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Tickman's stuff. MOT day for the Polo conclusion.


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  • Tickman changed the title to Tickman's stuff. Bit of daily tinkering.

Started to look over some of the cars to get back on top of the work.

The Clio gave me this view the other day.


Nothing obviously wrong but the view stayed the same with the car running and driving. 

It had done this previously but an off and back on had sorted it. 

By the time I got to look for the issue it had again fixed itself!

I shall wait for the catastrophic failure to arrive at the worst possible moment.


Next up was the GSR, its MOT extension runs out on the 10th so it went for a once over.


Apart from being horribly dirty it appears to be ready for the test.

I then tidied up and did a bit of a reorganise as the workshop has just been a dumping ground for a few months.

Need to get back on with the Minor...

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Does the backlighting work on the binnacle? I had a similar problem with my 172 although the dials still worked. The nearside rear tail light also didn't work. I found a blown fuse in the panel on the left side of the dash. I think it blew because of the automatic lights coming on right when the car was started.  Maybe in your case an earth on the rear lights? 

It was a weird problem and even weirder symptoms, thankfully easily fixed!

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Another day, another car.


It had trouble keeping its electricity so I pulled the Lion battery to charge it.PXL_20201228_101342637.thumb.jpg.00943e1563ff3489cc114822629c6d8e.jpg

The Varta one is one of my spares and I had topped it up yesterday so in it went, fits perfectly and probably what it should have.


Next up was investigate why the big compressor stopped working and made that motor stuck noise. I had thought it was seized but taking the shroud off and turning the fan showed it was free. With the capacitor disconnected and power applied it worked with a gentle push start.


So one of these needed.


Then a bit of organisation, I had modified an old plastic bracket to hold my sheet metal bender out of the way when not in use but as it was plastic it couldn't cope with the weight. I will consider it a proof of concept so out with some metal and a bit of hammer time and I had a suitable shape. Some holes and screws later and it is doing the job.


A tidy space is helpful and that is where I'm aiming but will fall well short.

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It got a bit* chilly so I switched on the sun.


This kicks out some heat but you have to be in front of it.

Next was carry on with the tidy/shuffle stuff around.





@stereotype's 205 had the battery connected and was started up, I then managed to turn it around without leaving the workshop by doing a 3* point turn. It then got tucked away in the corner with room next to it for another to be parked up. 

The Minor has had most of the welding done and with it near the front of the workshop I'm less able to ignore it. With some luck I might get it done (it will never be Done) this year and back on the road.

Realistically the SS1 is never going to get done by me so if anyone has a desperate need for one let me know otherwise it is likely to get broken for the surprising number of quite valuable parts. Mostly due to being Ford based in a lot of areas.


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  • Tickman changed the title to Tickman's stuff. Ministry man time yet again.

18 months after its last visit to the ministry man it was time for Bailey to get scrutinised.

As expected with such a long gap between test it was a death trap.


Oh, no it wasn't.

Couple of advisories to sort and a couple of 'it will need' that will also get done.

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  • Tickman changed the title to Tickman's stuff. Getting the Volvo to stay put.

Using the Volvo yesterday and the handbrake was a little bit odd, facing downhill and it would be fine but facing uphill was a different story.

Loads of people comment that Volvo handbrakes are shit but the 6 I've owned they haven't been, certainly not after being set up properly so that was today's task.

In the toasty* warm* and ready* to start.


Driver's side first so up in the air and wheel off.


It is really solid under here.

I slackened off the tension from the handbrake cable underneath the centre arm rest, then I knocked out the pad retaining pins, they were a little bit tight and mucky so they got cleaned up.


I managed to get the pads out which was a bit of a battle to discover they were fairly new Brembo pads. I cleaned everything where it seats while it was apart.

Then with the caliper out of the way off came the disc to reveal healthy shoes underneath. Again these look quite new. After a clean up back together it went and the adjuster behind the disc wound out until locked then backed off 5 notches.

Pads back in and ready for the wheel.


Picture is a funny angle but everything isn't on the piss.

Then time for the passenger side and do it all again. 

Once this was all done I'd had enough and went home to get warm, the handbrake now does what it should again.

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58 minutes ago, Minimad5 said:

That's a mighty looking man cave, rather jealous 😅.

Funny you mention handbrake on the Volvo, I've got to give mine some fettling too.

What's the story with the SS1 ?

The SS1 is a 'running when parked' special.

There is currently no spark and the distributor is a nightmare to get at, this along with the presence of Scotchlocks in the wiring has just annoyed the shit out of me to the extent I've given up with it.

When it was on the road it was a good bit of fun but never more than than that. It will always be a Reliant so build quality* and design* of things are excellent* 

I'm just done with it so have contemplated breaking it as it has quite a few sellable parts because Ford parts bin but I'm holding off because I'm bloody lazy.

That sums it up really, it is also not taking up too much room in the workshop.

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  • Tickman changed the title to Tickman's stuff. Clio dash intermittently dead.

So the Clio has been giving cause for concern on a few occasions. 

Symptoms are that the dash clocks, speedometer, fuel gauge etc don't switch on with the car. Other symptoms are the indicators don't tick but they still flash as they should. Everything else on the car works but the dash! It looks like this.


That picture is of the car while running and stays the same while driving. There is no pattern to it and it will work one time then not straight after!

A comprehensive* Google search pulls up people with the same issue but not intermittent and this is solved by one of the fuses being replaced, obviously this isn't the cause here as it keeps working most of the time.

It first did it over 12 months ago then nothing for about a year.

@SiCany pointers for someone who thinks electrical stuff on cars is run by magic to go looking at?


In happier news a £7.50 capacitor fixed this so my diagnosis on that was at least correct!


Probably need to give it a good clean!

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Iirc it's the UCH (body computer) that does the indicator flashing. The dash clocks do the ticking noise and light up the indicator from a signal wire. Ticking needs power to the dash but light doesn't. This is why the hazards can be silent with the ignition off.

My suspicion is that almost certainly the dash clocks aren't getting power or a grounding issue. I can't remember which ones need ground to light and which ones need 12v.

I probably have a connector pinout for the clocks somewhere or can Google for one.

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9 minutes ago, SiC said:

Don't rule out a dodgy fuse though. They can break but still make electrical contact most of the time.

That sounds like DO rule it out.  Rule it out first before you have to start taking the dash apart :D

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Rule Out Something
  to stop considering something as a possibility


Or rephrased

Don't stop considering that a fuse could be a possibility of causing this fault.

This is in reaction to:


A comprehensive* Google search pulls up people with the same issue but not intermittent and this is solved by one of the fuses being replaced, obviously this isn't the cause here as it keeps working most of the time.


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Sorry, I'm obviously being too obtuse.  Your advice is to not rule it out immediately, but instead consider taking steps to rule it out.  Probably by putting a known good fuse in it.

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22 minutes ago, loserone said:

Sorry, I'm obviously being too obtuse.  Your advice is to not rule it out immediately, but instead consider taking steps to rule it out.  Probably by putting a known good fuse in it.

Slow day at work?

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Thanks @SiC gives me a bit of confidence it isn't the uch shitting itself which is a relief.

I shall work through the suggestions then. 

Very comprehensive information there which gives me at least a chance!

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5 hours ago, Tickman said:

Thanks @SiC gives me a bit of confidence it isn't the uch shitting itself which is a relief.

I shall work through the suggestions then. 

Very comprehensive information there which gives me at least a chance!

Unlikely to be the UCH in this case. Unless the fusebox had corroded. Even if it is the UCH, they can be replaced without too much trouble. Can walk through that if it ever came to it. 

Dash clocks on these aren't coded into the immobiliser, so can be swapped. The mileage gets transferred with the clocks. 

I've got full wiring diagrams and service manuals kicking around somewhere if it comes to that too. The wiring diagrams aren't the easiest to follow though.

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  • Tickman changed the title to Tickman's stuff. Clio dash intermittent fault fixed.
  • Tickman changed the title to Tickman's stuff. Another one away.

I was impressed with the speed the Clio sold on Gumtree so decided to push my luck and advertised the SS1 for sale on there this morning.

Listing went live at 11:04 and the first contact was 11:42 with the standard is this still available, I sighed and responded that is was. A phone number was asked for and given. A short while later contact was made and reasonable questions asked and answered.

He asked if he could come for a look bringing the truck with him!


He arrived at 13:30 and he was gone by 14:00 with the SS1 on the back.


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