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1992 Citroen ZX Aura Turbo D. £85 Bosch pump, can deliver

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I got offered something cool for very little the other day, and it's something on my bucket list, so my daily is up for grabs. I got it a few weeks ago, and have had a new primer bulb and glow plugs fitted, so it runs reasonably well now. Starts first time, every time too. 


Have some photos:


35139368885_2d8f03c58c_b.jpgMy 1992 Citroen ZX Aura TD. by Sam Osbon, on Flickr


34329336773_08ecf88c6e_b.jpgMy 1992 Citroen ZX Aura TD. by Sam Osbon, on Flickr


34752753290_6ba10c1783_b.jpgMy 1992 Citroen ZX Aura TD. by Sam Osbon, on Flickr


I won't lie, it has issues but would make an ideal mode of fun disposable transport if you don't fancy doing it up. I'd do the latter if inclined, as its an early Turbo model. 


Good bits:

Runs well and pulls better.

Twin fans (although it runs so bloody cool all the time that they never kick in)

Ace fuel economy

Tow bar

Very good condition alloys, supposedly worth money.

Aura spec meaning some vague luxury items inside, nothing amazing though. CD player comes with it, it's okay.

Despite its shortcomings it still handles and rides well, and holds its own on a motorway.

MOT until January something.

Interior is quite tidy apart from some slight driver seat damage.


Bad bits:

Rot has run a bit in the inner wings. Not end of days but nearing it.

Drivers door lock was victim of attempted theft, so only unlocks from inside. 

Boot doesn't open unless from inside

Plastic window on drivers side rear. 

Paint is a bit iffy on the roof

Rear axle is a bit noisy over bumps.

PAS pump is also a bit loud.

Has done 212k.

NO LIGHTER!!! I don't smoke so IDC.

Rear wiper does not work.

Drivers seat bolster worn but only the material is damaged. 

Very slight oil leak but it doesn't seem to be losing that much.


However I can deliver, but only on Saturday 1st July*, or you're welcome to collect either that day or the 2nd, as that's when my new car touches down. 


It's not a show winner but it'll do if you don't care what others think. Still raised a smile on my face anyway. 

Doesn't smoke either, which is handy.



*delivery terms are that you are between(ish) here and Nottingham, as that's where the new one is coming from. If you're further south than me (Reading) I can also deliver but you will have to pay my train fare back. Please.


£85. I was going to attempt to sell this on FB first on the CCC page but as I've had more success here lately you lucky lot get first dibs. 


I've driven 200 or so miles in it and it doesn't feel like its done the mileage. 


Located in Reading. 

  • Like 10

Sadly, I can't get this. However, there is one very important bit of info missing.





  • Like 1

Sadly, I can't get this. However, there is one very important bit of info missing.







Oh crap yeah!





BOSCH PUMP YO!!!!!!111!!!

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I'd be SO on this if I wasn't already in the ex-Bramz R19. It even had THOSE alloys. Lovely.


I can confirm that this is a very comfortable car to be driven to a cash point in straight from the station before you've even seen what you're buying.


I'd even drive it further north, but not as far as Scotland, soz,  on Wednesday evening if someone wanted to pay me £20 for the train to Reading and the fuel back.


bloody hell my wife would kill me! Could you deliver to Birmingham?


It's a little far for me, yes. No solid sale done yet though so if someone else wants to take it onwards from Nottingham that's fine by me....


Oh also, forgot to mention, the sunroof was sealed. Both front windows work though!


I'm trying to clear out the fleet at the moment so really shouldn't.  Plus Norwich is probably too far out of your way for delivery purposes.  I would like to try a ZX though - not had one yet - and yours is more or less the ideal spec for me. 


Ummm, you know I wouldn't have a huge issue coming to Norwich, there is a direct train to Nottingham from there anyway...


Sorry I'm not helping your fleet reduction plans here.

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I'm interested, but i need to get rid of the clio if I do, which has been super reliable and wanted for nothing the last 10 months. it's possibly stupid to swap but I fancy running on veg :)


I'm looking for a TD XUD to stick in my LDV Pilot one day, I'm in Stoke so kinda on the way. Actually, if you drop off here I could drive you the rest of the way to Nottingham to get your new wheels.


The engine seems spot on to be fair, just a missing seal between the intercooler. I'd change the cambelt though, but it runs so oddly cool all the time. Barely hits the middle of the temp gauge ever.


Tim I'd be more than happy to take it to Stoke.


Well if you're game I'll buy it off you and keep it until I need its engine. All cleared with the Wife too so I'm not "booked" to go to ikea that day or anything

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Shame to break it up but if nobody else wants it then I'll take it. I need some ZX bits so I won't lie to you and say I'll restore it because I won't!


Sounds like quite a bit of this can be safely rehomed!


Looks to be sold!


Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be peddling sownthing else at some point soon.


Sounds the best way, Tim gets a good engine and dodgy_Tom can drag the shell for spares!


Any chance of hav in the towbar & electric hook up? need this to fit one of the 2 ZXs I hav got Pleasy Please. Travelling North !st Weekend in July 


I hope your going to post up your new car's collection Sam.


Having been a passenger in the ZX I can confirm that the engine does pull well.


So Sam, how many cars have you purchased, and sold, since January?


Shame it'll get broken up but so be it. Should just jump in feet first!


Shame it'll get broken up but so be it. Should just jump in feet first!

Yep (!)


Shame it'll get broken up but so be it. Should just jump in feet first!


May be, in the spirit of the ghost of XZ's past, he/she will loan it so you trundle round (Southern Portugal is a nice trundle) for a while till it's engine is needed elsewhere? Also then someone could spend an afternoon drinking tea and removing the tow bar at a leisurely pace.


Any chance of hav in the towbar & electric hook up? need this to fit one of the 2 ZXs I hav got Pleasy Please. Travelling North !st Weekend in July 


Checked with Tim and yes you can have the towbar, do you want me to drop it off to you (location dependant) or...?



I hope your going to post up your new car's collection Sam.


Having been a passenger in the ZX I can confirm that the engine does pull well.


So Sam, how many cars have you purchased, and sold, since January?


Um January you say?!




BX14- Sold after it broke down on me, that and the rampant rot devouring it put me right off.

19- Bought from a guy in London, ran it for a month and wanted something else, sold to JohnK and then Krujoe.

BX19 TXD- Bought from another (old) guy in Croydon, still got it. Goes in for some work next week...

205-impulse buy when having the BX dragged home, liked it but didn't like it as much as I thought I would. Sold to a nice guy off of eBay (shock horror)

AX- Loved it, sold to you...

405- Impulse buy AGAIN, sold to loserone.

Mystery car- bought down in deepest Bristol, original owner gave it away to their mechanic who listed it on gumtree for far less than its value...

ZX- Had called dibs on it from a guy I know, who then moved it on, the rest is above!

My next car was offered to me FOC. Does have an impending MOT expiry but apparently its fine, bar an exhaust mid section. 



Shame it'll get broken up but so be it. Should just jump in feet first!


Agreed, but other than the wheels and the engine, the rest is quite tired. 

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Thank f*ck for that.

Twice. Peter James told me this afternoon they'd insure it for £63, so was going to PM you this evening if no one else did.


It's inevitable I'll buy something off you one day though. You peddle the sort of dirt cheap tat I like!

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