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A Rock and Rolla Y2K Toyota Corolla

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Blimey. Read the title and immediately thought the engine must have started knocking or smoking. To discover it was only a minor electrical fault pleased me no end.

You tease, you.

You know me XOXOXO


I think this is about as broken as they get tbh. Fog light stopped working in the week. “Meh - a bulb” I thought. Negative. Original bulb had just become dislodged. Back on the air immediately.

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- Check across the battery first with the engine off to make sure that is ok, should be 12.6 - 12.8v ish if its fully charged.


- Start the car, should see around 14 volts or so across the terminals. Then put some load on it - heated window, headlights, heater and check the charge rate isn't falling off.


ETA: beaten to it!

For a better idea of what is going on measure the current being delivered......output voltage check not that reliable


Decided to have a go at fixing this bloody indicator stalk. YouTube indicated it was possible to do the job with the wheel still on - albeit on a Camry - so went for the kill.


Got the stalk off in about 5 minutes having accidentally obliterated one of the cowling clips. Meh. Not immediately clear why the last one is beginning to fail other than it being a bit sloppy. Plugged the new one in - boom! “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”


Then things got a bit Autoshite.


See. I didn’t realise this but - 14 months ago - I bought a stalk from a car sans front fog lights. Mine has front fog lights. The result is the front fogs are permanently on and unswitchable. Bollocks.


As I started to put the old one back on, I realised I’d rather have indicators than front fogs, so set about disabling them. Well - not them - it. The offside one has stopped working again. First I tried to unplug the working one but the undertray is stuck AF. Arse. Couldn’t get in from the top either because washer bottle.


Fuse!! Ah!!


Having spent 30 mins looking for my pliers, I ended up removing the 15a fuse with my wife’s tweezers!


Job jobbed. There are no correct parts on eBay so I’m looking for one whilst muddling along with this. It works - so it’ll probably be on there forever.

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I MIGHT* be guilty of overthinking things. I realised if the alternator was shit, it’d probably be flashing the battery light occasionally.


Checked tail bulbs.




This could potentially be a cause.


Gonna have a further think about the front light issues. Bulbs are relatively recent but they are on a fair bit. I might splash on 6 H7 osrams but if it still makes no difference then I’m down a fair few quid and not much wiser.


Check the voltage at the bulb holder, might have a touch of corrosion somewhere and halogens brightness really dims down with a slight voltage drop.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A rare issue to report with The Granvia.


It sounded a little bit rough last week and I thought then that the front part of the exhaust was probably on its way out.


However, within the space of 150 miles it’s properly given up and it sounds as gruff as a tractor. I can’t be arsed to climb under it as it’s wet AF and I’m crook, but will have to later.


The concern now is being able to source the part, get it and get it fitted before Christmas. It’s the only 7 seater we have and the only way we can get over to family etc. Everyone’s miles away so taxi etc won’t work.


BBC spares in Hemel seem to have most bits but I don’t fancy getting the car another 60 miles without knowing what wear/damage exists under there - so it’s all fingers crossed stuff.


How is your local National Tyres place?   I dive in my local one when things like this happen asking for them to look at my exhaust.   They let me under the ramp with them and over the past few years I have found them top blokes - they have helped me get at least an extra 9 months life out of my 190E system.

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NT do seem to have people who know what they're about, more than certain 'competitors'.  The Cannock branch has always been good, IME.

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Certainly been my experience, the fellas down here all drive shite too - W124, 740 Volvo and an old Pug.....


I had as good a look as possible earlier and it’s definitely somewhere near the front. I will try to get it to a fast fit place tomorrow for identification purposes and hope to source a part swiftly.


When I had a rear box and pipe two years ago it was £170 from the garage’s supplier or £50 on eBay which I had delivered straight to the workshop. So fingers crossed for a similar deal this time.

  • 2 weeks later...

Got the Granvia back - about £450 lighter after an entire genuine exhaust (front to back) and a set of pads for good measure. Just needs tracking up but time was against me, and the local place say it’s too big for their ramp.


Next up for TLC is the 190. It’s running very poorly when cold (autochoke seems to perhaps not set properly) and rev hard when cold the revs actually dip rather than rise. Fine when hot. There’s also a small leak of oil and a bit of coolant on some hoses so that’ll keep me busy. MOT due imminently too so will probably do that first.


Sierra still dead. I’ve done precisely nothing on the engine rebuild as my garage is leaking and I had a really good lead on a proper good pinto engine. Sadly the seller was a cock nosher so I left it. It’ll get done - eventually!


Plans for 2019? I’d like a Morris Minor. The wife is fully onboard with getting something that’s a qualified classic, so that’ll be the job for the spring.

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So, with the Sierra bASe laid up at the side of my garage, and the engine being on my bench for the last 3 months, and my son nagging to get it fixed so we can go out for a spin in it... I did the logical thing and spent 3 hours of New Year's Day on the road picking up a bumper.


Diehard bASeists will know that the car is currently rocking the rear bumper from a Nissan Sunny.  Whilst amusing to those who don't have to look at it each day, and arguably a part of the car's story, it was only ever fitted when Leroy (previous owner) had to replace the original and he just stuck on what he could find.  I've now found an original Ford bumper, so it's going on.  It's been in a field for the last 15 years, and cost me the princely sum of £20 from the most AS of eBayers I've ever met, and I'll probably* set about fitting it before even starting on the engine rebuild.


The vivacious ALF892 is my biggest supporter on the project, and has kindly offered further assistance in getting the head rebuilt.  I'm just waiting for the damage of my HMRC bill to die down before getting everything sourced.  I want it on the road by March 1st really, so wish us luck.


Pics later, as it's been a bit wordy on here of late amirite?


Best of luck! Plus I support you 100% in getting the correct rear bumper back on.


Fit the bumper before you start on the engine rebuild. The improvement in the car's appearance will help motivate you :)

  • Like 4

And then... the shite world moves to balance the yin and yang and find equilibrium.


My little 190 has become a bit of a pain when cold. The autochoke was always beautifully behaved until a few weeks ago. It's now not happy idling from cold and needs a bit of manual intervention on the throttle. However, give it too many beans (over say 2k) and the revs actually dip to the point where the car wants to stall.


Do you think this is a carb issue and I'm due a tune up? I've not had to do anything on it yet and have now had it a year. It's due a service and MOT but just wondered where to start with it! I also wondered whether it might be ignition related, but the car runs well when warm.


Where should I start?!


And then... the shite world moves to balance the yin and yang and find equilibrium.

My little 190 has become a bit of a pain when cold. The autochoke was always beautifully behaved until a few weeks ago. It's now not happy idling from cold and needs a bit of manual intervention on the throttle. However, give it too many beans (over say 2k) and the revs actually dip to the point where the car wants to stall.

Do you think this is a carb issue and I'm due a tune up? I've not had to do anything on it yet and have now had it a year. It's due a service and MOT but just wondered where to start with it! I also wondered whether it might be ignition related, but the car runs well when warm.

Where should I start?!

Could you buy another Avensis, pull the lump, and drop it into the 190? Seems the logical solution.

  • Like 3

Could you buy another Avensis, pull the lump, and drop it into the 190? Seems the logical solution.

Mercedes, from memory, made a test mule a few years back - a w201cdi using the 220d engine. It was almost the perfect compromise between old and new. Other than the ball ache to make it work!!

  • Like 1

check to see if there are 2 temp sensors in head- 1, for gauge 2, for autochoke


if there is unplug  no:2 and see if it behaves betterer the renner 19 did so a new sensor did the trick

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all of the help over the past few weeks.  I managed to track the issue to a split breather hose from airbox to carburetor.  The replacements seem to be just a few quid from MB, but for the time being nipping it on with a cable tie has resumed full and perfect working order.


I've narrowly avoided issues with the brakes; I thought, foolishly, that laying the car up over the winter might be for the best.  However, what's the fucking point?  Everything's going to seize up - the battery will die - it'll get flat spots in the tyres and, undoubtedly, need more money to put those issues right.  So I've put all thoughts of "saving it for best" in the bin and it's now the weekend car.




Hardcore "Red Light District" action.  I've done about 300 miles in it this week and it's been absolutely spot on.  I've got the service items to attend to this week, and in an ideal world it'd get 4 tyres just to improve the handling.  We'll see how many pennies are in the piggy bank come this time next month.


28959548855_8bc77a5883_b.jpg2003 Rover 75 by Bornite Identity, on Flickr

2003 Rover 75 Club SE. AX53 BFA. This is where my career as a serial car buyer really began. Ignoring all of the warning signs I decided to press a K Series into a daily 100 mile commute, which it did with aplomb. This wasn't actually the car I set out to buy, the one I'd agreed to buy OVERHEATED ON THE FORECOURT whilst I was doing the paperwork. Consequently I couldn't leave fast enough and bought a different car later that day.




Yesterday, on my 'Facebook Memories' appeared a picture of the ill fated Rover 75 purchase.  I still remember that January morning, it was the kind of cold that makes your bones hurt.  I'd seen and driven this 75 the day before; a 1.8 NA affair and I was so impressed with how it drove that I agreed to come back and buy it the next day.  I still remember the dealer having the arse because I didn't have the money there and then.  


"Who goes to buy a car without money on them?"

"Err - most people mate."


Granted, I could have bought it there and then on plastic but he'd irritated me so I was going back the next day so I didn't have to leave a car there on his forecourt.


The next day I was doing the V5 with his son (as he was away) and paid debit card just to further annoy him.  Having shaken on the deal I went outside where I'd left the car idling, to find it in a "full blown state of k-series" so went back to report my findings.  The lad phoned his Dad who said "ooh it probably just wants some coolant in it".  I wasn't having it, so begrudgingly the refund was issued - the v5 tippexed and the whole thing forgotten.


As I say, here's a picture.  It helps complete my memoirs anyway!




Looks like it managed another year before declaring.  Shame really, but you can't save them all.

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Where the fuck to even begin?


My 'house' is more AS than my fleet of cars.  Owned from new by a succession of penniless giffers, our detached bungalow has now been subjected to approximately 50 years of zero investment - all of which falls to me to remedy.  JOY.  Despite being very humble, my proximity to the UK's 'Silicon Valley' means that many many pounds must be exchanged each month for the privilege of repairing and restoring what we've come to call home.


The garage leaks.  It's always leaked.  In fact, it was so fucked when we bought it that I suggested to the estate agent that it should be disregarded and both he and the vendor agreed.  The 'dream' was to demolish it and replace with a more sensible "Double Width" array.  However, things rarely go to plan and so - since moving here in the summer of 2015 - the garage has always had a tarpaulin on top.  During the long hot summer of 2018, the tarp dissolved in a manner which would be quite unbelievable had it not been seen with my own eyes, so it was time to make a decision.  


1)  Re-roof the garage properly with Roofing Felt/EPDM at quite some considerable cost (it's tandem in length)


2) Procrastinate further, dreaming of a cash windfall whilst buggering along with another tarpaulin.


I doubt I need say more.


A new 200gsm tarp was acquired for £40 which will "get me out of the woods/winter" but fitting such a monster was always going to be a pain.  First, I needed to move an engineless car.




Pity my son who couldn't see shit whilst 'driving' a car for the first time in his life.



Pity the neighbours who had to suffer me littering our road with my fleet.





Pity the three of us trying to get this onto an icy, sloping roof in -4 temperatures whilst not taking the lord's name on the sabbath.



Pity me being at this (moderate) height.  Last time I was on a roof I fell 20 feet and had the air ambulance called!



Within a couple of hours, we had it satisfactorily up and weighed down with 50lb concrete blocks.



It won't last forever.  It doesn't need to.


Genuinely, the delay has been caused by procrastination over a rear aspect extension.  We are likely to build a single story extension which will abutt the garage.  If this was happening soon, it would have made perfect sense to roof the lot at the same time in one continuous run.  As it is, realistically, we're a couple of years off any building work happening, and we're going to felt the garage ourselves rather than pay the £200-£250 per sqm all roofers were quoting.


The Sierra is now in the garage, awaiting me to end the next bout of procastination and rebuild the head.




Now I've decided the garage is staying, I'm happy to get a new garage door!  


PS.  It doesn't always look that shit.


Next job was to service the Avensis.  I try to do it on 'round numbers' so I remember when it needs doing.  Seeing as the old tub ticked 240,000 last week it was time to get it done.  I wish I hadn't bloody bothered.



For 240k, it doesn't look too bad.  "Honest" would probably be the best description.



We started badly.  For the first time in 5 years, I couldn't get the oil filter off for toffee.  What gorilla put this bloody thing on 3 months ago?  



Ah yes.  That'd be me.


Time to crack out a filter removal tool that I bought when I first started servicing my own car.  I bought everything I thought i'd need, and up until this day have never actually needed to use it.



Just as well really, as there's no fucking room to actually turn the spiteful little shit.


No worries, I've got one meant for tractors that I bought from the local agricultural store 3 years ago when servicing the van for the first time.



Wrong size hole.  FFS.  Pretty sure my FiL gave me some old socket set off the war.  Time to dig that out.



Quickly discovered that the filter removal tool is double ended and you can put a proper size bar onto the other side.  FML.


Eventually things started to move, and the filter gave up the fight.  Briefly considered putting it on a shelf in my house as a trophy, but quickly told myself "not to be a twat for once."


Air filter was done as well.  Even vacuumed out the airbox for 'belt and braces'.  (1994 Model Henry for pervs/Beko)








And then?  Well.  Frankly, things turned to shit.  I couldn't get spark plug one out.  It was suc...


...actually.  Do you mind if we don't talk about what happened next?  Instead.  Enjoy the following pictures and work it all out for yourself.  I'm off to bed.








Suffice to say, the plugs didn't get changed and I'm glad we don't rent.


Night night.


I grossly underestimated the position of the bowl, the wind speed and the capacity of the oil filter.


The spark plug has part of the HT lead still attached so, when the lead is out, the socket won’t engage. After about 30 minutes of buggering about I declared. Fortunately, reinstating the lead does reinstate electricity - so fortunately I’ve not fucked the existing plug. It can stay for the time being.

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PS.  It doesn't always look that shit.


Next job was to service the Avensis.  I try to do it on 'round numbers' so I remember when it needs doing.  Seeing as the old tub ticked 240,000 last week it was time to get it done.  I wish I hadn't bloody bothered.



For 240k, it doesn't look too bad.  "Honest" would probably be the best description.



We started badly.  For the first time in 5 years, I couldn't get the oil filter off for toffee.  What gorilla put this bloody thing on 3 months ago?  



Ah yes.  That'd be me.


Time to crack out a filter removal tool that I bought when I first started servicing my own car.  I bought everything I thought i'd need, and up until this day have never actually needed to use it.



Just as well really, as there's no fucking room to actually turn the spiteful little shit.


No worries, I've got one meant for tractors that I bought from the local agricultural store 3 years ago when servicing the van for the first time.



Wrong size hole.  FFS.  Pretty sure my FiL gave me some old socket set off the war.  Time to dig that out.



Quickly discovered that the filter removal tool is double ended and you can put a proper size bar onto the other side.  FML.


Eventually things started to move, and the filter gave up the fight.  Briefly considered putting it on a shelf in my house as a trophy, but quickly told myself "not to be a twat for once."


Air filter was done as well.  Even vacuumed out the airbox for 'belt and braces'.  (1994 Model Henry for pervs/Beko)








And then?  Well.  Frankly, things turned to shit.  I couldn't get spark plug one out.  It was suc...


...actually.  Do you mind if we don't talk about what happened next?  Instead.  Enjoy the following pictures and work it all out for yourself.  I'm off to bed.








Suffice to say, the plugs didn't get changed and I'm glad we don't rent.


Night night.


Sorry, but your account made me laugh.  I frequently had sessions like yours before throwing in the towel and paying someone else to do it.  Who designs the oil filter bit on engines?  They are nearly always at an angle which ensures oil goes everywhere as you undo them and the filters are either the wrong size for any standard filter wrenches or you can't use the wrench because no room to swing it.  Some sump plugs squirt sideways.  Trying to predict where to put the catchment can/tray always results in a messed up driveway because the paper you have carefully laid to catch spillage has blown away whilst you desperately adjust the tray position (with oil pouring up your arms).  Anyway. Commiserations. Better luck next time.

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