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Truck Shite

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I love how the Iveco was much shitter than everything else in that test.

To be fair to Iveco, the one used for comparison was out of its' depth in that company. I've got some stuff on their big inch V8s, which is a different ballgame altogether!

There'll even be an appearance of their legendary predecessor, the air cooled Magirus Deutz V10 at some point, once I get onto the Trans Euro Tests...woohoo.




passed this beauty this morning while on the M1 north near Leicester.


no i don't mean that POS in front, but the swedish beauty on the trailer.


and believe me, it is someones pet cos the Volvo was spotless. and i mean spotless!!


now that volvo is i what i would call a proper truck. they must have been away to a show or something.


I flippin love these.......


Judging by the turnout at Gaydon on Sunday F88s are very much the 'in thing' in the classic truck community. There were loads of the buggers!


Working truck shite from out on my rounds...


Mornflake Scanny 93...




Daresay this fella shat himself...




They only work part-time these days, but the owner fills up at Morrison's for the Match and More points...





Just a little bit jealous...




Somewhat overshadowed in the 'Heritage' fleet by old Sed-Aks and the Petey, but nice nonetheless...




Tidy for a shunter, but it doesn't look much worse than when it was actually out on the road...




Truckshite I didn't snap in the recent past included a Pog pink Foden 4525 pulling a slurry tank up the M6 near Penrith, and gaun like fuck. I heard it before I saw it: X-reg I think, and possibly ex Grant's of Ballindalloch. Anyone know it?

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My woeful camera game has yet to pap the Black 2 series Scania that frequents Felixstowe Dock, earning it's keep not spending it's pension fund.


(Although it looks like it's had a bit of surgery, don't recall a lot of "Topline" types running about ever)


There is still a V plate (old V, of course)  F10 pulling boxes out of Southampton....I keep meaning to get a shot of it but the bloody thing is always going the other way.


I've been meaning to get this done for yonks now: scanning in old copies of Truck, Truck and Driver, and the odd Headlight, Commercial Motor and whatever is in my box of old mags. It's going to take a while - there's loads of them, and I don't have a lot of free time to do it - so I'll leave the link to the album right here and youse can peruse at your leisure.

I'll stick to roadtests and notable launches for now, if there's something else you particularly want to see (say if the model makers want something for reference for instance), let me know and I'll see what I can do. For now, I'll leave you with this...









I loved these mags as a kid and I've got a few years' worth in the garage from about 1992 to 1995. I will enjoy looking at your scans therefore!

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Working truck shite from out on my rounds...


Tidy for a shunter, but it doesn't look much worse than when it was actually out on the road...





Was this FL in the Saicapac paper recycling yard near Croy? I used to see this from the trim but I haven't seen it for a few weeks.
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I have a picture of it Merc, just struggling to find it.  


It may have been Iain, but this was in the Kirkcaldy yard. There's a Foden Alpha shunting in there too, but I seem to have mislaid the pic. The ERFs were snapped in that yard too btw.


The Topline thing only happened in the latter days of the third gen Scannys: before that there were sone custom options, but you had to find an actual coachbuilder for that. There's a good example of the breed sitting in the first northbound layby after the Forth Rope Bridge right now: I reckon it's one of Cordiner's ones, but it earns its keep as a wrecker nowadays, working for a firm from Perth.

Will post a piccy later...


I've just cycled to Istanbul and the trucks abroad are... terrifying, as well as interesting. In the Balkans you'd be forgiven for thinking that MAN and MB are the only manufacturers around, and that you'd be an idiot not to buy a MAN TGA. Volvo, you hardly see at all. Back in the EU and Turkey though it's more of a mix that you're familiar with, although Renault don't really seem to sell well anywhere. I was surprised by the popularity of the DAF LF though, possibly the next biggest 7.5t seller after the Atego. Enough of that anyway, here's the stuff you don't see over here:


TAM. Ubiquitous and still working strong in the Balkan states.




Ford Cargo. Massive in Turkey. The older generation of Ford Cargos are still going strong their too, they're all mainly medium haulage/construction stuff.






Turkey also had a lot of Isuzu Elf thingies - AFAIK they have a factory there. 6x2 was common.


These Desoto/Fargos were everywhere too. I think they had Perkins Phaser engines. EAR PORN.




I also saw interesting numberplates too. Belarus and... Iran!


I've just spent two weeks running machinery in and out on setup and breakdown for the big Cereals show at Duxford. Not many older wagons about (apart from mine) but one of the marquee firms runs a E series ERF rigid curtainsider in really nice "workaday" condition. I never was quick enough with my camera and can't find it on Google, it must be fairly well known, signwritten up for the firm from Wisbech. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Check this out: 



16 mins in, the "army truck" appears - one of 333 Foden 6x6 wreckers built for the MoD thirty years ago. I think these are a marvellous tool, 290 bhp Rolls-Royce engines with 9 speed Fullers and then the deep reduction transfer box. Nnnnghhh


I sold one of these to a Italian bloke who ran a recovery firm, buying the truck wasn't a problem but getting it out there turned into a right headache. He ended up buying a low loader and some old unit and shipping the whole caboodle out but not before offering me cash to drive it down there for him!! I didn't have my HGV licence at the time and the boss would have demanded a cut if I'd done it, would have absolutely loved to. I assume it is busy plying its trade in the sunshine down there!! 

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Ouch I bet that cost Lane's insurers a few bob for that recovery and clean up

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I was particularly keen on Trucks 92-94 and loved reading reviews of the the top power tractors in magazines. I managed to get a Scania Centurion, Volvo FH16, Mercedes Powerliner and Renault Magnum but the Iveco Eurostar eluded me. Finally got a little 1:87 example this week 😀


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The best Eurostar! You'll never find the lockers won't shut because the rusty hinges have 'settled'. Or that the mirror controls or range/splitter switches are wired up wrong...


That tank recovery is epic Mr S. Love the sound of the Rolls, it's a rare thing now.

Those Fodens are something else too. I remember there being a one off prototype military Alpha for sale in Commercial Motor a few years back: £55k got you a Multidrive 8x8/driven trailer combo with a 450 Cat and ZF 16S. It was on for quite a while too, I can't imagine it had many uses.

There was an ex French army Renault 8x8 wrecker for sale then too. Remarkable because it had a straight 8 version of the MIDR six pot, with a massive supercharger on it! 480 horse, over 2000lb/ft and redlined at 1800rpm iirc. £ POA though...

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One of the Fife Tipper Mafia went power crazy a few years back. It came to a head with the Highline V8 eight legger. It carried fuck all, but nothing could get near it on the road. Except on sites, where it used to dig itself a lovely furrow, and sit there looking lovely and sounding nice, up to its' diffs in Fife's finest boggy clay 'soil'.



And they're still at it. This is one of a pair as well!



Think my Corsa would have more payload than that thing? Looks like willy-waving over profit to me!!

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If I had a big Willy, I'd wave it.

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Its the Ayr classic truck run today. Leaving from Ayr shore front and driving down to Portpatrick via Cumnock. Usually around 100 old trucks. Possible pics to follow if I manage down.

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^Damn, I forgot about that. Could've nipped down to see our eldest, then sat in a layby for a bit!


Think my Corsa would have more payload than that thing? Looks like willy-waving over profit to me!!

Box isn't big either, so if the payload is about 15t (I reckon), it would have to be wet Fife soil to max it. And most sites are tight round here, so having to do a 5 point shunt to get in and out wouldn't go down well.

Most likely a trophy, the rest of their tippers are fairly sensible spec these days.


At the Ayr truck run today. Noticed over the years that the trucks taking part are getting more modern. Here are some of the more out of the ordinary ones.






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Ooh...Stonefield! I need to find my old sales brochure for those.


not used to tow a drawbar trailer with a machine on it ?


you sometimes see some of the road planing boys with 'over specced and under sized ' 6 wheel tippers but it's primarily tractor for a planing machine and they work with 8 leggers to collect the planings on big jobs ...

I know the kind you mean, but Strathore don't do road planing. There's only one firm in Fife does, and they've abandoned pulling the planers behind an eight legger. They use a full dress Scanny R730 double drive! To be fair, their biggest Wirtgen machines dictate the need for 7 axles and STGO plating.

I used to work for Core Utilities, and I copped some shit because I'd my Class 1: unfortunately the 350 Actros Hiab eight legger I was given had a NATO hitch, so it fell to muggins here to pull diggers out to jobs. Not too bad when it was little minis, a whole other ballgame when it was a 'little' JCB 360 on a triaxle. The Merc weighed 16.7t unladen, so going out with a load of sand, type 1, whacker plates, steels and all what else, it certainly weighed a bit.

40something tons vs 350hp...


Cool! I caught very brief sight of a black 6x6 in darkest East Ayrshire a few years ago. Well I heard it before I saw it, more to the point and sometime after I saw it! Original Chrysler V8 auto, being given a proper workout.


Reid's one sounds godly. The silencer is a token effort...!

  • 4 weeks later...


Christ, i've just realised thats an artic, so full length semi trailer with a peak extending over right the tractor unit, i used have one of those buggers but only 8 feet wide and not long enough to get 7 saloon cars in a row, 5 Fiesta sized small cars would fill the deck flat.

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