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When I was on the Lakeland meet, a few things were spotted.


-Lotus Europa


-some sort of moped on a G suffix (1968/9) doing 50+mph on the M6, and overtaking people

-Lotus Elite

-red ph.2 BX estate being flatbedded up the M6

-drift spec S13 Silvia

-Danish registered TVR Cerbera in the museum car park

-P5B coupe outside someone's house in a village

-giffer owned Chevette

-Fiat Coupe in Keswick town centre that didn't look like it'd moved for a bit


I was following a pretty fast Piazza back down the M6/M61 for quite a while too... ;)


Shining like a pogweasled star amongst all the monochrome Bentleys and Range Rovers in the residents parking area outside the London Science museum -


an E-reg,red Nissan Prairie! 


Drove past a turquoise Holden (Vauxhall) Frontera Sport with some serious lacquer peel. Never seen one in the flesh before and I hope to never see one again in the future.


Also, a Mercedes 300SL Convertible HOONED past me at eleventy-million kilometers per hour. Would love to see it again in the future as I think it is a local car.


Past few days when I've been out n about I've seen the following....


B reg mk4 escrote

Range Rover classic

About 7 lotus 7 type cars all on Baltic reg plates

Mint Vauxhall cavalier H reg

Old Mini Cooper s rally car absolutely flying between Denbigh and trefnant.


Leyland FG (show-knees)



Parked in a field and used as an advertisement hoarding near Thetford, Norfolk


Seems a shame, poor old truck


I noticed I was being followed by a DeLorean the other day. It made me wonder if the driver was thinking 'blimey, I'm following an XM estate, you don't see many of those about nowadays'

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I just saw a bronze 68/69 Lamborghini Espada driving down Wellington street in Leeds. Nearly spaffed in mi trollies.


Just saw P947SDU and Junkman at a Mcdonald's in Lincolnshire near Wisbech. Was too shocked to take a picture.


I had do do a little research into what the fuck I saw on my way home through Northwich yesterday. I knew it was huge, air cooled, and communistical - and thanks to the internet, I now know it was a Tatra 603.

If I hadn't sat and totally gawped at its alien appearance for so long, I may have had the presence of mind to take a picture of it.

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A Smart Car, not exciting in itself, but it was towing a trailer!


Admittedly a very small trailer and the "towbar" looked to be a strip of angle iron bolted across the rear plastic bumper, I'm assuming there is some metal behind it.


Silver 200SX near the hospital in Wakefield today. Looked very well looked after no jdm messing.


 Junkman... Lincolnshire




Must have been a ghost.


Lovely* Green maestro van this morning then something I can't remember now...


Took Fiesta home changed to Frontera and bugger me passe a gold mk2 Fiesta coming the opposite way, would have been much excitement!


C reg 740GLE saloon in doom blue with grey tweed interior being driven through central Manchester by an old Chinese guy. Seen it a couple of times now, need to get a picture at some point if I can. Plate is C222***, can't remember the last bit.


With a fair old queue of traffic behind it, a Consul Cortina (656WYD) was rolling gently along the A487 this morning.


Not travelling at 88 mph along the A478, a silver F-plate Scirocco Mk2 with a variety of "Back To The Future" lookey-like accessories attached to it.


Anyone know anything about the Exeter city council black Rover 75 limo? Usually badly parked on the pavement outside Guildhall with quite a few parking dents. Haven't seen it in a while. Would be sad if it's been retired. If anything would motivate me to get into local politics...


Total WTF outside MakkieD, Byker last night....


Creamy white 'L reg' Datsun LAUREL (had a L logo grille badge & hubcaps) and I hadn't a clue.


Looks like a 3/4size LS400.


Any Geordie's seen one/it??




Beige Maestro B688JPE on A244 this lunchtime, looked minty


Not travelling at 88 mph along the A478, a silver F-plate Scirocco Mk2 with a variety of "Back To The Future" lookey-like accessories attached to it.

I think that's just shown up on eBay!


I have just been in Banbury and a milk float passed me I think it was V8.


Just seen a green Rialto van, T reg. Didn't know they came in van shape.

T is very late for a Rialto van indeed. Always wanted a van, shape looks better than my drop boot saloon.


I saw a white Capri today too. T reg, like new at the back of the Ford garage.


Just walked into town to get some stuff to eat at work tomorrow when I heard something rorty blatting around the mini-roundabout behind me.    Expecting the usual barried Corsa or 206 to dump its fake waste-gate next to my right ear I was pleasantly surprised to see a middle-aged bloke booting a minty XR4i up the Asda service road.    Makes a change from being sat behind it in a nylon chair at some car show....

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