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Nipple play! - Moogs Mootahs

The Moog

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It didn't work.

Battery full charged

Checked old and new rotor arm

Measured the depth of the centre pin to ensure that it makes contact 9752e31c38c03c4611dbb6786f0e1004.jpg1f506e50cebea5704661a1729f559924.jpg

Then measured old and new and cleaned them up
Cleaned the end of the dizzy drive

Then it started pissing down so stopped photos.

Fundamentally no difference. I can get spark (all be it a bit yellow) through king lead but not HT leads.

End of the road with it for me. Have stuck an advert up for someone to take it on as a project in fs forum

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The green beast was at slumber.

The many changing of parts yielded no differences.

Then stage left did enter a gallant knight in a dark Berlingo. After dodging the fierce mongrels that guarded the domain battle ensued with the green beast.

A parry left - rotor arms swapped

A parry right - spark was checked

A cut to the air - voltage was checked

Then the killer blow was delivered....

The green beast did rise....

Roused by the might of crimps and terminals.



A dance was done and a feast was called in honour of Sir Northern of Monkey.

Basically the coil terminals were fucked not giving enough juice to the coil which inturn meant spark wasn't strong enough to get to the spark plugs.
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Shout it from the roof tops... .all the flipping cars are working*

SMART - Sam arrived today and luzzed it back in. It has solved some issues but there are still outstanding challenges including hill hold not working.

Rover - Runs well enough and got a power wash at chez Monkey this afternoon. Plan is to stick tax on it and run it around for a month before selling it.

To celebrate the knob dropped off the stereo and the plastic indicator cover fell off. Oh and I can't get the interior mirror to stay up.

Before I could drive it today I had forgotten to fit the under brace

Mx5 - idle is still fluctuating, had the plugs out and checked the gaps on it. I need to wait for the usb to serial connector to plug in the laptop to the megasquirt to see what's up. I can't see a vacuum leak and spraying carb cleaner doesn't seem to fix any issues.

Volvo - plods on drinking fuel but is comfy and nice to drive. I swapped out the speakers as the rears are shagged. The Volvo ones are ducted and the new ones aren't anywhere near as good. Got the abs rings to fit along with a drop link.


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Having a read about the Smart issues some suggestions is that it can be the earth's.

There is one on the battery and another on the engine.

Engine one is a bit fiddly but not too bad

Needed E8 on lower bolt4d90f1b27462ae2ce9f1ea4e4ced7458.jpg

Bit manky but not too bad

Battery one was newish so took it off and cleaned it up. 3eb8f07a5670dcc68b1a7dfce94ff71e.jpg

New braided one fitted

And no real change.

Current issues are hill hold doesn't work, beeping a lot when in gear but no feet on pedals, interior lights come on and off at random, esp light flashes at random, central locking doesn't lock - locks then unlocks.

Weirdly it all started working yesterday for 20 mins before back to not working. I think it is going to be electrically related.

Had a new battery fitted as was showing low volt error before.

Any suggestions?

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One thing that comes to mine is that a lot of it sounds door related. The car will beep when in gear with no feet on the pedals when the door is open. Central locking won't work when door is open. Obviously, interior lights come on when a door is open.

I think I'd be looking at the door latches. I'm not sure if there is a separate door switch for the lights or if it is part of the catch itself (throw the latch with the door open and see if interior lights go out - I don't think they do which would suggest a separate switch to look at), but perhaps have a look at these (gunged up? need lubrication?) and also the wiring particularly as it passes into the door from the body.

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That's a great shout. Evilution has got a method to test the door locks so will give that a go.


They have 6 connections which I need to probe. Replacement ones aren't very much if it does turn out to be that.



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I think you may deserve a banana.

Evilution has a test for the door locks

Quick squizz at YouTube showed a tutorial on how to remove the door skin.

Rubber cover off and unscrew the wing mirror
Unscrew retaining cover
Mirror off

Undo the door handle bolt
Then a fiddle to get the handle off
Inside the door catch c94e42d3ca2a23bc07c1a56867e03515.jpg

The guy in the u toob video show how to flex the door panel and pop it off. I think a cold day in Accrington alongside 16 year old plastics meant this happened
Many swears were said but in for a penny.
Unbolty action

Now I could get to the catch connectors
Off and out

Using the multimeter shows no reading at all in the catch sensor, in any of the three states. I would imagine this is what is upsetting the car. A secondhand one is only £17 so got it ordered for delivery this week.

The connectors themselves are not in first flush of youth so they will be cleaned before going back in. f4d339f1517fc7304d5c109dcb27599c.jpg321f1b2e6b419208a6b2540810869686.jpg5f2cffa2d4072abe56c49d04eccda6d6.jpg

Slightly more annoying is that the panel is £50 to replace so that is on order as well.

For now I have full secured with the finest missus Snagglepuss cutlery

I haven't tried checking the passenger side as I will fix this first.

In meantime Missus puss is going to use the Volvo whilst I use the Green barge.

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Good bit of diagnosis there! Shame about the door panel but easily sorted I suppose, if not cheap. Door is the hardest panel to get on and off imho. I’ve only done each door once and that was enough for me ?

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Ohhh another AVO. Doesn't look as quick as yours :-)

A virtual round goes to@mrbenn

New secondhand door lock was sourced from eBay for £20 ISH. When it arrived I tested the open and close door sensor

That's better. I double checked the old one and just got the same readings - this was definitely a issue if not the issue.

A quick rough fit to see if it solved the problem


Oh yes. No more beeping, hill hold working ... That's the badger.

I had to wait till the new door panel turned up to finish up. Luckily* the the car fixing god's decided to piss down today

Still that didn't stop me. In fact it helped a little bit as screws that drop on the floor just plopped into puddles rather than bouncing away then I could use the magnetic tray to collect them!

All back together

Like most things once you have done it once I would probably chop the time in half and be less likely to break things next time.

MOT is due on the SMART at the end of November so I am going to see what Missus Puss wants to do with it. She has enjoyed driving the Volvo a lot more than the little car.

So potentially I would MOT it, clean it and then move it on. Should sell well enough as had a northern monkey service including front brakes, new set of tyres and has had a SAM rebuild with 5yr warranty.

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Good work. A (fairly) easy fix!

Yes... And no



So today this happened



I was out in the little beast and for some reason the interior door pull stopped working and left me unable to shut the car.


Luckily gaffer is an awesome thing so it was used to secure it to get home.


Earlier I mentioned that I could take the panel off quicker than before and today was the chance to practice that


Some investigation shows that the Bowden cable is frayed which I think meant it wasn't retracting properly. In turn this is probably the cause for the sensor failure




Quick eBay and new cable ordered coming on Wednesday hopefully



As the sun was sort of out I decided to crack on with one of the jobs on my to do list on the mx5.



It comes with koni suspension but fatpirate suggested it was a bit tired. I had a set of Tein coilovers that was to be fitted to BAL but I sold it before fitting.

Old current suspension



Unbolt some bits to get the old setup out




The new stuff came with loads of info



Including ride height initial set up - bit of a measure and looks good




Had to reuse the old strut tops so needed the spring compressors to help that off.


Certainly looks better than old stuff



I got it mostly back together before realising I had missed the plastic gasket that sits between the body and strut mount



Only managed to do one side before being called away by house stuff, but should get the other three done over the next week.



The ride height measured from centre of wheel to arch lip should be about 31cm - currently it is 32 ISH so will see if that settles down.

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With glorious sunshine today it was time to finish the mx5

Jacked the car up using diff and ramps underneath

Rear petrol hose shield off to access to the top bolts
Similar to other side top wishbone bolt out and then some wigglingdff206124d8ecff277a5425c295066f8.jpg
Old Strut
Then top bolt can be whizzed off

Building up new one, thrust washer
Bump stop then dust cover followed by spring
Mount top on and tightened up

On to front - jacked up under front cross member and then axle stands.

This was a little trickier as the online guide said the long suspension bolt which holds on upper wishbone needs to come out but I couldn't get great access

Off with drop link and decided to undo top ball joint to get access

Pretty straight forward after that undo top bolts and wiggle. Only issue was putting the castle nut back on. It was a bit rusty so started spinning the shaft but with a bit of elbow grease and some tricks I got it done up northern monkey tight. I can't find my cotter pins so will need to dig them out of the garage before can drive it too far

Under the bonnet you can see a hint that it has been tweaked

Finishing touch

It has lowered it a little but drives miles better. Crashes have gone and it much more compliant. Got the settings at mid softness which seems to work well.


The car itself is running a bit oddly - feeling like a vacuum leak. Will be the next job after finishing the SMART door handle.

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Cable came for the SMART during the week so in a slightly drier spell I had a go at fitting it.

New cable

Where I left the car last time

Strip out interior

The screw holding in the door handle is hidden here

The cable clips in here. e8d6f29a6a5d10c2d8341935e5b85d28.jpg

Was an absolute sod. I ended up pulling the handle out and fitting it. Still took about an hour to sort it

You can see why the old one was fooked

All back together

To slip the door skin on a bit easier it applied lube and it slipped on

Jobs a good un except on the test drive this happened.

The three lines of death which indicate a gearbox fault. It lost drive coming down a hill. Stopping at the bottom, switching off and on again got drive back but the three lines stayed.

I did this today

And took the car over to Northern Monkeys who kindly lobbed it on the scanner
4094548d114da85f662f20606634fa92.jpg754fff3c105730f81c711f1469354825.jpgthese were the faults a11be62f6bff5379f511d1f78b7b2806.jpg

I am hoping it was a one off and we have normal service again.

Meanwhile missus Puss managed to reshape the mx5 with the Volvo.

She hadn't told me and I drove it for the first time in a while after doing the suspension. It made a horrible rubbing sound and I assumed I had messed up the fitting. Instead it was the wheel arch liner rubbing.

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I can use it for leverage when I need something automotive I would imagine :-)

So today the Rover left for its new AS owner. He was pleased, I was pleased and it didn't disgrace itself so that is a happy ending.

SMART went in for MOT on Thursday and failed on headlight aim and couple of bulbs. Northern Monkey ripped the front face of the car and got it fixed so we have another year of motoring for missus Puss.

Volvo is just trudging on. I need to fit the abs rings and also change the thermostat but one of the housing bolts is mega tight. Have ordered a t45 1/2 drive to get it undone.

Mx5 needs plugging in and air leak to be tracked down so that will go on my next to do list.

Another steed is arriving Sunday and depending on how poorly it is, it will either be parts car or likely to get fixed.

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Thanks to Northern Monkey Collection and Delivery services - this new tubot Volvo was added to the snagglepuss collection.

It drives lovely but will need the oil leak/PCv fixing. feb0987351b9fe0e2b469f5f8aa071a0.jpg

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2 hours ago, snagglepuss said:

Thanks to Northern Monkey Collection and Delivery services - this new tubot Volvo was added to the snagglepuss collection.

It drives lovely but will need the oil leak/PCv fixing. feb0987351b9fe0e2b469f5f8aa071a0.jpg

Trust you found the amount of forward propulsion it provides adequate?

Lovely noise they make, even when pissing oil.

Edit to add: I'm switching insurance over in morning so I can myself to work in one of the Mazdas assuming you're home safe and it is stored off road, etc.

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Oh yes. Lovely old noise and you go forwards rather quickly.

All home safe an sound. Will do V5 tomorrow morning.

I remember reading about v70s in the Sunday times cat supplement. I always promised myself a turbo one, closest I got was just a couple of NA 2.5s 850s - so this is definitely a box ticked for me.

Plan is to do the PCV and then convince Missus Puss this needs to stay. Then the ex Bucketeer mobile home is probably off to chez Monkey as his new courtesy car.

Unless missus Puss is reading this and then of course we will make one from two and scrap the rest.

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Is the oil leak due to the PCV system being clogged?
It will be linked. I think a seal must have gone/be leaking as it is a fair amount coming out at idle

Will be on the back burner for a while yet as will need to spend £100 ISH on bits
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