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Eye-catching shitely-arty-farty expanded and annotated, engineering and flat-pak


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Drawings. They do it for me, perhaps it started off with meccano or lego build-explanations, or even Grandad-fdb drawing propellor designs or gawd knows what before him. On one extreme, there's the expanded engineering drawing of an engine's internals, on the other a Ford brochure from the 80s showing how four adults sit with legroom to spare in an Escrote.


Post what you like, with the emphasis on the third word. Or just post any old shit, who cares? Even I'm a sucker for an pic of a VW Strength-through-Joy wagon, when of this sort. Here are a few more which I enjoy, 




If you think it's autoshite room 101, not justed posted at 1.01, then say so.











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When I was about 18 months old, apparently I had a copy of this Morris Minor brochure that my dad picked up at Earls Court. I used to look at it all the time because it was full of 'Daddy cars' . Eventually it disintegrated and my Grandma cut out the pictures and stuck them in a scrap book, which I've still got in a box in the loft- sad bastard, aren't I?



The drawing of the Traveller and Tourer was and is one of my favourite bits of art ever. Just looking at that now, I can smell my grandads pipe and hear the Dixon of Dock Green theme tune.

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I discovered this forum by following a link from Autosport's Nostalgia forum so I return the favour with this link to hundreds of posts of cutaway drawings, with the warning that you can waste hundreds of hours in that forum. Just like this one!


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Cutaways are good, but engineering cross sections are even better. This is my current desktop picture at work.


GM 4T-65E autobox    post-17481-0-84760800-1474015156_thumb.jpg


(Just looking at this makes me want to rush out and buy a 2.9 Volvo S80)


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I loved tech drawing at school and even though I didn't start until the 4th year got an 'O' level in it. We used to have several framed cutaway and engineering drawings dotted around the house (stairway was where most of the motorabilia went, rad shells, pics of cars and cutaways etc) but my dearly beloved loved all that stuff as well so I guess she kept them.


One in a billion that lass :(

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