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AXually Sold! But There's Another AX For Sale...


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With the AX bond forming, it was time to look at serious stuff like rust and rust proofing.
Oh, and clocks that could be read at night. 
Whilst ruining the cam cover I'd noticed a patch of grot around a fairly sizeable patch. 



Bit of screwdriver pokery




Ah. Remember the big patch?




Whatever the fuck that was welded to it certainly wasn't the AX. Hoping to get it sorted shortly as there might not be anything left to sort in the spring. This also sparked a bit of a rust proofing crusade and a check for more hidey holes of Sir Tinley Worm. 




Fortunatley it's pretty solid apart from the inner front wings and a bleb here or there. Sills and floors all appear fine so they've been undersealed where possible and sorted out as best I can.




Whilst underneath I took the opportunity to change the fuel filter, which appeared to be the original.

Getting petrol in your eyes REALLY REALLY hurts.




Not blinded though and the new one went on alright so that's alright I suppose.
Most recently, the speedo faces have been cause for some thought. The originals looked like this




Bloody sunstroke. Useless! However, AXs in scrap yards round here haven't been common since Moses chopped his Elation in for a new Ark but Saxo faces looked similar.
Sort of.



Horrible bodge job compared to a replacement cluster ordered once things had settled down a bit. That didn't go entirely to plan either due to me being an oaf and breaking the replacement one, so it's had another face swap. At least it's all the one bloody colour and the mileage is still right. 
Defeat clutched from the jaws of victory but allowed to equalise in the last 90 seconds.
So that's it up to date. Exciting* plans include some OEM mud flaps which should arrive soon and some metal in the inner wing which I'm sure you'll be looking forward to reading...

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I thought your paint masking was STICKERBOMBING for a moment.

Stickerbombing? Good grief no! Although it might acquire a badge or two.

Thankfully the rear axle is alright but the dampers are a bit past it and could do with changing. Mudflaps arrived today so OEM_UPGRADEZ YO! Soon as well. That and doing the outer sills again because the stonechip paint used last time is incredibly easy to chip.

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You've seen my house. Do you think the neighbours would complain if I brought the Olympian home and just spent the odd day tinkering with it? You know, like, taking the engine out for overhaul.

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stonechip paint used last time is incredibly easy to chip.


Surely, the clue is in the name? What you need is some of that NON-stonechip paint.


Love the totally non-matching set of PSA wheel trims. That must have taken some doing.

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  • 3 months later...

Does your AX have that cubby hole in the front which is the perfect size for a bottle of wine?


I've seen it on a few and always wondered whether it was by design, or happy coincidence.


Does indeed and they're surprisingly handy, 


Surely, the clue is in the name? What you need is some of that NON-stonechip paint.


Love the totally non-matching set of PSA wheel trims. That must have taken some doing.


Only noticed when I took them off! It's either a spectacular coincidence or someone has done it on purpose. 

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Three months since an update? Relax, I've not crashed or anything.

So we left off with the promise of OEM mudflappery. I'm a big fan of mudflaps, despite their shortcomings so finding genuine Citroën ones on ebay was good going. Doesn't matter that they were for a ZX, we'd sort that out later.


Bit of ingenuity



I reckon they set the wheels off a treat. It's also acquired a fashionable* black tidemark which is turning into an RML tradition.
Next it was another battle with a leak from the top nearside of the car. Thinking that it might be a leaking screen seal, I removed the rubber windscreen trim in an effort to try and check the seal to make sure it wasn't starting to "Do a Volvo" like the 940 had. Everything looked disappointing watertight but it got a bit more seal just for good measure and I went to put a nice new windscreen trim on.



It turns out those are put on before the windscreen goes in.
So with that ruined I gave it a wee service before racing at Crail. It's the only car I've had where you can remove the sump plug and filter without having to put the car on ramps or anything and would have been brilliantly easy had I remembered to buy the oil filter removal tool that I was supposed to buy after the oil change on the Carisma.



After that went the last of the decent weather so any work on Les Tin des Bisquites has been fairly minor. During the heavy rain and some local roads flooding it jettisoned a wheeltrim into the countryside, clearly in protest at being driven in the rain. It bugged me to fuck for days so an emergency trip to U-Pull It in Fife (because cheap and the local yard had no Saxos) allowed replacement.
And cable tied them on...




It also got some nice new fitted mats just in time to cover them with mud.



And some PHAT 155/70 Yokohama BluEarths on the rear which seem to be quite good. 



It'll get a pair on the front in the new year so more exciting* news to look forward to. It still scrubs up well too!



Apparently washing a car in the fog is quite an unusual thing to be doing but no one could explain why. 
Go figure.
The last job of the year however was...





Metal inner front wings! I Not being a wielder of the magic sparkly stick it went to Waverly Garage, Bathgate who fixed both inners and seem to have taken a shine to the little Gallic buzzbox. 
So that's it for 2015. In all honesty this has needed considerable padding out as apart from my own incompetence and a weird afternoon where the clutch attached itself to the flywheel it's needed very little actual repair. Plans for the new year are to have the windscreen either removed and refitted with the new trim or replaced entirely and a front exhaust section to add to the otherwise brand new system and enjoy driving about in it.
Roll on 2016!


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It''s pretty solid for one of these everywhere else so it made sense to get it done. Rust appears to have been the biggest killer among AXs and Saxos so they'll get rarer still. That and I have terrible guilt about scrapping stuff.

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  • 2 months later...

So... With a Xantia in the pipeline it has come time for Les Tin des Bisquites to find a new home.
So what is it?
1993 (K) Citroen AX 10 "Neon" - Although most of what made it a Neon seems to have been lost in time, The car is tested until 4/6/16 an will feature enough tax to get you home. It's a 954cc injected TU9 lump with four speed gearbox and bowls along well once wound up as long as you're not carrying too much weight about. Currently has about 54,600 miles on the clock which seems genuine, with history to about 1999/2000.

Good points

Serviced around 6 months ago.
Four Denso iridium core spark plugs fitted in the last few weeks.
New exhaust from manifold backwards.
Two new Yokohama BluEarths  on the rear.
New speedometer cable.
Front inner wings welded at Christmas.
Fitted mats (I have a strange requirement for such things nowadays.)
Sunroof recently refurbished.
Radio and speakers replaced.

Interior in very good condition (no rips, tears or significant wear.)
Shell appears to be solid bar one or two points.

Rear beam is good.

Will include Autoshite sticker.


Less Good Points
Few rust bubbles including one on the top of driver's sill.
Rust also beneath rear lights (it's a sort of weird metal box with the tail light sitting on top of it. Isn't near anything important.)

Could do with two front tyres soon.
And a cambelt as I've no idea when it was done last.
Leaks mainly around the doors.
Instrument cluster looks a bit scruffy as it has the wrong face..
Car is generally a bit scruffy.
Windscreen trim needs replaced which appears to be a screen out job. New rubber will be supplied.
General trim rattles.
Won't come with B10M badges.

It's been a paradigm of reliability over the last 6000 miles or so and I'd confidently go anywhere in it. Will try to get some bang up to date pics of the AX tomorrow but if you put K608NGP into Flickr you'll see much of the work carried out during my ownership.

Car is located in EH48 West Lothian and I'd like £350, which is what I paid at the end of July last year but open to offers.

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I have an original set of wheel trims for one of these if the new owner is interested


Really tempted by it myself but my personal fleet is a car or two too big as it stands. Would be up for some roffle action if it comes to it though

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I'm not up for ROFFLE. I consider the driving position to be some sort of French torture device. They are remarkable cars in many ways though. Surprisingly hardy and great fun if you like to push on a bit.

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It's a very capable wee machine if you can fit the driving position and more comfortable than the Carisma. Hilarious fun through the twisties, even with 954cc. Got stuck behind a BMW on a twisty valley road a couple of months ago...

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That is an interesting little car. 


What country is West Lothian in?


Tempting but I would need to drive the car to a hospital so that they could remove me having first pumped me full of painkilling drugs after such a long drive from wherever that is to Down South England.


Ace little car :)

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These are great fun and great little cars. I'd recommend to anybody looking for something interesting. Driving position is not so bad - I've taken mine to France three times. They can feel a little vulnerable on the motorway and are best with not more than two people on a long trip. Buy before they get expensive.

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Up to date pictures as promised. Sorry about the mess, it's still in daily use at the moment which also means the mileage will go up a bit. Car will be cleaned inside and out before any buyer collects.

















This is the worst of the rust it has. The white stuff is Loctite Rust Remedy which I've been using over the winter to prevent it getting any worse. The rear screen washer pump packed up today as well so waiting on a replacement arriving which will be fitted before it leaves here or included with any potential buyer and a bit knocked off the price to compensate.

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