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Project Capri. Back on the road! New earths.


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Front seats are also now finished. Picking it all up tomorrow hopefully.




My bank balance is now significantly lighter but these are well worth it. I’m well pleased with them.

That also concludes the big bills on the car. Everything is now ready and waiting to be put back together, which also makes me happy.


Also got to sell on the brown interior which should hopefully net me a bit of cash return. If anyone wants them on here message me, I’ll happily do a shiters deal!

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They look Gorgeous Dan :wub:

I need to get my drivers seat repaired but i just want mine to look like its been repaired its a look im going for ;)

Yours look Brand New :shock:

Cheers Jo!

‘They look brand new’ - they are brand new! Everything has been stripped off the original Ford frames, thrown in the bin and replaced! Foam, vinyl and cloth - all new! One seat frame had to go away to be welded too as it turned out to one of the joints had snapped. That’d most likely be down to my fat arse! Too many pies you see!


Here’s a before shot,




Not much other than the frames worth saving really!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It’s got a seriously impressive tide mark hasn’t it! Lots going in its favour though too. But £3k for a project car that will almost certainly need everything my cars had done to it! Strong money...

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It’s got a seriously impressive tide mark hasn’t it! Lots going in its favour though too. But £3k for a project car that will almost certainly need everything my cars had done to it! Strong money...

Not anymore it seems, project S four pot and 3 litre Ghia models seem to be around that mark recently, 3.0s and it’s £4K or more. It’s gone mad Dan.
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Not anymore it seems, project S four pot and 3 litre Ghia models seem to be around that mark recently, 3.0s and it’s £4K or more. It’s gone mad Dan.

Bloody has!

I wonder who bought that mk2 new? And why they decided to max out the spec on a 3.0 Ghia then choose that horrible colour!

I’d definitely colour change it if it were mine. Blue perhaps!

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That beige Ghia with the mk3 rear lights, I bet if you went mad with the MOT toffee hammer, there would be lots and lots of big holes

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Anyone else notice that on a side on picture the ebay mk2s front wheels appear to be sitting too far back in the arches more so on the passengers side, I reckon the front crossmember has the structural integrity of weetabix


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Anyone else notice that on a side on picture the ebay mk2s front wheels appear to be sitting too far back in the arches more so on the passengers side, I reckon the front crossmember has the structural integrity of weetabix


Tbh when I looked at that pic I was wondering if the rear wheel was too far forward? Maybe it’s an illusion not helped by the black tide mark? There just looks like a bigger gap around the back of the rear wheel to me.

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It’d be interesting to see it up on a lift. The tide mark is awful but I’d love to see what it’s hiding.

Looking at the rust breaking through the paint like it is I bet that’s been sat in a damp garage or similar for some time.


Still would though! Ignoring the price of course!

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Could be the angle of the photo or advanced rot in the usual spot under the back seat.  Could be bodged accident damage from years ago.  A Capri with that mileage must have left a roundabout sideways at least once!


Its already had a pair of front wings badly put on, check out the screws along the flitches in the engine bay!  They should be welded!


Its been in the damp for years no doubt.  All the seams right though the shell will be brown and need sorting out or you'll never stop the rot.

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In conclusion, it is 'Donald Ducked'. I bet if you took a tape measure to check the wheelbase, the numbers won't match and will have a bigger dose of crabs than a teenage slapper

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The whole picture is distorted. Looks like it was taken with a wide angle lens.


That would have been a £200 car in my youth.

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I dont ever remember 3.0s being £200 but even three or four years ago it would have been £1500. I turned down a very crusty 3.0S for £1800 three years ago. Oh how I laugh about that now.............

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I paid £100 in 2001 for my 1.6, a V6 would always be worth more but if it was 10 or 15 years ago (or even longer) that, and mine, would have been banger racers.

Great when/if you had the forethought to buy one back then but shows how values have rocketed. How much higher can it go though that’s the thing?

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I sold this very 2.8i for £160 in 1994, totally standard and still reasonably tidy with MOT. Was my daily over winter 93. Had a few V6 Capris from around 1988 onwards but this was my last one.

I have a pic somewhere of it in my garden. When new it had been loaned to one of the car mags.



Sister registration to the first Tickford turbo prototype ( with no bodykit) ↓ ↓



OMGpotentialWhiteRoomMadness. "Here we have this cherished ex-press Ford Capri 2.8i 4-speed, on a desirable BHK plate, with it's original checked Recaro grey interior and rare extra-cost 2-tone colour option of Graphite over Stratos. . . . . blah blah bollocks, £35 million quid".


The reality — it got a damn good hammering at every opportunity. Just a cheap old unmodified car like maybe a well-used but still dependable V6 Mondeo would be now. Bought if for a few hundred £££, maybe 500 or something. Sold it to a bloke who wanted to tow his scrambler-bike trailer with it, but I don't think it was ever MOTd again. Wasn't rotten, just a bit tired and worn and faded. Had rare factory alloy rocker covers like some early XR4is. (Bet you're impressed now!). :-)

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Nice! I bet you wish you’d never sold that!

There was a set of those alloy rocker covers on eBay a while ago, I wanted them for my mk2 Granny estate but they went for a ludicrous amount so I didn’t keep bidding!


BHK plate eh? Mines BBK... that’s almost sort of similar. Maybe mines... no!

I’ve got an idea mine was actually a dealer display car from the launch year, but maybe it was just a story from its original owner? But it’s a local car, Portsmouth registered which means it was most likely sold by Hendy Ford down in Cosham. They’re still there as a Ford dealer too.

Only other local Ford dealer is Hendy on Hayling Island but I don’t think it was from there, if that dealership was even there in 74?

I might try and take it back one day.

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I did find one online somewhere at one of those replica number plate and sticker places but can’t find it now. I’ll have a look later see if I can find one.

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Dmb make replica window stickers, you now have to send your v5 to them for number plates, if anyone doesn't want to send theirs to them I can supply you with an email address of another place that makes them

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  • 5 months later...

My word, it’s been a while since I’ve updated this thread.


I’ll be honest! I’ve done virtually nothing. It’s been sat in the garage gathering dust.

I got to the point of finishing the brake pipes, that went a bit wrong annoyingly and I got frustrated so left it. Then other things came up and I’ve just ignored the Capri since as winter turned up and that’s always a depressing sack of shit for me and not car fixing weather.


Mojo has been returning of late though. I’ve bought a few small bits and bobs I needed so I’ll have them to hand when I start again.

The problem with the brake pipes is still as I left it... basically, I used my original long front to rear pipe (factory original pipe) as a pattern for the new copper one. Bent it to shape, exactly! Took ages to gently feed it into the car. Which was a twat because it’s so long, and I didn’t want any scratched paint. It also runs awkwardly through the engine bay then down the transmission tunnel (above the fucking prop, so I had to drop that and its mounts to get it in properly) then got to the end near where it joins to the rear brakes pipes etc and...

... it’s too FUCKING short!! By about an inch.

I was so angry I was on the cusp of tearing the new pipe out from under the car and putting the shitty original back in. Luckily I stopped myself doing that and gave up instead.

Plan to fix this issue is to cut the new pipe back to where it’s straight, form a new end, then use a pipe joiner section with a new length of pipe from that upto where it joins the rear brakes pipes. It’s not strictly factory where a joint will be but fuck it!


I also had the problem with the heater box. One of my control cables was snapped and I’ve looked everywhere and these are unobtainable! Shit!

Ok, so I then found a used set of cables and switches for a mk1 which given my heater box is the same as a mk1 should fit? Nope! Cables are different lengths.

Much more recently I spotted a rough used complete mk1 heater box on eBay for not much so just bought that based on the fact that I know that part is the same and it can’t hurt to have spare parts if it turns out to be crap. I couldn’t see the cables in the listing pics either.

It turned up one day and on opening it up, it looked pretty good actually! And most importantly it had both its control cables, both of which worked freely.

Took the one I needed off and compared it to my broken one and it’s spot bollock on!! Hoo-fucking-ray!

Swapped them over and oiled them both up to make sure they stay free. So the heater is now finished, and I’ve got another for bits now too.


Other than that, I’ve done a few odd bits to other parts and some painting too. Not much but something.


Anyway, that just brings this up to date and proves I’ve not just given up! Not fully anyway. More progress soon, weather dependant of course...

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I can forgive you Dan it's been blooming cold over the past month or so and you really don't want to rush building it back up due to the risk of damage, enjoy and savour it

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I can forgive you Dan it's been blooming cold over the past month or so and you really don't want to rush building it back up due to the risk of damage, enjoy and savour it

I don’t mind the cold so much, I work outdoors all year anyway. It’s the relentless rain that kills it for me.

I’ve got the garage, and I can work in the engine bay with the car still in there but anything else the car needs rolling out onto the drive. It’s not properly weather tight yet and I’m not getting it wet! Also, there’s few things worse than rolling around on a soaking wet floor when you’ve got to work under the car!


It’s ‘supposed’ to be dry(er!) this week so I might get the wiring loom out, at least the engine bay section, and keep that handy. At least then if it rains I can get that cleaned up and re-taped on my workbench.

Once that’s done I can install it and then begin building everything else back into the engine bay. The loom needs to go in first though as it’s runs are under most other things.

If it’s dry on the weekend I’ll roll it out and try to finish the brake lines.

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