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Coalition now teaching sex-ed to 5 year olds :(


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I find the picture pretty distasteful, actually. And before trotting out the tired old Daily Mail/Express nonsense, actually find out what you're objecting to.

We've had that system up here for a few years now, and there's no way on earth the kids get the 'stick that in there, wiggle it about' talk. It covers a range of issues around families and morality long before it gets to 'when a man and a woman love each other very much...' - it's a part of the curriculum.

I'd have thought teaching responsibilty to kids would have been a positive; but never let the facts get in the way of a good 'this country's gone to the dogs/gone mad' headline. Classy.

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I think it was supposed to be a 'joke' not a real comment on the state of the education system was it not? I'm using the word 'joke' in the loosest possible sense of course.

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