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V70 tdi. Complete*. Smug smog.


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Neither did I till I saw it on the bay. It’s odd, I have no interest in a Xc but this is right up my street. We do tow an event trailer with it, so we do quite a lot of towing across wet grass. Never been stuck before, but awd will give a bit of piece of mind. ?

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Not sure what fluid you've used in the geartronic box, but make sure it's JWS3309 'compliant' , as they are fussy gearboxes.

Old Derv V70 - Hope you get her sorted, my cam & crank seals have just started weeping (insert sad face)

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Ohhh heck...... 




man down! Mayday mayday! 



Ive no recollection of any major engine work, nor did the bloke I bought it from mention any, so it may have gone lonnnnnnng ago. 

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On 6/1/2019 at 3:11 PM, scdan4 said:

. But it’s worth remembering it’s done near a quarter of a million miles, so something related or nearby that’s been disturbed is definitely still a possibility. . 





On 6/1/2019 at 7:04 PM, Minimad5 said:

Not sure what fluid you've used in the geartronic box, but make sure it's JWS3309 'compliant' , as they are fussy gearboxes.


oh yes. 28 litres total. If that doesn’t sort it out it will be off to Bristol transmissions. Plan A was to learn I up on box rebuilding on it, whilst the Throbber provided safe reliable transportation for all the family. But that’s gone out the window.

On 6/1/2019 at 8:57 PM, sutty2006 said:

Ohhh heck...... 


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3 hours ago, Lacquer Peel said:

Wtf, the tops of the valves have come off?

The tops of lots of buckets have yes. They are wafer thin.

We think...Getting the timing bang on with the cambelt change raised the cylinder pressures enough that a lunar tappet bucket decided it had had enough. The skeleton wanking was not injector knock but a fucked bucket fucking off and letting the cam open the valve directly.

Then the cheerful bits of shrapnel danced merrily around the rocker cover finishing off most of the buckets around and then wedging the cam, so timing slipped, pistons hit valve.

stripping the head off to see the state of play. Got some hours in after work, but was defeated by the turbo, I just didn’t have a big enough lever, so will attack that later.


as I left it tonight.

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10 hours ago, scdan4 said:

The tops of lots of buckets have yes. They are wafer thin.

We think...Getting the timing bang on with the cambelt change raised the cylinder pressures enough that a lunar tappet bucket decided it had had enough. The skeleton wanking was not injector knock but a fucked bucket fucking off and letting the cam open the valve directly.

Then the cheerful bits of shrapnel danced merrily around the rocker cover finishing off most of the buckets around and then wedging the cam, so timing slipped, pistons hit valve.

stripping the head off to see the state of play. Got some hours in after work, but was defeated by the turbo, I just didn’t have a big enough lever, so will attack that later

What a hilarious description. Tragic what's happened but I'm pissing myself here.

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On 6/5/2019 at 1:49 PM, Minimad5 said:

? If you come to flog it, let me know

I’ll let you have it for the same as last months garage invoice? Literally giving it away.... ?

Anyway, off with its head!



And it’s not too bad. Can’t see which piston clashed on piston crowns or valves. It’s a big old lump to lift out on your own. It would have been a lot lighter without the exhaust manifold and turbot, but there was one solitary 12mm nut on the manifold to block that I just couldn’t get to. I do need to admit that the whole shebang did get a lot lighter once I’d undone the turbo drain pipe. Ho hum.

Anyway, have you seen my honing marks? Not bad eh.



Plenty of damage up top though. Reprofiled cam.



some of the broken bucket remains are not for moving , note the battered rim. 



more fucked rim action.


And that’s all I have to say about that. 

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Been busy so not been near the car. But still been working away at it. And..



Lets hope that it’s not a case of 



again. It does have potential ?

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Ah, from one ol' V70 owner to another... a right shame about the wafer-thin tappets and bits and resulting carnage. Eagerly awaiting the coming of fruition of cunning planses.

Still tho. This is the first time I hear/see an engine giving up by dying tappets spraying their guts about. Can't be very common, shirley?

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I hope the plan is positively hugely cunning. Cunning enough to enable the Purple Throbber to throb happily once more.

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A couple of hours on the new one today.

pulled out the pela and pulled out 3 litres of atf to replace with clean. I’ve now done this 7 times within 1000 miles and the box holds about 8 litres total so you’d expect it to have a bit of colour to it by now...


Nope. About the same as the first lot visually. We will persevere though as the box has greatly improved, to the extent that the only worrying symptom is a reluctance to reverse up hill. It did strike me that the only time the new fluid is flushing the reverse circuit is when you are reversing, so the procedure now following the fresh fluid is to immediately reverse in as varied a manner as possible (to be working everything whilst the fresh fluid circulates for the first time) for as long as possible. The main result of this however is to have convinced everyone on the estate that I am a certified nutter. The burger van bloke even waved me down to ask me what the fuck I was doing as I passed him, backwards, for the third time in as many minutes.

New* power steering pump fitted, now lighter and not lumpy, much nicer. New* topmount bush fitted which removed the big engine wobbling around knock. It’s really quite a nice drive now.

Mot next, then I will need to investigate why the turbo is on or off. And the aux belt (which has been heavily oiled from the ps pump) looks pretty ropey so should probably investigate the state of the more important ones. And then start prodding the Haldex. Plenty to do.

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1 hour ago, scdan4 said:

I’ve now done this 7 times within 1000 miles and the box holds about 8 litres total so you’d expect it to have a bit of colour to it by now...The main result of this however is to have convinced everyone on the estate that I am a certified nutter. The burger van bloke even waved me down to ask me what the fuck I was doing as I passed him, backwards, for the third time in as many minutes.

That did make me chuckle :lol:

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We’ll start with a little housekeeping...

as I may have mentioned I’m relatively recently moved into a new work area. (In truth, my first workshop area/facility for over a decade. Excited? You betcha ) This of course involves a modicum of hard wired air. This has been sitting connected for a week. Zero loss. That’ll do for me.



right then, the postie. Brought this selection of shiny newness 


All the way from Germany, because they would supply and deliver 10 buckets for the price of 1 UK sourced one. Well, not quite, but nearly. German engine I suppose.

He also dropped off this


Meet Donkey. Donkey was found languishing on page 3 of retrorides classifieds. Donkey is poorly also, having shat his gearbox.


But donkey has a good heart. But not for long. Poor donkey.

In fact, that’s not all that is good on donkey, check out the minty freshness of that interior!



Spoiler! Load liner! And is that a dog guard I see? I have 2 dogs, both are fine in the car, but both are big enough that they don’t want to share an area. So they are quite mobile. Then you leave them for a bit and they pass the time by chasing each other around. And then there is absolutely no point telling sctheyounger she can’t treat it like a bouncy castle /jungle gym / skip. And I treat it like a van. So yes, I’ll be needing all that interior. Any how, the trouble makers.


Of course, having arranged a car for the engine, my eBay app on my phone (about the most irritating thing in the world )went ping. Reconditioned* cylinder head for less than my max cylinder head bid. So I bought that too. Sturdy PayPal bill this month then, but all works towards The Master Plan. I think I’ve now had the use out of the app and will now delete it!

So today I have 3 Volvos, one mostly works but has issues and a mot on Tuesday, and the other two are fucked. Hopefully this is the low point of the plan.

Lots to do. ?

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It didn’t rain. I got Saturday and Sunday afternoons off. Game on.

More evidence of past catastrophe and bodgery on the Throbber 


Shredded fragment of pump belt found buried deep deep down.


That’s radweld round the bottom hose fo sho. 

I need to point out that I have never done this before, and have a “do it slower to do it quicker” attitude, deliberately, so it took all yesterday afternoon to get it to the point where I’ve done all i can without toms engine crane. The most difficult bit, by far was the lower starter motor bolt. Probably took an hour on it’s own. 


Having ground to a halt with the Throbber I got personal with Donkey. And having done it all once everything went much more quickerer.


And is now also pretty much ready to hatch out. Current plan is to pull the block out the Throbber, pull the block and trans out of donkey, take the trans off and discard, put the new cambelt etc on it while it’s on the stand and then put it in the Throbber. Not a 5 minute job it seems, I proper ache right now.








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On 6/19/2019 at 9:50 PM, scdan4 said:



Spoiler! Load liner! And is that a dog guard I see? I have 2 dogs, both are fine in the car, but both are big enough that they don’t want to share an area. So they are quite mobile. Then you leave them for a bit and they pass the time by chasing each other around. And then there is absolutely no point telling sctheyounger she can’t treat it like a bouncy castle /jungle gym / skip. And I treat it like a van. So yes, I’ll be needing all that interior. Any how, the trouble makers.



I hate to say that I have never had much success with Volvo dog guards actually keeping dogs in the back of the car. They are not Spaniel resistant, I had to resort to tying broom handles and bits of other dog guards to it and they would still find a way through.

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Super Tom bought me a present. Check out this bad boy. 


And yes, that’s rolled hide. I’m genuinely very excited. I’ve never had a hammer this nice, or indeed new. What a nice guy. 


and it saves me the walk to nick his as I’ve misfiled my lump hammer....

I remembered my phone today so got interrupted more, but also got some pictures.







im getting to be a dab hand at this. Dropped the fucked transmission off without causing an Exxon Valdez style slick and posted it into the boot for the scrap man. The atf drained out has all been a rather cool colour grey with heavy metal flake effect, which would be great if it was paint, but it’s not. It does however scream “fucked hard”.

Just popping the engine onto the engine stand took forever, mainly because I’ve never done it before, but once there what a revelation. Everything is clearly visible, at the right height, with nothing in the way of it. B-E-A-yewtiful. It even stacks nicely above the other one in the dirty corner.


Still amazed by the unprecedented ease of access I popped off the aux belt, tensioners,cambelt cover, aircon pump and crank pulley, cleaning as I went, in less than 20 mins. It was genuinely really pleasant stood out in the sunshine with the job at hand level.A nice cheery end to the day and start of the second half of the job. Crank pulley was, of course, fucked and one of the tensioners is past it’s best, so I’ll do all those whilst it’s so easy. I’ve got it all, just a case of moving it from the old block to this one.


It looked perfectly serviceable from the front, I’d even thought “oh goody, a newish one”. 

So that brings me, whichever way you want to measure it, to at least halfway through. Thank fuck for that.


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23 hours ago, anonymous user said:

I hate to say that I have never had much success with Volvo dog guards actually keeping dogs in the back of the car. They are not Spaniel resistant, I had to resort to tying broom handles and bits of other dog guards to it and they would still find a way through.

Plenty good enough for my two. Spaniels aren’t a fair test as they’re not really dogs, more whirling dervishes that have been possessed by the souls of amphetamine taking 2 year olds. I think it’s a fact that you can’t actually keep a spaniel “in” anything, that’s why banks use them as ratters in the vaults as even those reinforced walls present the hooligan spirits little difficulty.

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