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your google search history must make interesting reading


I'm sure this must be the worlds most influential celluloid car chase.


Absolutely. Peter Yates credits it as the reason he got the gig on the Bullet DVD commentary.


A colleague of mine put me on to this... I really rather like it, like some sort of Autoshite technology programme intro.


A colleague of mine put me on to this... I really rather like it, like some sort of Autoshite technology programme intro.



Featuring some chod-tastic bt adverts


Can't find the one with an army of Ital vans though :(


more 70s tv autoshite I uploaded earlier this evening




Driving a Hummer in Iraq.



It's surprising how many Astras, Cavs and 1970s Pisshats roam the streets there.



Ho hum!


I would say those idiots with the Lada were trying to get on 'Youv'e Beens Framedski'


Could be!


Two Ladas crash into each other - driver's door falls off.




Ho hum!



Always fancied a shot of an LH... !


That was 24ft of pure evil. It had a tendancy for the back end to break loose with ease, and I did once almost spin it in Chesterfield in the rain. It has a tall diff, and before being cut back on the fuel pump, would do the wrong side of 75. At the time, it was painted in Metro Train livery, and had a 2 tone from a class 47 loco fitted, along with a CD player & bass box in the luggage rack. The bus is now with new owners in Merseyside, restored to it's Merseyside PTE livery minus all its fun things.


Cop a load of Mrs Cholmondley Warner's voice over in this 1937 film!



The Dangerous brother (Mayall / Edmondson) Wreck a Viva




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