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Father Ted

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Excellent. Glad you like it! Hope sorting the pedal box isn't too much bother. If it's coming off, I'd get whoever welds it to check the clutch pedal side as well. That's the bit that failed on my first BX. Still managed to drive a fair distance with no clutch!

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The results of a stone flicking up of a Nissan Navara a few days ago has now resulted in this split across my Mondeo's screen on the drive home from work this morning, luckily my insurance covers for this, sadly it costs me £75 for the privilege. Bumhats.


In other news my suspected head gasket failure on the Alto has now turned into a suspected cracked head or inlet manifold. Double bumhats. :(

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Hey BXangyl, if you whip the pedal box off I'm happy to weld it up for you, I could even pick it up and drop it off 'cos I only work in Staveley.

My welder is powered by a motor out of a hot chocolate whipper machine though so I don't expect it to look like its been turned out by chip fooses lot, but it should hold up OK.

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Had the opposite problem to the BX with the 2CV today. Throttle kept jamming fully open, unleashing the fearsome fury of 29bhp. Only it wasn't 29bhp because it looks like the bottom end on this engine has given up. Oil pressure light flickers at a rather laboured tickover, and when I put my hand on the engine, it feels like a washing machine full of rubble. Arse. The 2CV has many issues at the moment - she's starting to feel her 190,000 miles, 100,000 of which have been with me and my heavy foot. This is actually my spare engine, but given how many faults her original engine has, I might have to stump up and buy a complete recon unit. That's about a grand.


All of which makes me very glad that I haven't yet found a new motor, though I was hoping to close a deal on a W124. Instead I now need something a bit more wife-friendly, while I hope that the troubled hydraulic pump on the BX doesn't let go - especially as I've got to travel to Devon and back this weekend.


Angyl - that alternator was only fitted in Jan last year by the chap who temporarily had it from me. What are the symptoms? It was charging like a good'un last time I checked.

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First of all, we had a flat battery for apparently no reason but then it turned out somebody (not me) had put the blowers on so maybe that had caused it? Only other difference was refitting the bulbs in the interior lights. The interior lights turn off as they should, I doubt they're draining the battery. Charged the battery, put it on the car, started no problem and we ran it for a while to make sure all was well. Turned everything off including the blowers and I carried on with cleaning and stuff only to find the battery was flat again when I tried to move the car out of the way. Had to jump start it this time as we didn't have time to charge it. Managed to get enough life in to move it onto the street out of the way and on testing the battery it comes up at 11.5 volts at the battery at most. Of course, the battery itself might be on the way out too but the fluid levels are okay on it and there's no visible swelling to the casing or anything like that. I haven't tried starting it again since. Tick time is improved and it seems happier to start (before the battery/alternator problems surfaced) and all I've been doing is playing with the uppy-downy lever to get it to be a bit less stiff.


I'm just smiling about it, weirdly enough, I'm perfectly happy with the car and even the rust isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Would be odd for the alternator to fail in such a short period of time though, so maybe it's not that?

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Weird. I did have some problems with it seeming not to charge in August. Got a flat battery at the big Harrogate meet, but I was running a fridge off it all day. That was on a different battery too. The one on it now should be better.

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Volks, drop me a pm as/when you need any parts, We've still a lot of NOS stuff, and some second hand bits too, as well as the remains of an estate in the field.

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I'll check for loose connections and the like tomorrow in the daylight, I can't really see what's what at the moment. It might just be that something's jumped off, or that it's just having a mardy.


@ruff: will do.

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So, as the 2CV is knackered, I'm going to have to start counting the pennies and save up for the work needed. If it's coming off the road, what I really need is a small hatchback of some sort that my wife will happily drive and which will not drink too much fuel.


What I've actually done is bought a 3-litre petrol Merc W124. Happy Valentine's Day! Oh dear. I tried explaining that it had headlamp wipers, so it must be good.

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If it's the head, Trig, what is it made of and is it weldable? If so this place probably aren't cheap but certainly used to be absolutely shit hot at head repairs:



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Cheers for the heads up mate, my tamed mechanic came over my dad's to take a look tonight and seems to think he can see some sign of damage on the head & gasket and thinks that getting it skimmed is all that's needed, so that's now the new port of call.

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What I've actually done is bought a 3-litre petrol Merc W124. Happy Valentine's Day! Oh dear. I tried explaining that it had headlamp wipers, so it must be good.


Excellent man-logic, we need pics! :D

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VA - of you do need any bits of Mr. Ruffgeezer I may be able to assist in ferrying them across to you ;)


DW - sounds like an excellent valentines gift, certainly beats a bunch of flowers.

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A 3ltr Mercedes with headlamp washers and an economical hatchback have a lot in common, for a start they both have four wheels.


Skattrd: Are you sure you want to brave my bad luck car curse? It seems to be affecting other people these days.

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Went to pick up the Maxi from the garage yesterday where they were just MOTing it after having all the work done. Unfortunately when I got there one of the side repeater bulbs had blown and being an older type bulb they did not have any in store so they are ordering some in for today!! So finally this afternoon after nearly sixteen years off the road it will be road legal again!

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Awaiting road legality with almost as much anticipation as you Mr Organist. Can't wait to see pics of a road legal Maxi.


More details of the Merc will follow on Tuesday. It's this one.


http://retrorides.proboards.com/index.c ... ead=134494


I'm not paying £700 for it. My guess is it won't be far off the economy of my old W123 300D - that never bettered 27mpg and was hopelessly slow. With 188bhp, this should be rather swifter. Short test on it, so I'm hoping it'll sail through a fresh one once I get it home. What could possibly go wrong?

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Awaiting road legality with almost as much anticipation as you Mr Organist. Can't wait to see pics of a road legal Maxi.


More details of the Merc will follow on Tuesday. It's this one.


http://retrorides.proboards.com/index.c ... ead=134494


I'm not paying £700 for it. My guess is it won't be far off the economy of my old W123 300D - that never bettered 27mpg and was hopelessly slow. With 188bhp, this should be rather swifter. Short test on it, so I'm hoping it'll sail through a fresh one once I get it home. What could possibly go wrong?


Looks like an honest car from the advert and looks like a lot of car for the money.


Thanks it has been a long wait. Will get some pics over the weekend hopefully although it is currently in flaking matt black over Sandglow. I reckon a couple of high pressure washes may get rid of much of the black!

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Having been banned from buying any more cars until I sorted out the Golf that lay abandoned in my lockup for 18 months with no roof, I decided I'd better do something about it.


One of my friends mentioned that his motorsport trailer empty of cars and local for once, so I asked him for a big big big favour to retrieve the Golf. Golf went onto the trailer, however his winch cable snapped during the process and the assistance of passing people was recruited to push it on board.


The damp garage had given the steering wheel a lovely alcantara effect (2mm thick mould).


Had a new roof fitted yesterday, which all went well, except the locking roof handle snapped, so whilst closed, the roof is slightly misaligned and will remain so until I source a spare.


Fitted a new battery, cranked it for a bit and it started (albeit lumpily, but the fuel is 18 months old!).


This weekend I need to clean it, then get it serviced,MOT'd and taxed.


The cables have gone in both front seats meaning that access to the rear seats, you have to physically reach down and lift the catch at the base of the seats - I have the new cables, but lacking time to fit as it involves removing / dismantling the seats, would this be an MOT failure do you reckon? I'm also waiting for the new seat runner guides to arrive as the seats are wobbly.


The clutch feels INCREDIBLY heavy - I'm hoping it's just the clutch cable as I've got a new one of those I can pop on.


I think getting the car back on the road will cost about £850 (inc. tax and ins.), which isn't bad as it means the Acadiane no longer has to perform daily duties. Plus it's probably what the car is worth on a sunny day? ('tis a golf 1.8 carb convertible in an assortment of pooey shades).


I still think the option of buying an additional car was better, however I get glared at when trying to make my tenuous argument.

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Glad you're reviving the Golf. They are nice motors and don't seen to attract the OMG SLAMMIT brigade as much as the hatchbacks. Get it back on the road and use it for a bit, then sell when (if?) summer arrives perhaps.

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So, the chap came and looked at escRot (during a blizzard, I hasten to add) and his verdict of 'doable, but not really worth it, has put a dampener on my enthusiasm. As has Papa 4dr telling me to cut my losses.


I figure it'll cost at least a G and a lot of my hours to see the road again.


£300 for the jigging

at least £300 in panels

sheet steel, welding gas/wire etc.

Paint and associated gubbings

and thats before MOT (and anything that throws up) and tax.


Or (as my Pa has been trying to convince me)


Sell it (cheapest on ebay, with similar damage but in much, much worse condition and engineless is a grand) add that to whatever payout I get and buy something 'nice'.


I love this car, but its giving me sleepless nights trying to work out what I should do with it/how I'm going to pay for it/where I'm going to store next.

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Having been banned from buying any more cars until I sorted out the Golf that lay abandoned in my lockup for 18 months with no roof, I decided I'd better do something about it.


One of my friends mentioned that his motorsport trailer empty of cars and local for once, so I asked him for a big big big favour to retrieve the Golf. Golf went onto the trailer, however his winch cable snapped during the process and the assistance of passing people was recruited to push it on board.


The damp garage had given the steering wheel a lovely alcantara effect (2mm thick mould).


Had a new roof fitted yesterday, which all went well, except the locking roof handle snapped, so whilst closed, the roof is slightly misaligned and will remain so until I source a spare.


Fitted a new battery, cranked it for a bit and it started (albeit lumpily, but the fuel is 18 months old!).


This weekend I need to clean it, then get it serviced,MOT'd and taxed.


The cables have gone in both front seats meaning that access to the rear seats, you have to physically reach down and lift the catch at the base of the seats - I have the new cables, but lacking time to fit as it involves removing / dismantling the seats, would this be an MOT failure do you reckon? I'm also waiting for the new seat runner guides to arrive as the seats are wobbly.


The clutch feels INCREDIBLY heavy - I'm hoping it's just the clutch cable as I've got a new one of those I can pop on.


I think getting the car back on the road will cost about £850 (inc. tax and ins.), which isn't bad as it means the Acadiane no longer has to perform daily duties. Plus it's probably what the car is worth on a sunny day? ('tis a golf 1.8 carb convertible in an assortment of pooey shades).


I still think the option of buying an additional car was better, however I get glared at when trying to make my tenuous argument.


Heavy clutch is probably the cable merrily sawing through the bulkhead. [common on these] have a look, it's easy to spot

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So, the chap came and looked at escRot (during a blizzard, I hasten to add) and his verdict of 'doable, but not really worth it, has put a dampener on my enthusiasm. As has Papa 4dr telling me to cut my losses.


I figure it'll cost at least a G and a lot of my hours to see the road again.


£300 for the jigging

at least £300 in panels

sheet steel, welding gas/wire etc.

Paint and associated gubbings

and thats before MOT (and anything that throws up) and tax.


Or (as my Pa has been trying to convince me)


Sell it (cheapest on ebay, with similar damage but in much, much worse condition and engineless is a grand) add that to whatever payout I get and buy something 'nice'.


I love this car, but its giving me sleepless nights trying to work out what I should do with it/how I'm going to pay for it/where I'm going to store next.


My advice is flog it. Unless you've got lots of funds to pour into it or the skills to do more of the work yourself, it's going to become a burden that spoils your memories of the car. As you say, even biffed Escorts are fetching strong money. It's not a bad position to be in.

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Glad you're reviving the Golf. They are nice motors and don't seen to attract the OMG SLAMMIT brigade as much as the hatchbacks. Get it back on the road and use it for a bit, then sell when (if?) summer arrives perhaps.


It has quite bouncy, comfy suspension, which I like, and I was very impressed it starting up so readily yesterday.


I know it's the sensible option. Having lost my company car, the Acadiane is starting to give me a bad back, because when I sit up straight, I'm staring at the metal above the window. Plus I'm not sure it's enjoying its 45 miles per day commute and my steering column keeps coming loose, which is annoying.


But there was a car I found online that I loved the look of and nearly got a loan to buy and restore, but that caused arguments at home, and I don't know if you know the Lime Green Saab 96 that belongs to Julian's other half Martin from 2CV club? But that's coming up for sale soon, and I'm still tempted to take that on, because I love that car. Although Julian looked horrified when I said I was going to use it as a daily car and suggested I didn't (it's got a few quirks that need attention).




Will see if I fall for the Golf again after a weekends tinkerings.

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Heavy clutch is probably the cable merrily sawing through the bulkhead. [common on these] have a look, it's easy to spot


Hopefully - looks quite easy to access too!


I had the same thing on my van - it had very gradually gotten heavier, so I didn't notice until the point where the clutch would stick down, then suddenly pop up creating a mighty squeal as the 29hp burnt rubber from traffic lights, leaving other car in a wake of blue-tinged smoke. New cable and it felt like sooooo much nicer to drive.

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I have a road legal car again. WOD389S is now road legal for the first time since 1997 (well has an MOT). WIll be taxing it shortly!!


I iz mucho exctited!

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I have a road legal car again. WOD389S is now road legal for the first time since 1997 (well has an MOT). WIll be taxing it shortly!!


I iz mucho exctited!



That is wicked man - like to hear more on this Maxi

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Great news Mr Organist!


Insurance is in place for the Merc collection on Tuesday, though sadly there will be no 'exciting' train trip. A mate is giving me a lift in his modern Skoda Octavia thing. It's very blue and I'm very grateful. This is now the fourth time I've bought a car blind. I'm hoping it's not the first time it goes wrong...

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@Mr Organist: Huge congratulations on that achievement!


Today, I fixed the electricity problem with the BX. I may need to get "There's a problem with the earth" tattooed somewhere easily visible, like my hand or something. Full update in the BX thread, shortly.

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