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Automotive bull5hit facts thread

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Replacing the Landcrab with the Leyland 18-22 series was more extensive than anyone realised. Much as the midsection had been used for the Austin 3-Litre, the Princess was also to get a more mature, RWD executive model.


The resulting RWD wedge was called the Leyland Queen. A combination of low gearing and light, aerodynamic body gave it excellent straight line performance.


Production was cancelled after Leyland's marketing team came up with their first advert:

"0-60 in 7s. The Princess becomes a Drag Queen".

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The new Toyota Yaris Verso is heavily soundproofed for the comfort and convenience of everyone outside the car.


The Jaguar X351 XJ is based on a cast off design for a Kia Magentis.

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The Marina was named after 'Marina' from last of the summer wine, cheap, tacky, but you would after a few beers


Having another career before entering the world of Formula 1 is by no means unusual. Nigel Mansell was a hairdresser before he took up motor sport professionally; in fact he still drives a Mazda MIATA to this day



Fixed that for you. He pissed off from blighty as soon as he could.


The Astra Excite describes exactly how the new owners feel about paying £189 a month for 5 years, and still not having to own it.


Modern Mercedes saloons are based on a cast off design for a Kia Magentis.

EFA. Actually that might be true.


The Morris Ital was originally called the Italy but had to lose a letter due to penny pinching bureaucrats saving on sticker costs, much worse was what happened to the Ford Kazakhstan.

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Wayne Rooney hasnt got a legit drivers licence - He paid Gollum a considerable amount of fish to take his place. As they are identical in many ways 

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Lewis Hamiltons auntie Paula started in a series of VW Golf adverts in the 80's & 90's

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It's often believed that Gilbern were the only car company to build cars on Wales. This may not have been the case.


Back in the late 70s Ford launched a competition to decide where their new supermini would be produced. They selected Wales for its low labour costs. The additional incentive for the Welsh town selected would be the new car would be named after the town where it was produced.


However, when Machynlleth won the prize a team of executives met, and after a three hour meeting it was decided that this was unpronounceable by most people. The second placed town Pwlleli, and third placed Llanelli were also rejected.


On hearing this news the residents were incensed, so quick thinking ford threw a Fiesta in each of the towns (with a free bar) and the residents soon forgot the snub. The next morning a quick thinking work experience lad realised that they could re-use the Ford Fiesta banners if they called the car the Fiesta... And so the supermini was named!

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Removing   a    spark plug lead from a plug , and running only  three cylinders , will  cut fuel consumption  by  25 % . Remove two leads and it will be  50% ... three 75% ...all  four leads 100%  .

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The Perkins Prima engine won awards for the most silent diesel engine in history, and it set a new land speed record for a van when fitted to a Post Office Sherpa 200, where a top speed of 234.1 mph was reached on the A64 near Tadcaster


Bloody post was still late...


Driverless cars are actually controlled by teenagers forced to use computerised driving simulators as part of their driving test.


The world will end when the last Talbot Tagora is scrapped as foretold by Nostradamus - who I quote - 

''Fire and much wailing will occur when the last Gora from Tag is extinguished from mother Earth, Continents will erupt and sink into fiery seas of wrath, and God will be angry and smite all

of man and beast'

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The world will end when the last Talbot Tagora is scrapped as foretold by Nostradamus - who I quote -

''Fire and much wailing will occur when the last Gora from Tag is extinguished from mother Earth, Continents will erupt and sink into fiery seas of wrath, and God will be angry and smite all

of man and beast'

And thus Autoshite are the guardians of Mankind.


Starsky and Hutch was a series first thought up by Terry Jones who thought Robin Askwith could be Starsky, and Hutch would be Leslie Phillips - Driving around in a MK4 Zodiac with Deep dished slots ..... with Huggy bear as Kenneth Williams Who had Hattie Jaques as his Ho..

It was binned by the ITV, but the Yankies took the basic idea and legends were born ..


Former BBC weatherman Michael Fish is a huge submarine enthusiast and recently won at auction the 1981 Lotus Éclat as driven underwater by Roger Moore in "The Spy who loved me"

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Tyre wear is eliminated by driving backwards ,in fact , a tyre worn out in 5000 miles will be like new again if it is reversed a similar distance

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Tarmac is made by mixing concrete with peat.

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Orange sodium streetlights aren't being phased out because of light pollution and improvements in lighting technology it's down to a worldwide shortage of the orange sherbert and malt vinegar which create the chemical reaction for the light and the Tupperware containers that are used as both container and light lens.


Technically , a copper can nick you for reversing with directional tyres fitted . Similarly, a mobility scooter with tyres saying "not suitable for highway use ", cannot be used legally on the road , just the pavement only

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Sir Alex Issigonis's cousin was once a director of BMW                         


The Hillman Minx was a luxury model upholstered with the skins of several mink.


The latest Mercedes S-class is based on an original design by Ssangyong.


"cough"esprit "cough"

I'm not even sure it's the right film title, mate :-)


Rover SD1's use the same windscreens as used on Concord.


The truth. The windscreens were made by Triplex, who also made aviation glass and windows

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