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2 Day 800 mile round trip collekshun fred


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A few weeks ago whilst in a foreign country I bought some new (to me) chod, a version of which has been conspicious by its absence in my collection, so tomorrow I set off to fetch this vehicle I have never seen, WCPGW? The quickest public transport to travel the 400 miles there will take 9 hours, so I have decided to spend tomorrow night with a friend in a city I have never driven to or in, and last visited about 20 years ago. Should be fun.

My nearest public transport is 8 miles away, so the first 8 miles will be done in this, which will remain in the car park until I return...


Due to the ungodly hour I have to leave in the morning, I will not have time or inclination to post the breakfast shot, so have one of the breakfast  I have prepared for tomorrow


If I can work out how to operate my new phone, I will attempt to update as the day(s) progress!

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There’s a Y tho on that train. 


Chod speed sir. At first I thought a 400 mile trip in an AX was brave.... just opens it up to something worse for the journey home! Haha

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I just did 'realtime cab-vid' utube - Carlisle to Ebro, via Carstairs....

Relaxing (didn't see any donkeys) but a few 'Tesc less Co2' container trains.... StobartRail, I think.

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The 'Dame Edna' 9-5 looks really good in a light metallic colour, as in my opinion, such hues lessen the impact of 'those' headlights.

I personally think that the 1997-2002 Saab 9-5 is the best looking and best made Saab 9-5, but having owned two, I'm a little bit biased *wag*

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2 hours ago, Shep Shepherd said:

The 'Dame Edna' 9-5 looks really good in a light metallic colour, as in my opinion, such hues lessen the impact of 'those' headlights.

I personally think that the 1997-2002 Saab 9-5 is the best looking and best made Saab 9-5, but having owned two, I'm a little bit biased *wag*

They look great in black if you spray all the chrome bits black as well.

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1 hour ago, Lacquer Peel said:
2 hours ago, beko1987 said:
Are they £400 yet? I really want one! 

This one was £250!

I shall wait for further thread updates then before I work out if their not £400 for a good but tired one yet then! 

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Just to round this thread off, a friend called by today and gave me a lift to the station to collect the abandoned steed. Now safely back home, and time to start planning the next collection...


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Just how many of your "fleet" do you get to drive every week / month ( I known you're miles from nowhere so less plod than even I see living at the back of the local nick).

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