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LightBulbFun's Invacar & general ramble thread, index on page 1, survivors lists on Pages 24/134 & AdgeCutler's Invacar Mk12 Restoration from Page 186 onwards, still harping on...

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Woo Pictures! once again thank you very much for all of this  :)


that vin plate and electrical tape smiley face really is something special  :mrgreen:


ill run all the pictures via stuart too see if he has anything to add :)


glad to see the chassis number :) (thats not an 8 in front of the D is it? ie D8249? or am I finally starting to see things LOL) should be an easy path to getting its original reg back now :)


(MPH736P was registered in 1976 and that fake VIN plate says 1976 on it so that adds up at least?)


its a shame those HPI check thingies cost money cuz iv got so many invacars id look up id probably bankrupt myself horribly otherwise  :mrgreen:

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I know what you mean about the '8' - but I think that's just a trick of the eye.


LanciaMatt may be able to run the HPI on this?

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I know what you mean about the '8' - but I think that's just a trick of the eye.


LanciaMatt may be able to run the HPI on this?


just so LanciaMatt knows exactly (I really hope he is ok with us asking him to run all these HPI checks like this! I very much appreciate what he has done for us so far :) )


HPI check to be run on the following please:




and/or Chassis No/VIN: D249


(and if nothing shows up D8249)


I think this a good conclusion to things :)





(I noticed in the above pictures it looks to have a left hand throttle which is a bit unusual :) )


It does sound like he has attachment to it, rather than shifting on purely for profit. Ok this may turn out incorrect, but right now it looks like it to me.

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So you've made* me buy one, and probably helped another one back on the road this year already.


We ought to put you up for an OBE for services to Invacar preservation (I can hear Stuart say 'get in line', lol)

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I know what you mean about the '8' - but I think that's just a trick of the eye.


LanciaMatt may be able to run the HPI on this?

Trick of the camera. I looked at the pic I took and at the number and there was no number 8 in it in natural light.

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Bench seat looks a bit 90s Renault to me?


Thanks for the pics.


Renault express rear seat, I think...




Imagine what he’d have given you if you’d sorted the reg number as well ?! ????


I wouldn't read into that too much as mentioned previously I dont think he does tech so to speak very well, if that makes sense :)



he sent this last night, one would think he was going to sort out a Bent MOT for it but I think he is just referring to the MOT exempt thing




(iv been giving the chap advice because hopefully he knows now NOT to put Invacar on the V62, because I had a bad feeling he would, hopefully its not too confusing for him)


it does help I can send SMS (aka text messages) from my desktop computer (means I dont have to tap it all out on some bloody touch screen)  :mrgreen:

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Honesty pays because you’ve done someone a very good turn, something most people wouldn’t have bothered doing. You might not have ended up with it, but you seemed to have learnt a bit more about them and more importantly have done that bloke a really good turn.


Agree with Cav here. You’ve done a really good thing for that chap and gained nothing in return. There aren’t enough people who do stuff like that any more.


Top man.


If one day we meet I’ll buy you a pint, or a cuppa whichever is your preference!


So guess who just got PMed to a site where I can shove number plates in and get VIN numbers out




First off the bat is SOI7570 this one is *redacted*


ok so this is really exciting stuff :)


SOI7570 is *redacted* registered on the 1st of december 1978, this one has later VIN plate then even VES108S (*redacted*) which is (well now was?) thought to be the Last Invacar Model 70


UOI4719 is T409 registered 1st October 1979


WOI654 is *redacted* registered 1st of July 1980
GIG4834 is *redacted* registered 1st of December 1980
been talking to stuart about these, and its all new to him as well! and that these are very late, and that SOI7570 is from after VES108S
he says it really looks like they built a separate block of cars for NI after the UK...
(now the question is, where these Model 70s made in NI and badged up as AC and Invacar, or where they actually made at their respective factories?)
(sadly it seems for older as in have not been active for long time, english registrations, it does not want to work, MPH736P MPH735P and the Mk12 reg plates dont work sadly, but TPA and TWC does for example)

You're making new Invacar history here! I hope Stuart gives you a credit in his new book.


Aye :)


Stuart says he has a hole in his records between T400-421 (with T447 being the last AC Model 70 in his records but with T495 out there all on its own, well until now :) )



so he is quite happy about things as its slowly patching holes in the records :)


(the site im using it looks like, an invacar last taxed in 1990 wont show up, but one last taxed in Y2K will)

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Can confirm the site im using does have a daily lookup limit whoops LOL


for those wondering (until now) its thought that about 17,810 Model 70s where produced,



id like to share the website, but it was PMed to me so im reluctant to go around throwing its details everywhere


(it also requires a login which I was given, but sadly I dont see a place to make a new login, say for myself personally)


but thank you very much to the person who gave me the site! its been instrumental into figuring out a new bit of Model 70 history :)


(also posting this because iv had a some people wanting to know the website with their own Car/VIN enquires)

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aye yeah iv seen that one a few times tis pretty cool :)


the place that photograph is from also has the one of the rack of invacars etc


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LBF - do you know what happened to PPJ 487R featured here?


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I dont know sadly, but looking at its last Taxed date on the DVLA site id guess it was sadly scrapped in the mass 2003 cull...


(I do wonder if that invacar had really done 100K, that would of been a sight to behold :) )


Honesty pays because you’ve done someone a very good turn, something most people wouldn’t have bothered doing. You might not have ended up with it, but you seemed to have learnt a bit more about them and more importantly have done that bloke a really good turn.

I messaged a guy the other month about an omega, that he had l iusted as probanly having head gasket failure.


I put him right.

Often misdiagnosed.

He sent me a message about 2 weeks later saying I was right and he was keeping the car.

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Interesting to think looking at that photo and thinking that TP could very well be one of the Model 70s in there hiding behind the Model 67s...

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Some very interesting info coming out here, keep it up!


Thanks :) its fun how usually things will simmer for a while and then in 1 day a glut of information will come out :)



Interesting to think looking at that photo and thinking that TP could very well be one of the Model 70s in there hiding behind the Model 67s...


I have often wondered if any surviving invacars are pictured anywhere while they where still in service, I know at least 1 was :) (TPE409S)


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The Internet Movie Cars Database has a few on record from films, under various categories:


AC (Invacar):



AC (Invacar Type 57):



Invacar (follow links in page):



Thundersley (follow links in page):


  • Like 1

(BTW can confirm the reg plate vin plate thingy website resets at midnight rather then in 24 hours :) )

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