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Six Cylinders Motoring Notes - Now for something small!

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BBC weather now claiming that Sunday will be the better day. FFS!


It has changed several times even during today. 


I don't know what to do for the best?


Sunday would work better for me




It rained on and off on me all the way home so God knows. Gareth said if it's pissing down in the morning we'll do his car another time, but I'm slightly motivated to do mine now...


I can do Sunday as well - as a rule weather forecasts get more accurate the closer there are (my dad is an amateur meteorologist)


I can do Sunday as well - as a rule weather forecasts get more accurate the closer there are (my dad is an amateur meteorologist)


Ok the forecast looks horrid for tomorrow so I will Postpone Saturday and Make it Sunday instead.


This is in spite of having already made my sandwiches for Saturday!


Ok the forecast looks horrid for tomorrow so I will Postpone Saturday and Make it Sunday instead.....!

Just as well. Grey and wet here on Saturday morning. Hope Sunday turns out better for you.

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Is there a start time tomorrow? Eva says she would like to come too if that's ok? She might change her mind in the morning though...


Is there a start time tomorrow? Eva says she would like to come too if that's ok? She might change her mind in the morning though...


10.30 am and of coarse Eva is welcome.


Dogs are welcome as well.


I'll pop along this time, although won't be there until 12.30ish if that's OK. Just in time for lunch!

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10.30 am and of coarse Eva is welcome.


Dogs are welcome as well.

Marvellous. I can ask Amy if she wants to come, but I doubt she will...


Excellent, I have just put the Dyson in the Jag’s boot! Leaving Cheltenham about 9 so ETA 11.


Sorry, still can’t come - work again and I need to drop the new plastic bicycle into the shop for its free check up.


Wicked, thanks! Not sure when we will get there, ill be aiming for 10.30 but I'm not on my own this time so who knows! Might have to leave earlier than I otherwise would though, because smoll person. Will park out of the way so I don't get blocked in and have to ask people to shuffle cars


BTW I’ve got a Brucie Bonus for you Sam - found a 2003 Goona brochure in a stack of old mags at home, perfect for any serial Goona botherer like yourself!


All else fails Eva can make a collage of ‘Daddy’s car’ out of it!!!


Oooh lovely, thanks! Don't own any brochures atm, gave all my citroen ones away since getting rid of the xantia! Can build them up again for gooners!


Camping stove packed √

Water √

Coffee √

Tea √

Milk √

Sugar √

Selection of cold drinks √

Biscuits √

Crisps √


Anything I have forgotten?


^^^ Good point! IIR a couple of rolls are present and correct already.


The kettle to boil the water for tea would be useful though!

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With all the rain, the field itself is quite wet, so for the trek from the yard to the facilities, bring wellies or make sure  your footwear is waterproof... :-)

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Oh that saves me having to go into tesco then! I can pop somewhere local for some food for lunch! I'm not dressed yet...


Six-cylinder has left the building... en route to the Field of Dreams... :-)


We are in tesco waiting for the tills to open at I hope 11am... Then a quick visit to the petrol station and we are on our way


Another nice visit to the FoD, shame about the sodding wind!


I didn't do much practical stuff, was trying to not let Eva fall over in the field, which was at full shitefest 16 wetness!


Mrs 6c made a tent for Eva though




I watched slowsilver find somewhere to jack an alfa up, eva sat in the digger




Then we called it quits and went back to Chez six cylinders for tea, biscuits and a chat! Eva played with Mrs 6c somewhere.


Now we are home and I'm reading my present from the Autoshite Mobile Library! Thanks Anthony!




A cold wind slowed progress today so we decided to have a move around. The green/white Herald had a locked brake so had to be jacked and turned with a lever so we could get the Alfa out to the front ready to be worked on. Last Autumn we pumped up the tyres on the Alfa and even put a new tyre on it, but today two tyres would not pump up! I have them off the car to sort for next time.


We retired back to the house for a warm up and thanks for the help Guys. I promise warmer weather next time!







As we all know you can trust an Autoshiter so when I was offered a good condition fully running Visa I jumped at it and signed on the dotted line, then I went to see what I had bought!




It's not only K series!


RobT came to see us and things have not gone well. He left to go home but soon returned complaining of overheating and the AA man has confirmed our thoughts of HGF.


We are now waiting for the recovery truck.




The other problem of the day is the Cadillac that won't latch its boot lid, Mrs6C has weighed it down and taped it.


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