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Timing a TrackCar - Moogs Mootahs

The Moog

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^^^  I've just realised that I've still got the Fiesta workshop manual for this that came with the car...  oops.  Are you going to Shitefest?

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^^^ I've just realised that I've still got the Fiesta workshop manual for this that came with the car... oops. Are you going to Shitefest?

I will be there.
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Driving home on Accrington's perfect* roads tonight resulted in loads of banging from the front of puma.


With Knockhill beckoning, paranoia set in so whipped it up on stands when I got home. After almost killing Mr Vulg with loose wheel nuts it is my first port of call.


All nuts were fine as were all the bits I had bolted on during the week. Ball joints were inspected and Njgleeds confirmed via electronic comms they looked fine.


Instead - Drop links were looser than a lady of dubious virtue on a night out at the Bigg market in Newcastle. Also pretty crusty so I imagine taking them off will be fun.


Courtesy door switches arrived today so will be fitted to see if that fixed the dash light.


In other news I should be having a smoll car being delivered by a big man next week.


This means Puma will be back up for sale. I will get it MOTd next week and stick it up for sale with full year.


Any idea of a fair price for puma with 100k, new clutch and years MOT?

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Got home late from work and rather watch the idiot box I decided to fit the drop links before Knockhill.


Both sides put up a fight at the bottom bolt. In the end I pulled off the joint and used a Irwin bolt remover on the head of the ball to break the rust off.




Shiny new drop links




Took it for a quick test drive and it is still banging over potholes. I don't know whether it is shit roads plus hard suspension or something I am missing (or something obvious i have missed).


Going to get a second opinion on it tomorrow to see if it is fit for Knockhill or Sunday.

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Cheers chaps


Pretty sure not too mounts. Sounds like arb bushes.


They will have to wait until after Knockhill I think .

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I'd be interested to know too. I have an occasional clunk on the c2. Mot picked up an advisory on off side drop link but it sounds passenger side and nothing else was picked up.

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Problem solved. Some idiot hadn't done up the carrier caliper bolts tight enough.


He had been using an impact wrench which is definitely now needs new batteries. He might have also overlooked checking the bolts afterwards.


Luckily a very clever man spotted this and stopped the idiot dying at Knockhill.


Cheers NJGleeds!

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One of my rear caliper carrier bolts was loose. Tightening that up and fettling the caliper fixed my rattling noise! After I'd gone to somerset and Manchester... And that caliper hasn't seized so it obviously appreciated it!

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Never ever trust impact tools - check everything by hand afterwards !

Lesson learnt.


It has performed faultlessly for the 250 miles up to Scotchland so fingers crossed will be fine for tomorrow.


And up for sale on Monday!

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Cheers CW. Been using the vel satis as an estate over last few weeks with tip runs etc. Most annoying things is that the seats don't go flat . Seems to no reason Renault made them like that.


Plan is to run as is until after summer the get handbrake fixed for MOT. The quote for £160 for it to be reconditioned I think is worth it


Sadly MM is moogs mutterings.. much more boring

Oof, 160 quid is stretching my definition of worth, so cap doffed.


Re disappointing rear seat, is that even with the squab lifted up? If not, it must lift, because I recall finding the amp for the sounds under there. Iirc the strap across the centre of the squab is the release for it, though it puts up a bit of a fight.


Sent from my BV6000 using Tapatalk

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So for those of you that don't know I am now the proud owner of an MGF from HMC.


What an ace car! I spent yesterday idly (rather than marking exams) working out what upgrade potential there was to make it go round Knockhill faster. Had a little plan in my head.


Bucketeer delivered it today with huge smile on his face. He loves the little car, although his body maybe broken.


A quick drive (including full 3rd gear launch up a slip road to naughty speed) and then a poke round the car show that all the upgrades have been done!


52mm throttle body, plus taipan enclosed k & n 571 filter with scorpion exhaust means it should be closer to 160 than 140 bhp. That's a result!


Massive history file with £££££s spent in the last year.


Things to sort are;


Brake imbalance on it (probably upgrade discs and pads at same time)

Fit lower seat springs (on order)

Needs a front splitter - top of 3rd meant a bit of front lift

See why the water level light isn't working

I need to learn how to drive a MR car!


On other hand the Puma needs a CV boot sticking on it, then an MOT before being putting up for sale.


Lovely car but no room or money. Any one interested then let me know.

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The seat lowering kit came today so took advantage of the weather to crack on with MGF.


First issue is that one of pass seat bolts started to round. Torx heads were slipping out.


Out with grinder and put some flats on it




Then Irwin bolt remover to get it out



Ohhh rusty



Carpet up



Attached with wire wheel



Then krust appliede51c68b4a9c62470da4b7ea0adaadf06.jpg


The seat lowering kit is 4 springs which replace 4 solid bars.




The bars9b26ff0f772d3e0105e39db35482867f.jpg1b84c276968a5796a6a5598c74a04362.jpg


It seems to be recommended that you got from 4 metal bars to just 2 springs which gives a drop of 1.5cm


Spring in place



Second one is always tight. Online suggests helpers and pliers. Instead I used a bit of wood and string. Rather than pull the spring to the base, I did it the other way.




Driver's side one out and more cripsyness





Underneath it all there is a small hole. ae2bab988d2fb9466f911193596b173f.jpg


Seat bases had crispy bits



Wire brushed back then krust coated. Then when dried sprayed black



Just need to let everything dry before putting it back together.


I have ordered new seat bolts from online to replace the worst ones.

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This came today












70 mph is much less scary now.


Also locking wheel nuts are now filed in the bin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update on fleet


Vel satis - still no handbrake and flashes random warnings. But haven't don't anything else to it and only 2k off 250k so will in it to MOT and then go from there.


Puma - NJGleeds was the gent as he always is and fitted a new CV boot which includes replace ball joint bolt and removing driveshaft to get the boot on.




Puma potentially needs MOT then sellage.


MGF - been sitting quietly out the front. As mentioned on GOM thread insurance is bit of a bummer at the moment wanting £1400 for a year. For couple of options in fire at the moment but if not then will be selling it on.

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