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P38 Range Rover, provisionally claimed by *lucky shiter of much winning!


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Bagged for spears for existing chariot by intrepid enthusiast :)








Well here we have a sorry tale indeed!


I have moved house recently from Leeds to Huddersfield, and carted 14 years of possessions into a house which they don't really fit into, and trimmed the fleet down to Our Lass' Magentis, and my Rover 75 touring I bought off Chris 6 Cyl, borrowing a mate's LDV Maxxus to do the lugging in the main, which all went reasonably smoothly, although the Rover wasn't suiting my bad back at all, so, when the bulk of the move was over and the LDV returned, my mind went a wandering to thoughts of Ebay, and comfier seats and fun times ;)


hence a trip to a dealer in Rochdale who was advertising a Range Rover, 4.0 V8 petrol auto with full cowhide, long MOT until June next year, £800 and yes, they would do a part ex with the Rover, which although I had just stuck it thru a test, was throwing a warning light, and generally behaving like it has nearly gone round the clock twice - which it has - worthy but time to go!


I went thru it in the knowledge this was going to be economically unviable at some time in the future, all the fluids were fine, drove well on the test drive, the story behind it was it had just come up in part ex from Shrewsbury, so I went for it, especially as the seats seemed to be designed with middle aged fat lads particularly in mind - everything electrical seemed to work aside from the aircon blowing lukewarm.


Well, the sunroof and headlining is drooping but hey, TADTS, spots of rust here and there, not bothered at this price, I was looking forwards to putting some decent music in it, valeting it within an inch of it's life, and hooning around the tip and such using it as a fancy van for a couple of months until the petrol bill or otherwise made me move it on :)


I stuck £60 of petrol in from the BIg Asda in Rochdale, and set off to Huddersfield on the M62, and it went well, wallowing around as they do, I was loving the stance and the rising of the airbags (I assume) on start up, and thought I'd pop into my local Wickes to grab some plumbing parts for the new washing machine coming today - when I heard a disturbing noise coming from the front end - bah :(


Long story short, there is a knock, knock, knockin which is definitely nothing to do with heaven in my experience, quite the opposite!


I continued on home and took this here badly shot video and pics - apologies in advance for the quality and skillz, I am not the best with this stuff - ah, apparently the video file is "not allowed" - any help please on uploading?






Here is the original ebay advert -




So, any bright ideas as to how the hell I can get some of my money back on this disastrous piece of business?


I am ruling out returning the thing to the dealer on the grounds I shot my big gob off when I was wandering round it, saying I knew all the foibles and how it was a risk I was willing to take, how dealers couldn't make money on these sales at this price point and offer any sort of warranty (I stand by that - how do they cover a top end rebuild on this!! - assuming they didn't know there was a potential issue), and how it would weigh in for a decent amount etc..


May I call on the  wisdom of RR lickers as to how much this thing is worth as it stands, either whole or parted out (I don't really fancy breaking it but if it's worth a smoll fortune in bits then I might be tempted), any love for a part ex for something that actually runs, because for the first time since I passed my car test as far as I can remember I HAVE NO CAR OR VAN!!!!


Yes folks, as of today, I am a fucking pedestrian/ bus wanker :(


I have bagged the use of Daughter's Lexus RX300 on Saturday for a week as she's away on an aeroplane somewhere just as warm as Yorkshire right now, but I would much rather have my own barge thanks very much, so please all and any suggestions offers please - I am an automatic guy now by preference, the bigger the better, MPV's, barges, vans, trucks, or going the opposite way something smoll and daft like hyundai ATOZ/ AMica etc would be fun, and a modern MIni One in auto flava would have a double function in that my mate Max the Mini restorer hates them, so just annoying him would be a proper bonus :)


Many thanks fellow shiters for your assistance, and just to grease the wheels of cooperation, I have not one, not two, but three quite *wonderful dealer Shirts in XL, Black to offer the most helpful *lucky shiter in this endevour :)




I realise this post is probably more interesting due to the shirts and right now, I agree, please bear in mind I may keep one for myself, as orl vauxhall's are not as shite as Rovers in my house ;)




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Video can't be hosted here, best way is to upload it to That Youtube and link it here.

Ah so thats why when I try to attach a video it never works! HA!

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Depends a lot on what the knock knock knockin' is. Is it a light tapping, or a heavy guts-of-the-engine knock? Any other symptoms? Is the knocking at crankshaft speed? Slower?


It could be something minor, or it could be a total disaster.


Personally, I'd be tempted to invoke the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and let the dealer have it back for a full refund. It was clearly fucked when you bought it if you didn't even manage one tank of fuel before it shit it's pants. If you go back within 30 days they have absolutely no comeback, cannot offer to fix the car, they just have to give you your money back (minus the amount for the rover of course)

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Video can't be hosted here, best way is to upload it to That Youtube and link it here.


I will have a go at that, I assume one has to register an account with the youtubes and so on, should while away a good couple of days ;)

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I will have a go at that, I assume one has to register an account with the youtubes and so on, should while away a good couple of days ;)


I'll PM you, send me the video and I'll upload it for you.

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Depends a lot on what the knock knock knockin' is. Is it a light tapping, or a heavy guts-of-the-engine knock? Any other symptoms? Is the knocking at crankshaft speed? Slower?


It could be something minor, or it could be a total disaster.


Personally, I'd be tempted to invoke the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and let the dealer have it back for a full refund. If you go back within 30 days they have absolutely no comeback, cannot offer to fix the car, they just have to give you your money back (minus the amount for the rover of course)


It's a deep sounding knock to my ears, top end I reckon, but it's a bloody big engine and sounds can travel in strange ways, so not sure!


I did sign away a no returns trade sale spares or reapers form, safe in the knowledge this was always on the cards, as well as recklessly joking about not contacting them when it blew up etc - didn't think it was going to be on the maiden journey of course, so I'm taking it on the chin as a salutory lesson in not buying shite you know full well will be a heap of hassle  - if I'd paid big bucks I'd have been back there on the back of a big orange transporter kicking off - but I didn't, I reckon I'll get half my investment back just weighing it in/ go with car take back, so not too bothered really.

It does make a good tale of woe and wanton idiocy mind you, and can you put a price on that :)

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It does make a good tale of woe and wanton idiocy mind you, and can you put a price on that :)


About £400 by the looks of things. Worth it.

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I'll PM you, send me the video and I'll upload it for you.


Cheers, on it now, been talking to Double Yeller about speeding up my imminent purchase of Fatharris' Kia Magictits, sorry for the delay :)

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Drive RR to me, hand over bucket of cash, drive home in Huggy.  Job jobbed.


Mission impossible I fear Eddy!


Doubt it would make it to the M62 without a seizure :)


I would have Huggy in a heartbeat if I had the dosh :)

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Many thanks to Djoptix for the vid upload, sorry for the shite camera work, it was more to record the knocking than the gorgeous state of the exterior, and I think it worth mentioning after the test drive, I popped the oil cap, and thought the top end looked a bit dry - thought little of it until now, as it had been delivered from Shrewsbury no issues, and was fine on the test drive, not sure how you can silence that load a knock with thick oil etc, so I have to suspect sheer bad luck meant the oil pump or something has let go on the way home??


Next step is either ebay, or car take back or any suggestions guys and gal? :)


Ironically autobreaker.com will give me £314 if I deliver it to their agent in rochdale, where it came from!!


It wouldn't make it with out a big orange transporter i don't think ;(

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Guest Hooli

Personally, I'd be tempted to invoke the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and let the dealer have it back for a full refund. It was clearly fucked when you bought it if you didn't even manage one tank of fuel before it shit it's pants. If you go back within 30 days they have absolutely no comeback, cannot offer to fix the car, they just have to give you your money back (minus the amount for the rover of course)


I tried that once & was told under £1k it excludes cars.

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These outfits calling themselves 'trade cars' etc just any old crap in then add a margin on then punt it on under spares or repairs. Half the time they with t even have inspected or cleaned the car. There's a place not that far from Bradford that does this that is well known.


I'd have thought with any sub £1000 car the trading standards would be no use. You pay your money and take your chance.

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That sounds like top end to me, seized hydraulic lifter perhaps?  Bottom end tends to make itself known more when the engine us under load and be less 'rhythmic'


I might be wrong of course.  But it doesn't sound like its totally fucking fucked mate.  (but its a range rover P38 so give it time)

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My suggestion would be a roffle for £6 a ticket.  A borked Range Rover is prime autoshite material and the tickets would fly off the shelves.  You match your autobreaker quote and get to see it heroically resurrected\ruin someone else's life


Naturally i'd have a couple of tickets, and then hope that I don't end up winning a Range Rover with a borked engine, a Merc that can't have the seat adjusted and a Volvo with a dodgy flywheel all on the same weekend.

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Guest Hooli

My suggestion would be a roffle for £6 a ticket.  A borked Range Rover is prime autoshite material and the tickets would fly off the shelves.  You match your autobreaker quote and get to see it heroically resurrected\ruin someone else's life


Naturally i'd have a couple of tickets, and then hope that I end up winning a Range Rover with a borked engine, a Merc that can't have the seat adjusted and a Volvo with a dodgy flywheel all on the same weekend. So I can combine them into a Merc powered Volvo with RR seats.




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Ironically autobreaker.com will give me £314 if I deliver it to their agent in rochdale, where it came from!!


Hmm. If I knew what a rat smelled like I would say...

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Drink this, problem solved.


Be rude not to take this suggestion up, especially in my new role as Bus Wanker, top deck back seat, winning in life :)

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My suggestion would be a roffle for £6 a ticket.  A borked Range Rover is prime autoshite material and the tickets would fly off the shelves.  You match your autobreaker quote and get to see it heroically resurrected\ruin someone else's life


Naturally i'd have a couple of tickets, and then hope that I don't end up winning a Range Rover with a borked engine, a Merc that can't have the seat adjusted and a Volvo with a dodgy flywheel all on the same weekend.


Not sure my conscience will allow that level of misery to be inflicted on innocent roffle participants ;)

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Top deck was shandy wasn't it?


Hmm, at my age and state of health probably better off with that now you come to mention it :)

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