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The grumpy thread


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Just been driving around Liverpool tonight. There were two scallies all hoodied up in the off licence. Buying Rizlas.


The scallies in question watched it on the telly for a while, their only comment of note was "This won't happen here, nobody wants the bizzies in their house... they'll find the weed.."


Which made me grin a bit. I know it's the wrong thread an all that, but hey.

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This getting worse, Some poor old girl was just being interview on Sky News saying how they just broke into her house and stole some plates she had just got after saving up for them.


There was also another lady who was saying her house had just been attacked and set on fire and she had to flee out the window and climb over the roof to escape and was currently sitting in her car in a car park hiding.


They have no shame.

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But no more guns would be a bad thing, what we need are stonger police and more of them. Arresting a guy form throwing a pie at Rupert Murdoch and then the court sentancing them for six weeks is one thing, these people should be rounded up and fragged.

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LBC radio said that young asian lads were chasing the rioters out of their area to stop them damaging their property.....

I think that was Brick Lane.

A lady friend and her flatemate are scared out of their wits as they live in a flat around the back of Clapham Common, and I've taken my mates work van home as it would have been parked in Wood Green...

I'm off to Ibiza next week, they'd better be a country to come back to.

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...a couple of lunatics with easy access to guns is all you need for dozens of innocent people dying.


No one wants insane-os to have guns. That's why there are laws against felons, mentals, and stalkers from owning guns.


But if you proscribe human rights because "a couple of lunatics" will eventually be able to abuse those rights, that leads you down the path to slavery. Goebbels and the KKK abused freedom of speech - can't allow that, so free speech, that's out. Rioters congregated before starting the violence, OK, so freedom of peacable assembly, that's right out too. Oh-oh, what's this? A criminal used the internet to make a bomb? Right, strip the WWW of content and make sure Collosus Programs tracks every IP address to every device and every search and logs it worldwide. Right to self-determination? Shit, can't allow that either, might vote to repeal these laws, better to have a dicktater.


The only reason to have a gun is to shoot people. Or maybe as a penis substitute.

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...a couple of lunatics with easy access to guns is all you need for dozens of innocent people dying.


No one wants insane-os to have guns. That's why there are laws against felons, mentals, and stalkers from owning guns.



The more guns in circulation the easier it is for criminals to get them. In the country-side of the US de to the vast distances I can understand the need for a gun, if the police are 3 hours away you need some protection. The UK does not need guns everywhere.

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The reason that people need to carry a gun is because the don't have the stones to kill someone whilst getting their hands dirty. Killing people as easily as changing channels on their tv is just a cop out.


How many people in the USA are killed every year by their own guns?

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Switzerland's military system allows soldiers to keep their weapons and ammunition at home, which has become the object of controversy in the wealthy Alpine country following recent attacks and high suicide rates involving military weapons kept at home.


OMG! One guy was injured in, what, 300 years of Swiss military billeting of weapons at "home"? Fugg, it's a certifiable trend, innit? I'm with you, the Swiss should change their entire way of life to conform to some idiotic stylish Casper Milquetoast viewpoint that "guns are bad" per se.


Once again you only see what you want to see.


We all know that you want all Americans to be armed to the teeth so that you can go round shooting commies and showing the rest of the world how superior you are because you invented everything and did everything first.


Do you consider that the rest of us might find your bullshit tiresome?


Where's the "ban for a year" button...

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Now I'm pissed off. It's gone off here as well.


This chap seems to be wandering around taking pics of it all and uploading them.




Where abouts is this happening?

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Now I'm pissed off. It's gone off here as well.


This chap seems to be wandering around taking pics of it all and uploading them.




Where abouts is this happening?


think its liverpool.... but only tesco i know that got looted was the one in hackney

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Now I'm pissed off. It's gone off here as well.


This chap seems to be wandering around taking pics of it all and uploading them.




Where abouts is this happening?


Grove St and around Smithdown. I was there less than an hour ago and it was quiet. Properly disappointed, Wankers are going to give us a bad name again.

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They're off down to L1, or so the rumours say. I know a few people in and around Smithdown / L8 who can see what's going on but aren't going outside. My facebook feed has gone insane.


This is proper shit.

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They're off down to L1, or so the rumours say. I know a few people in and around Smithdown / L8 who can see what's going on but aren't going outside. My facebook feed has gone insane.


This is proper shit.


This is doing Merseyside no favours at all. L1 is a focal point of pride for the whole 0151 area.

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They're off down to L1, or so the rumours say. I know a few people in and around Smithdown / L8 who can see what's going on but aren't going outside. My facebook feed has gone insane.


This is proper shit.


This is doing Merseyside no favours at all. L1 is a focal point of pride for the whole 0151 area.


aint doing anywhere any favours..... especially london and the olympics... they have hit the mac dees in canning town.... its like watching election nite with all the areas coming in lol

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OH, here comes the crybaby who wants acceptance for himself but wants to ban everybody who doesn't think like HIM, speaking confidently for "the rest of us" in classic "Lord Of The Flies" style. Well done. Ban? Fark, who gives a shit.


Do you ever consider all the posts by people who disagree with you?

Who think you make no sense?

Who tell you that you are wrong?


Or, like the islam article, don't you see those?


And why did you get banned from RR?

For the second time.

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I'll just leave this here. :cry:


http://inapcache.boston.com/universal/s ... s/bp23.jpg

Aaron Biber, 89, assesses the damage to his hairdressing salon after riots on Tottenham High Road on August 7, 2011


Heartbreaking isn't it. Hearing the interview with the owner of the shop in Croydon that was burnt-out (in his family for 140 years) was the same.

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