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The rest of his stock seems just as comically overpriced.

Christ your not wrong, £10995 for a 2004 Rover 25 Streetwise, £1995 for a Nissan QX, £3995 for a 1996 MGF!, I can't see him selling much!.

I'm sure the Magentis Tiff X1/9 was trying to offload for £300 recently wasn't a lot older than that.


Never realised how cheap cars were in England until I left. For example


http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motor ... 361997.htm


What would be a £1250ish BIN for a Cavalier?


http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motor ... 428154.htm


This little beauty can be yours for around £3000


Or perhaps sir would like


http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motor ... 357181.htm


That's about the going rate as well; mk.2 Mondeos often go for £2000+ and finding a running legal car for under around £500 is very hard indeed. Still, not so bad as you can sell it again for the same price


That DB7 is about on the money really, not massively overpriced compared to others anyway.DB7s look lovely, but if I wanted something like that you could get two Jag XKs or a very nice XKR for the same outlay.


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1972 VAZ 2101


£3500 for this Lada lookalike plus VAT plus you will have to UK register it and I bet it's still in Russia.


What a bargain! :roll:


...Lada lookalike...

A VAZ 2101 is a Lada... :wink:

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1990 Jaguar XJ6 4.0


How about this 138000 mile Jag for the bargain starting price of £5000 or BIN of £10000 because i once belonged to U2. :roll:


Being "owned by U2" would significantly devalue it for me.

thats putting it mildly.

This has reminded me of a story. When I went on work experiance at Duncan Hamilton & Co, they had an Espada or Urraco which Bono once owned.They always used to tell how pissed off it made them and how much they hated it because it just wouldnt sell.


Being "owned by U2" would significantly devalue it for me.

+eleventy. Pretentious bunch of words I cannot say on work's computer.

Late Marina 1300 automatic. Desirable! I wonder when it was last worth £3250. Probably some time between it rolling out of the showroom and being parked in the first owner's drive.


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Looks as gash as a normal one-christ the cavalier was better at the best of times. :roll:


I don't mind calibras but that has to be the most pointless Speshual Edition of evahs...


Hey, Calibras are ACE! Now that they're virtually extinct, whenever I see one I can appreciate the handsome, well balanced lines. I reckon they'll be quite sought after in 5-10 years. I'm not much keen on the MG Metro-stylee interior in that Tickford though.


Can't really see much difference to that Calibra compared to a standard one.


I got to drive a K plate Turbo 4x4 once with the 6 speed gearbox, That was fun, Quite a rapid old thing and it had really nice leather bucket seats.


I quite fancied a DTM Turbo special edition model which was in all white, Found this photo on a forum of one being towed by one of my all time favorite cars. 8)


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I quite like the stock Calibra, had a go in a SE9 V6 which was pretty nice. Very good nick, nice BBS wheels and a lovely sound. A lot of the 'SE' models are worth a look, sadly for every special edition in nice condition there's a thrashed to hell 16v with multifit alloys and a dodgy ticket.I was going to call bullshit on the 'Tickford Calibra' but apparently it's true. Slightly pikey spec though, half-alcantara and special wheels is pretty much it apart from the badges. 2.0 16v which was nowhere near the best engine.


Rare they may be, but didnt an absolutely mint one sell for around £1500 a few months back? Owner of that van must realise that vehicles like that do not fluctuate in value depending on rarity....... It reminds me of that stupidly priced Metro Van.


I think he means Mk3/4 escort vans. i know where there are 2 escort vans, one on the road, one off. Oh wait, so not that rare then.....


I like Calibras too. I liked mine a lot and so did my daughter*. But six grand for a tacky 'special edition' that looks like any other Calibra is just silly.I'd imagine for comedy effect/special shite points an 8V automatic would be a laugh.*Until some silly bint in a people carrier wrote if off.

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