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Yugo Sana....In beige OMG!

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I like them, kinda a cross between a Tipo and a ZX.


From the front I was thinking early AX (but bigger), especially in that TG clip


Yes it does!


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last one i saw was at kinross car auctions in the mid 90's,1400 tipo engines so mech bits shouldn't be too hard to find.


Hmmm.... SORN'D I think.



The enquiry is complete

The vehicle details for H766 FTJ are:


Date of Liability 01 04 2011

Date of First Registration 27 03 1991

Year of Manufacture 1991

Cylinder Capacity (cc) 1372CC

CO2 Emissions Not Available

Fuel Type Petrol

Export Marker Not Applicable

Vehicle Status SORN Not Due

Vehicle Colour WHITE

Vehicle Type Approval

Vehicle Excise Duty Rate for vehicle

6 Months Rate £68.75

12 Months Rate £125.00


Awesome! Google streetview is the best thing since sliced bread. Now, buy that car!!!


Does anyone know if these come with a carb or injection? Is early '91 pre-cat?


They're definately a disaster.


Would a beige one be the perfect wheels for an ex-taxi driving truck driver? I think so. If you're still certain that you really don't want a beige 2000SC Auto Rover P6, then I'm afraid you must buy an in-Sano.


What is the correct pronounciation of "SANA"?

It's pronounced SHIT i.e. something worthless.


Just been catching up as it's been a while since ive been on an to find a sana ! This is a win in my book the 1.4 carb fiat tipo i had could do 115 mph not on public roads though :wink: . Haven't seen a sana for probbley 15 yrs. Though my brother told me a couple of months ago that the motor factors where he work's. Had a garage order a oil filter for one they told my brother it was A1 condition so least that 1 on the road. :D

  • 3 years later...




only if its near and for the right amount of money. unfortunately im not very rich and i dont have a trailer  


only if its near and for the right amount of money

Scotland collectively says: if it's not over a sea, it's not far away. No comment on cheapness.

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 if it's not over a sea, it's not far away. 

thats all very well and good but for 1 i live in Wiltshire witch is in the south west and also i dont have a trailer. bugger! i really wanted that car. 


That car is still in exactly the same spot?? Seriously??

It was last week.


Any takers on this then? I'm happy to door knock the owner for any prospective shiter.


Any takers on this then? I'm happy to door knock the owner for any prospective shiter.

someone please take it! im gutted 

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SORN until 1/4/14.


Someone still cares about it somehow.

  • 5 years later...



In the last half hour I've had the pleasure of dropping off the little old lady who lives next door to the Sana. Obviously I pumped her for information and here's the lowdown.


An elderly couple owned it and when the husband died many years ago his wife refused to sell it. Fair enough but apparently she was a bit of a hoarder and the inside of the house now reflects this. She passed away a few years ago leaving the house, contents and Sana to their only son. I asked her about him and she said he's a chip off the old block when it comes to hoarding. The old lady also said, and I quote "I'm not saying he's queer but he keeps himself to himself" so the future's looking a bit bleak for our beige solider. Somehow I don't think any financial offer will save it. The house is his without debt and worth over 200k so he's not desperate for cash.

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So common this kind of story, if not the car. There are two R8 Rovers in my family being hoarded (complete non-runners etc)

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Aren't these made of unobtainium flakes on account of certain events surrounding the country of origin not existing anymore?


The owner apparently looks to be in his mid 50s so we've probably got another 20 years of watching it slowly turn to dust. It's the only car he owns so I don't think he can drive so he'll never bother restoring it which is a shame. I'd rather see it have one last fling around the oval that just see it rot away but at the end of the day it's his property. I'd happily door knock him if anyone here is seriously interested but I can't help but think that he's the sort of Man who'll not answer the door let alone sell. I don't think he likes strangers which I suppose is his right. About five years ago we had a driver at my firm who died and his widow has left his Citroën C8 up the driveway deteriorating due to sentimentality.


Aren't these made of unobtainium flakes on account of certain events surrounding the country of origin not existing anymore?


There are still loads of them in the former bits of Yugoslavia, especially Serbia. They even had facelifted ones!

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Print this thread out, put in an envelope and put it through his door.


Print this thread out, put in an envelope and put it through his door.

I was going to suggest speaking to him and when he says no send some of the best threads on here through the door to show we do care.

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