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Six Cylinders Motoring Notes - Now for something small!

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A new experience, usually when I get a car out of winter storage I take it to a booked MOT but for me getting the 1972 MGB GT out this week and being able to just drive it 15 months since its last MOT felt distinctly odd!


The car felt good. I did have to brake heavily on the way home and all was well. I have now put it in my garage to do legals and levels, oil spot on, engine water a pint low. All the lights work. I am now considering whether it needs a garage to lift it but it had only done 448 mile since it was serviced last and 188 miles since the last MOT test.


Now for the apology to SiC, I keep nagging you him to get on and use his MGB GT and when I look at the figures for mine I am not much better. I have owned it for 7 years and done 1,836 miles, 262 miles a year!


The paint work is old and tired but with a clean and polish it looks ok from 3 yards away so I started to give it a polish, I only managed the top half as it felt very warm in the garage, a look at the thermometer shows 25° C at 9.30pm. If only it could be like that in winter!



I personally think they're just enjoyable enough to look at and sit in. :P


Tomorrow will be a year since I bought mine. I think I've done about 120miles from the time I started the journey home in it. Oh how much more confidence I had driving it back then, when I bought it! Depressingly that still was the longest journey I did in it. Weston-super-mare to Bristol, through the centre.


Anyhow, you're still doing better annually than I am right now! :D:(

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I agree they are great looking cars. Silverstone last year, I did enjoy seeing that all lined up.


I just will you were local we could go out together with a tow rope and see who needs it!


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Talking of picnics, I'm spending the weekend on our boat, so needed to do a bit of shopping for that. The S2 Daimler Sovereign stepped up for the Tesco run and received one tank of Super Unleaded as a reward... :-)

I'm so glad you're getting good use out of it, and it was nice to see at the FoD a few weeks ago. Seems a long time ago since I sold it to you both, in a 'requiring chunks of work' state!

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I'm so glad you're getting good use out of it, and it was nice to see at the FoD a few weeks ago. Seems a long time ago since I sold it to you both, in a 'requiring chunks of work' state!


There is still the matter of the paint flaking off the roof and I demand you bring your roller and Dulux round and fix it!


I'm so glad you're getting good use out of it, and it was nice to see at the FoD a few weeks ago. Seems a long time ago since I sold it to you both, in a 'requiring chunks of work' state!

Those chunks of work are still flaking off the roof! :-)


We'll get around to doing a proper job on that in due course and replace the windscreen rubber at the same time... I suspect that will be an 'in the garage over the winter' type job...


It's a lovely old thing for cruising around, that's for sure.

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There is still the matter of the paint flaking off the roof and I demand you bring your roller and Dulux round and fix it!

I've got some magnolia left over from doing the hallway. Will that do?!

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A bit of self indulgence, putting up a picture of Daimler Sovereign is very satisfying and far less fattening than eating a biscuit!



A bit of self indulgence, putting up a picture of Daimler Sovereign is very satisfying and far less fattening than eating a biscuit!

The ground's probably as hard as tarmac anyway.


The ground's probably as hard as tarmac anyway.


It was, you could have driven a bus on it if only somebody had bought one round!


Did you spot a 7 year old was driving!

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Did you spot a 7 year old was driving!


Good to see a young 'un at the wheel, although everything else he drives won't compare now!

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Good to see a young 'un at the wheel, although everything else he drives won't compare now!

Unless he drives a CX....  :mrgreen:  ;-)


Ace for wheel spinning a Zafira B on until the traction control kicked in and stopped it going sideways....


28.5° C in the office now!


Too hard to concentrate on work so I am having a look at the bits that arrived for cars today.


My MGB GT radiator water is low, looking at the cap the rubber it is compressed and miss shaped so I ordered a replacement. Also I did not have any blue antifreeze left so I got a bit of that to top it up. I know it’s only a pint or so down but with the number of 1960/70s cars we have I get though 20 Ltr in no time.


The subject of my LNA came up on the 104/Samba/LNA FB group and I said I was not sure when it would return to the road because of the rotted out drivers window glass channel and a member said he had one! Just two days later I have it. I just hope this one is right because the first one I bought was wrong. I have messaged my favorite mobile Citroen Mech to fit it and await his reply.


Yes, Mrs6C has set up a 8ft padding pool outside my office window and is floating round in it! 




Living the dream! :-)

30C with full sun :-)
Pool full of cool water :-)
Floaty McFloatface :-)
Small toy boat :-)
Big American car :-)
Pimms :-)
Christmas lights :-)
Cape Hatteras lighthouse spinner :-)
Jimmy Buffet - hey Six-cylinder, where's my music? :-)


It does look like you’re in a cheap American motel with a teeny pool!

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A bit of self indulgence, putting up a picture of Daimler Sovereign is very satisfying and far less fattening than eating a biscuit!

no. eat the biscuit


Living the dream! :-)



Floaty McFloatface :-)





and *chops fingers off and bites tongue


My BMW E30 has been out on loan for a few weeks, as a thank you my friend Ian had all ready bought and fitted a front bib spoiler that my son knocked off.


Before he handed it back it started to misfire in the mid range under load and he replaced the plugs, dist cap, crankshaft sensor and the airflow meter for the one that the car used to run with, but it still has the misfire.


This evening he bought it back and we did a headgasket test which proved to be negative. We are thinking the next thing to try is HT leads.


We both have other cars to fix right now so I will put it away for a bit before we have another go at it.




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I started the LNA today that has been resting since September, old basic cars are so good, it started after a few churns without even a jump. Tomorrow I have a mech coming to fit the replacement drivers window glass channel and get it ready for a MOT. I better fess up that I have done 45 miles since the last MOT, my excuse is the drivers window is taped up, still SiC will be proud of me!


My MGB GT is out and about tonight, I am booked to go to a Hagerty BBQ, my friend Ian says that there will be special parking for such common cars. At least he did not cast doubt on whether I would make it 12 miles! Maybe I could ask for volunteer shiters to line the route and save me when I peter to a halt.



To be on the safe side, couldn't you a-frame the MG with something more reliable, like your Gamma?

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Are you getting the GS ready for the weekend?


At least he did not cast doubt on whether I would make it 12 miles! Maybe I could ask for volunteer shiters to line the route and save me when I peter to a halt.

I can come down in the MGB for moral support! Oh wait...


Are you getting the GS ready for the weekend?


GS is having a rest this year.


Free tax next year.


GS is having a rest this year.


Free tax next year.


Boo! So you’re not going then?


I have finally faced up to the damage I did in June to the DS when I tried to rip the bumper off using a tree on our drive, not in a position to have the wing repaired I simply had the bumper reshaped and reattached, it no long posed a threat to pedestrians so I can start driving it again.


Then when it was all back together I noticed while taking the wing off the the top mounting for the headlight had be disconnected and it was the devils own job to refit with the wing on.


I took the DS shopping only to find the off side rear indicator did not work, how does a wire break when the car just sits for 2 months, so tonight's job was to solder the lamp holder power lead back on to the bulb holder, a somewhat tricky job.


All working and I will take it for a run now which will involve coming home in the dark.


Too much talking to SiC, this is a car I have driven all around Europe and now I am worried about a local trip this evening.






Is the LNA really that much bigger than the MGB or is it just trick photography?


The B GT is 18 inch longer, same width and 5 1/2 inch lower than the LNA. The B was moved back past the LNA so the Photo is a little odd.

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