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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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'Q: Hi made interested in your car for sale was wondering would you accept 500 of I came today cheers'


Does that mean 'would you trade the car for him ejaculating 500 times in one day?'


The person who asked the question was quite clearly a wanker so that is entirely possible I'd imagine. It wasn't my car I hasten to add, I was just trawling through eBay and came across it fnarr fnarr.

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My dad. Bless him. He's out of hospital and giddy as a kitten despite being stuck in a motorhome for 2 weeks now, and obviously still in a bit of pain.


He had a room mate with colon cancer while he was in, and keeps going on about him like a new best friend he met on a school trip or something.


It's just nice. :D

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Happy endings.


Wife's sister and her hubby have been with us for two weeks, which is why you haven't seen much of me around; they've gone back to Cardiff now so normality resumes. However, while on a visit to a nearby cat sanctuary, brother-in-law finds a memory card from a digital camera. Assuming it's one of his, he picks it up and brings it home. Upon checking it, he realises it isn't his at all, in fact both of his are where they should be. We download it through my camera onto this computer, and check out the pics. Well, they are clearly of some people from the east midlands, who come to Cyprus quite a bit. I spot a Paphos phone number in the background of a restaurant pic, and a few days later find the restaurant (one we haven't tried yet but gets good reviews). Driving past I look in... and some of those people look familiar. Cue rapid turn and stop manoevres, and I walk up to their table. "I know you, you have a Mazda RX8... You won a trophy a couple of years ago... etc." You should have seen their faces! Anyway, two days later they came to see me, and collect the card (which I didn't have with me at the restaurant) and were suitably delighted, even grateful.


I love a happy ending. :D

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any rude pics that are worth posting up?


A certain establishment which I might possibly have worked in always checked any phones or cameras that customers had left in rental cars to see if any of the above were present. And surprisingly often, there were :twisted:

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Today a colleague brought his enormous bear \ dog thing into work. You're allowed to bring your dog to work at our place.








Make no mistake, this dog was farking massive. He got him off a complete scumbag who'd brought him into the country to fight. Matey paid up and promptly shopped him to the authorities. We *think* he's some kind of Mastiff \ Pitbull cross breed, but he's been looked after properly and is subsequently soft as shite. God knows what customers thought as he crashed from pillar to post (it's a small office) chewing toilet rolls and farting. He also took a massive dislike to one of the supervisors (actually he is a bit of a tit) and began barking \ slobbering all over his leg as he was trying to work.


I'll say one thing for work, although the majority of customers are twats the people are great and the banter is never dull.


Seeing him cram the dog into the back of his EK Civic saloon was also rather funny when work had finished. The smell alone must have been horrific.

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Dunno much about teh goggies, but he appears to me to be related to a Great dane somewhere along the line, which would also explain the temprement (sic?).

Bro had one, with Autoshite kennel name "Montego Blackjack of (somewhere or other)", and he was as daft as shit. The original idea of calling him Monty, which we thought conveyed some kind of class and dignity, was soon replaced by calling him Benny, because that suited him better.

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The architecture here made me grin - more buildings should have giant elephants for a facade




but this was a lot funnier




Absolutely promise no photoshoppery there.




another angle just in case you're in doubt

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Sitting behind a Citroen Saxo with a plethora of stickers on the back of it. My favourite was this though, which made me burst out laughing in a bus full of pensioners mid afternoon...



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Maybe I should make a matching "Vogue" one for it.


I also want a "ONE LIFE, F*CK IT" sticker. Or "ONE WIFE, LOVE IT." Anything but the usual...



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'One inch dick, live with it'.


*Not you DW!

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Spotting my first eva' MGZT 260. I'm taking this as a sign as one of these is no 1 on my want list.

Spotting my old e34 535i on Homes under the Hammer on the telly several hundred miles away from the place I sold it.

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"ONE LIFE. And you buy a fucking sticker to advertise the fact that it comes naturally to all of us but you. Now fuck off and get a Life before I hurt you."


Not you like.....

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