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Jalopy Magazine,what are they worth?

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I've got 14 issues of Jalopy,plus a couple of Original Tin.I was thinking of sticking them on eBay,but not really sure whether to sell them singly or as a bundle.Any ideas?


There are folks on here that'll happily buy them all off you, I'm sure. I think there's a (full?) set of them moving between members for the price of postage too but I've not seen anything about it in a while.


I'd have 'em - I only have a couple of issues left.  Dunno if they are dead rare worth millions* though.


*I don't have millions to spend on old Jalopy mags


Just done ^this^ myself, a copy of the apparently rare issue 30 went for a tenner, all the others went for less than a fiver, the 2.49 ones only had one bid.


Id suggest your target market is mainly on here and youd probably get some takers around 3-4 quid posted.


Damn, beaten to it ... next in line if hairymel doesn't want them.


Hairymel,let me know if you definitely want them,& I'll P.M. you  ;-)


yes i do Mr v6 - pm me your paypal or bank details and i will send you my address (and electronic money  ;-) )


pm and paypal on its way 


prace bets now on how quickly i read Skattrd  :whacky055:

Guest Lord Sward

Jalopy = £priceless.  Its shows the folly/faux-wank of current car mags for what they are; thinly veiled brochures written by idiots.


What happened to the communal box of Jalopies we were passing around?

  • Like 1
Guest Lord Sward

I believe the pages became stuck together?


There are folks on here that'll happily buy them all off you, I'm sure. I think there's a (full?) set of them moving between members for the price of postage too but I've not seen anything about it in a while.

I have it and I must send it to Mr Lobster!


What happened to the communal box of Jalopies we were passing around?

see above - Mr Lobster needs sent them from me!

  • Like 2

Jalopy = £priceless.  Its shows the folly/faux-wank of current car mags for what they are; thinly veiled brochures written by idiots.


They are very much like 1980s copies of CAR in that you can read them again and again and be entertained, CAR has never made me piss-pants laugh out loud though. 

  • Like 1

One of the best mags ever. Loved the NGK Sparkright column.


Antidote to crap, piss-poorly written, modern car mags thrown together by children too busy ass-kissing (please keep inviting me to those luxury foreign junkets and keep loaning me fancy cars) the manufacturers to bother with saying anything useful to the unfortunate schmucks actually buying them.


(And don't get me started on motorcycle mags either - they're even worse!)


What happened to the communal box of Jalopies we were passing around?

Wrapped up in the autoshite banner.

  • Like 2

thanks Tim the mags came thursday - my old man even had a leaf through them, and its probably 45 years since he even considered a second hand car :-P

  • 4 months later...

Damn, beaten to it ... next in line if hairymel doesn't want them.


actually finished reading them, after taking them on two holidays!


you want them next? £20 inc postage fair?


I have it and I must send it to Mr Lobster!

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes please! Forgotten about these but am (slightly) excited now.


I'd like to join in with this please. 


used to buy it from corner shop when i was on smoke break from school.


particular interest if one of them has a spitfire on the cover - was the first one I ever bought and i thought it was brillant.


If anyone has an issue 15, or if there's an issue 15 in the communal job lot...

I will pay a few bob for it.

Or I am even prepared to swap it for a very nice condition issue two.

Complete with an unstuck 'I love my Jalopy' sticker.


Jalopy magazine is priceless. Despite recycling my copies around twenty years ago (for shame!), I can still quote large parts of the magazine verbatim, due to reading every issue I bought from cover to cover several times.


Someone needs to make every issue available online.


I can't remember who i gave mine away to.


I needed the space at the time.

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