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Automotive bull5hit facts thread


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Some high priced cars like Mercedes-Benz have combined their tendency to go to hell after 10 or 15 years with hi-tech. With the wonders of wifi and electronic banking, after your merc gets to 10 years, Daimler AG just starts Direct Withdrawals from your account. You will pay it anyway, why not now?


The payout is triggered by a signal from your engine computer module, sent wirelessly to your bank while you drive, money withdrawn, then sent to the carmaker. In some units, a friendly female voice will tell you directly. "Hilda here. Very good morning! You have just sent 1,045 euros to Deutsche Bank. Good day!"

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Nico Rosberg has blackmailed Huey Lewis Hamilton into throwing the championship this year after finding out Nicola shirt swinger is actually a pipe fitter welder from Harrogate called Nigel.

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  • 1 month later...

Like all top BS stories I have been assured by someone who worked there that this absolutely true.

I think it has done the rounds so sorry if its been up already.


Aston Martin Tickford had various vacancies so had put out ads for a range of skills.  There was a good response but not many suitable applicants; they conducted phone interviews to weed out the unsuitable.  One chap had said he had worked for McClaren, so they asked him how long for, he said 10 years.  They asked what he did there, he said designed the chassis'.  After a few more follow up questions they were so impressed they offered him a job there and then.  When he started it turned out the chassis he was most proud of the was the highly successful Super Dreamer.





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Lease hire white is a specific colour that can be ordered from any automotive paint suppliers. It is in fact part of a million ton supply accidentally ordered by the US when a practical joke of adding a few zeros to a requisition order went unnoticed in the Marines arctic warfare division.

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  • 2 months later...

The alternative ending to "Brewsters Millions" (1985 Universal Pictures) features Brewster purchasing an Rx7 FD and a P38 Range Rover, and is bankrupted within five minutes.

The scene was reverted because earlier on in the film, the old man claims that buying either vehicle "would clearly be in breach of the contract".

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The Ford Escort got its name from Henry's son being involved in some spurious chaperone duties involving Princess Anne and Dirk Diggler.

The Leyland Princess was the bastard lovechild.

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The Mexico edition Escort came about because that's where Henry's son was forced to live until the whole scandal died down.  The Mexico name was quietly retired at about the same time that Mr Ford's son quietly returned to America.

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Along with the Vanden Plas, BL pencilled in two more Allegro variants for the upper-higher-middle-working-class segment.


Vanden Glass - the standard fit dome light for interior illumination was replaced with a crystal chandelier.

Vanden Grass - to fit with the "English summer picnic" theme that made the tables on the rear of the front seats popular, the carpet was replaced by turf. Additional holes were let into the scuttle to help naturally water the turf with rainwater*


Option lists were expanded to appeal to customers along the lines of the picnic tables. These included a dog egg in the ventilation system for authentic British parkland smells, a packet of plastic Sporks in the glovebox, and a wasps nest. 


* This modification was already signed off when the Vanden Grass was canned, so all models from 1979 onwards had watered carpets.

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  • 11 months later...

The original marketing tag line for the diesel maxi "So smooth you can't hear it running from 200 yards" was dropped after it was proved to be a blatant mistruth.

Other suggestions including "Faster than a diesel Vanguard" we're dropped as being too racey.

At the time the project was dropped they had simply gone with "good vibrations".

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The Morris Ital van holds the land speed record for Suffolk, at 453.24 mph, a record it stole from the Austin Maxi diesel at 417.45 mph

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Vinto Ushigama  when searched is very close to a googlewack   , 2 results , one is this thread which means it was a googlewack


volvos have long bonnets to allow you to run over deer/elk/horses without getting hurt


 strapadicktome is not a surgical term for a sex change

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The Morris Ital van holds the land speed record for Suffolk, at 453.24 mph, a record it stole from the Austin Maxi diesel at 417.45 mph

This was allegedly broken again after diesel maxi's were placed on a local hire fleet for further development testing. Unfortunately independant verification proved impossible as the primative radar speed traps used in the area would not record speeds over 58mph

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Some say the driver of the Ital van has a taste for Werther's Originals, and wears beige corduroy trousers, all we know is, he's called 'The Trig' 

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Brian May’s sister Theresa was going to take over as lead singer of Queen when Freddie died. Sadly it all turned sour when Brian insulted her by suggesting the impressive moustache she had wasn’t real. She still drives around in Freddie’s RR but claims ‘it’s owned by taxpayers’

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Selling VIN plates and V5's on eBay is totally legit provided the word "memorabilia" is incorporated in the advert text.


The same loophole allows you to safely sell marijuana as "plant memorabilia" and powdered Tiger Penis as "Cat memorabilia"

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in some spurious chaperone duties involving Princess Anne and Dirk Diggler.

The Leyland Princess was the bastard lovechild.

Due to a gagging order, my lips are sealed*

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The Hyundai Accent emits a slightly different sound depending whereabouts in the country you are

When they were returned to the dealer for servicing they would be retuned for the locality.

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The Morris Ital van holds the land speed record for Suffolk, at 453.24 mph, a record it stole from the Austin Maxi diesel at 417.45 mph


this record was later raken back by the Maxi when it was realised the test pilot had forgotten that the Maxi has a 5 speed gearbox and the tests were run again

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Sainsbury's came very close to buying the Brands Hatch race circuit two years ago.


Famed racing nut Justin King was keen on having a new test environment for the Marussia team (in which he had an interest at the time) and it also would have allowed his son an opportunity to get some serious mileage in an F1 car. As part of the deal only Sainsbury's branded food and drinks could be sold, the red and white tyres were to be repainted orange and white, and Nectar points were available on ticket purchases.


Another aspect was the renaming of the circuit from "Brands Hatch" to "Brand Match". Removal of the "s" and replacement of the "h" was deemed to be a low cost name change but the idea was abandoned when Sainsbury's ended their brand match promotion, deciding instead to just sell food that was more expensive than everyone else.

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The original Range Rover was built and designed so that farmers could use a hose to clean out any muck or dirt that had accumulated.


Today's Range Rover continues this tradition and you can safely use a pressure washer on the dash, seats and carpet in order to clean out your Range Rover Sport.

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Ford were looking to find ways of bringing in increased revenue during the difficult post WWII years, and made plans to start production of both the E494A Anglia, and the in-development E71A Pilot in northern Italy to satisfy the mainland Europe demand for cars.

During 1947 a cargo plane crashed while off course, ending up in soft ground in Dobrovo, Slovenia. Ford decided not to attempt recovery of the plane or its contents due to the difficult political situation in the country, but the tooling and components were used locally producing Anglias with the 3622 cc flathead V8 engine, but stock suspension and brakes. Only a limited number were eventually produced following a number of high speed accidents on the country's Avtocesta (motorways).

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The design spec for every rear wheel drive car built globally between 1959 and 1980 included ensuring adequate underbonnet space for the Rover V8 engine

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Dennis McCarthy, builder of the stunt vehicles for the Fast and Furious film series, was originally commercial vehicle repair agent for Mercedes Benz vehicles. After this venture failed he was left with a large stock of spare parts including large diameter exhaust tubing and 12 speed Actros gearboxes. After successfully fitting several of these gearboxes to Japanese cars bought cheaply from salvage yards and repainted by local graffiti artists, he pitched the vehicles to Gary Scott Thompson who was writing a screenplay about the gritty realism of American car culture. The rest is history.

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