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  1. Where to start. Maybe with the one that shocked me on how well it turned out? I'll give the shortest version of the story as I can. Got a tip from a friend about a 306 Rallye sat in a barn (it really was! 😂). When to have a look and declared it a mess and thought no sane person would buy it unless it was to break for spares. So I bought it on the spot! All that dust and pigeon crap lovelyness. Why in the hell to people get boners over barn finds!? Anyway. Mechanically it needed everything replacing. But managed to score a cheap down at heel GTI-6. It was a striped out car that had an issue with not getting certain gears. Perfect! Gearbox woes were down to a short shift pivot extension being in the wrong place. Moved that back and could get all of the gears. Sweet. I stripped that car and scrapped the shell and spent the next two years on and off swapping over everything. Eventually to a point it was back to a running and driving car again. Clean pass on the first MOT too after being sat for so long 11 or 12 years? I don't know! Puts a big grin on my coupon. But is sat waiting for some better weather and I've a few jobs to do it.
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