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Vulgalour Arts - Commissions OPEN and a Vauxhall Tigra Prints and Original

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I prefer the Saab picture too, I'd stick with it.


My mum graduated from Glasgow School of Art in 19-oatcake and was an Art Teacher until 1979 when she had me.


Sadly I show precisely none of her fine talent for painting and pottery, or anything!


I know SFA about art so bear that in mind when you read the next two comments.


1. I like your car pictures a lot


2. The tyres / wheels look a bit 'funny'


Funny weird not funny ha ha.


My car drawing


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For all they're basically just circles, or variations thereof, wheels are the hardest bit to draw well.  I like your Volvo/Lada/Fiat/FSO picture.


I'm quite impressed with the improvement that your pictures show in a short time. Not sure I'm going to repaint the Z to match your image of one though.


I also like the Saab and it may be because the contrast is a bit softer than some of the others so the colour change seems a bit more natural.


Anyway carry on and I may be a customer in the near future.




This is the top half of a montage I decided to start work on today.  The original is A3 in size and is proving something of a battle to work on in my limited space.  I wanted to see if I could do something a bit different at a bigger size even though the cars themselves will be smaller than usual.


I wouldn't like to try and do a commission of a single vehicle at A3 in my current work space, it's definitely not practical.  A montage can at least be shuffled about a bit easier so I can focus on the various bits in the image.


I've got a list I'm working from for this one and I'm picking cars from as many different countries as I can fit on the page without duplication.  So far we've got Britain, Japan, Germany, Italy, France and Australia and I have designs on Spain, Korea, Sweden, Czechoslovakia and Poland at the very least for the rest.

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Have you considered taking a photo of your artwork instead of scanning it? If you get the lighting and settings right you would preserve more detail with a camera.


I have considered it, but my camera is absolutely knackered and I rely on my phone camera which hasn't got a good enough resolution.




A bit of an eclectic mix of cars from all over the world.  Going to be a lot of work to actually get this inked and coloured, but should be worth it.  Still playing about with watermarks too.


This is actually a single A3 sheet but scanned in two halves hence the ugly join down the middle.  I'll make a better job of scanning it when it's done.  Britain, Japan, Germany, Italy, Holland, France, India, Australia, Spain, Malaysia, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, America and Russia represented in the above.


I've had three of those in the montage (Volvo 240, Proton saloon, X1/9) and I would be entirely pleased with those representations!  Top work.  I suspect I need to save up for when you announce a late-series PA Cresta...


Or beat the rush* and commission it for yourself.  I've had the Cresta in its various forms suggested a few times but I've not got round to drawing one up yet.


A pencil sketch of the cars at Wales shitefest would be good. If you are going that is

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That would be the top Shite solution!  No messing around with dodgy phone-cams here, simply* trust the resident artist to record attendance.  I love it!


That would be the top Shite solution!  No messing around with dodgy phone-cams here, simply* trust the resident artist to record attendance.  I love it!

A bit like a court case, it'll have to be done in pastels so be sure to bring plenty of beige


PM your address Mr. V. and I'll send you my old Sony DSC-N2 10mp camera?


I used it for Ebay for years but have a newer Canon one now and it would pain me to put it on Ebay and get a just few quid for it if you can use it.


You'll need a data cable or memory stick duo card reader, it has mains charger and two batteries and a 1gig card.


I just need an email of one of your line drawings to use for testing as I have an idea for them, the Huskey would be ideal.  ;-)


I have to be disappointing as I'm not very good at 'live drawing', never really got the knack of drawing when out in the open or with people watching, I'm very much a hermit-in-studio sort of an artist so I can zone out and concentrate without distraction... but I might bring my art-box to Shitefest '14 anyway, just in case.


Mr Claypole, that is incredibly generous of you!  A step up from the phone-camera, that's for sure, and is a whole 2 extra megapixels better than my old Fujifilm that's dying a death.  Have to admit I don't know a huge amount about cameras, but I suspect the little Sony will do everything I need of it.  The Husky is actually inked but I shan't be scanning it until tomorrow at which point I shall also PM you with details and everything.  Can you PM me your e-mail and then I'll just e-mail all the info over together to you.


That is the Spanish made Pegaso Z102.  While discussing this montage with a friend online it was pointed out that the Tatra isn't Russian as I'd always thought but Czechoslovakian!  Doomburgers.  It's okay though, I've decided to replace the Skoda Popular with something even older and very Russian.  I've also got a little Danish addition to make too in a space that was bugging me further up the page.


I don't understand what's happened to this forum, but apparently it's now giving out good advice.  I stuck with that SAAB picture I hated, experimented with some new painting techniques and took a 'sod it' approach to the outcome of the picture and do you know what, I don't hate it anymore.


SAAB 96 - £50 inc. P&P



Little bit more expensive than usual, but it's needed a bit more time and effort put into it and it reflects the cost of a commission in this (almost) ink-free style.  

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I've been racking my brains to come up with something to use as a logo.  It needs to have my name, be done in a media I use and represent what I create.  It also needs to be black and white for maximum usability and not complicated so it can be scaled down to tiny.  This is what I've come up with.




Hopefully it looks elegantly simple rather than amateurish.  Made sense to use the Princess and my initials fit neatly enough into the lines of the car.


I like that!

Though, I initially thought it stood for 'Austin Rover' - it could be both though!


I had considered bastardising an Austin Rover logo but thought it might cause too much confusion.  Also, there's probably some sort of copyright issue with doing that too.  I don't want the Chinese or whoever bought AR after me now do I?


That Saab could well be your finest yet VA.

That's one hell of a complex set of curves on the the front end of that car and it would have been so easy to completely fuck it up and make it look like it a defeated boxer but you've totally nailed it.
I am poor just now and cannot offer anything beyond words of encouragement so KUTGW... :)


I am exploring ideas for more affordable options such as prints and art CDs, but it's been a few years and I clearly have quite a lot to learn about the best route to go for an on-demand service.  I may experiment with the home printer and see if I can get professional quality prints out of it, I hear some people can with the right paper and a good quality scan.


One of my artist friends uses a tumblr blog account to put a selection of samplers on. Then has some business cards with a logo and the tumblr account link on it.


See http://fuelled-by-tea.tumblr.com/ to see how it looks

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