the CRV has a fresh MOT. Planning to replace it in a few months though. 15yrs and 170,000 miles are taking their toll and there are a number of issues that could turn from niggles to big repairs by the time the next test is due. After 4 years 25mpg is getting hard to live with too. It's been a great car though, thrived on total neglect and zero FTP's something most new cars can't do.

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Ghosty.... are there any modern Beetles there? I need a passenger door window regulator, motor and shit. Bit far for me to go though.


I have now got wallpaper. This is how the paint looks. I have tried better quality paint over it but it is still the same. It could be according to google. Old paint or just a reaction to the matt paint frombthe silk paint underneath. The paint is not flaking it just has dried solid like a cracked mudbed. Very wierd.post-19805-0-83102000-1499361944_thumb.jpg


My pineappled hallway is still a challenge. I bought some better quality paint and painted a test patch over my cracked original paintings. No difference. So today I am going out to but wallpaper. Pain in the backside of a job involving ladders and boards. Three weeks till the kids break up from school. Needs to be done before then .

Lining paper I presume and you are right in that it has to be but wallpaper. Overlapping went out in nineteen oatcake.


Whilst touching up the monturdo i found a useful tray to stop me kicking it over...ha ha



My pineappled hallway is still a challenge. I bought some better quality paint and painted a test patch over my cracked original paintings. No difference. So today I am going out to but wallpaper. Pain in the backside of a job involving ladders and boards. Three weeks till the kids break up from school. Needs to be done before then .

lining paper over it?


Been away for a while as not been working on cars as too many house projects needed attention. Anyway I'm back trying to stop the transmission leak from the Plymouth, new Speedo seals, new nss and another new shift seal on the hope I can stop it. I need to get out sorted and get an alignment as I may have to sell it and the Dart. My friend may soon be selling her 76(?) corvette, orange with a chocolate brown interior.


Here it is next to my Dart convertible



Ghosty.... are there any modern Beetles there? I need a passenger door window regulator, motor and shit. Bit far for me to go though.

I think I saw one but if I did it was top of a stack and I've not the slightest how you'd get to it, the place was pretty cramped.

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I have now got wallpaper. This is how the paint looks. I have tried better quality paint over it but it is still the same. It could be according to google. Old paint or just a reaction to the matt paint frombthe silk paint underneath. The paint is not flaking it just has dried solid like a cracked mudbed. Very wierd.attachicon.gif20170706_143006.jpg

Crackle finish, very Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen.

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I know I am late to the party but I have finally found out why Picassos are referred to as Ronnie Pickerings - absolute gold! "Do you know who I am"


The Volvo had its new Michelin tyres fitted this morning:




They are appreciably quieter than the previous Yokohamas and the car's ride has improved markedly :)


Also, the fitter was very complimentary about the car's condition, so I must be doing something right.

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