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Six Cylinders Motoring Notes- Invading Mid Wales!

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I'd love to find a pair of seats (that I could afford) with that patina. - superb !



To me (at long last now I've actually got my finger out)


It is now in my dry and secure workshop and will be reunited with its engine at the end of this month when I have a week off work.


Now all I have to do is sort the Nova, despite having some proof of the fact that Hairnet did all the required, HMRC are telling me its never been declared on nova (no matter how many times I read out the VIN number over the phone)  so I was told to fill it all out again and go from there, that was 10 days ago, no word back yet. I may have to risk trying to call them again.


Perhaps the DVLA did not understand Hairnet's declaration and have somehow recorded it as Yellow Fever on board, so cancel my visa.


Perhaps the DVLA did not understand Hairnet's declaration and have somehow recorded it as Yellow Fever on board, so cancel my visa.


That's quite possible I expect 

  • Like 1

Did this Visa have a working engine ? Nice to see it on the move


Did this Visa have a working engine ? Nice to see it on the move


The blue LHD Visa broken engine was taken away for repair some time ago by Stinkwheel and is now ready to be reunited with the car, which he now also has collected.

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Update to the Visa NOVA saga....... Its now done and ready to be registered (and i have an e-mail from HMRC to prove it)  I wish my week off would hurry up now.

Have a variation on the pictures of it being collected from six-cylinder.....


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Are they Volvo wheels on this?


attachicon.gifRed XM.jpg


attachicon.gifGreen Volvo 6.JPG


Yes Volvo with the centre caps neatly taped over. This was done by the previous owner as the tyres on their steel wheels were worn out and this set was available at reasonable cost.


When I first saw pictures of the car with the Volvo wheels I was determined to put it back on it's steel wheels and transfer the tyres over, but when I got it they didn't look so bad. In fact they look slightly better than S2 XM wheel covers.


I dream of a set of XM S1 alloys with brand new tyres.............



They look nice on Volvo wheels....



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Mrs6C V70 T5, so when I fancy a change of wheels I can just grab them!

You leave my wheels alone! :-)

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dont think hes talking about wheels




ps youse must be scottish as youve had more volvos than fowler :lol:


So having failed to win the Volvo 740 this morning, I went into the office for a sulk, but Mrs6C announced I was needed to move the boat later this afternoon so I had to dry my eyes and tough it out!


While moving the boat a Virgin balloon came over and landed two fields away or maybe it was shot down by the microlight.


While at the field I thought I would see if our mower would start and it did then I remembered there was no drive belt for the cutting deck so I turned it on its side (not crashed) to fit a new belt.


Then I had to start cutting my own grass as no Autoshiters appeared out of nowhere!









im pretty sure someone just bolted a propeller and a hand glider to a Sinclair C5 there!  :mrgreen:

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darn sheep fanciers dropping in like that  ..should be outlawed !


I am very busy at work and have no time for messing about with cars , so today,


Mrs6C was complaining the ZX had become a poor starter and this was the first day after 3 weeks notice I could get a mech to change the glow plugs, easy throw him the keys he knows what he to doing nothing needed from me. Except he released the injector pipes so he did not damage anything and it would not bleed so I got the job of operating the key while he manually bleed the system.


I needed my Vitesse from storage as it is Bicester Scramble on Sunday and I am booked on the TSSC stand. The only day my friend could help me this week was today, so I decided also I will get the BX ready to the front for next week when it is booked for service and MOT preparation work.


I needed a choreographer to manage the event!


Alfa 156 black started on its own battery and moved out of the way


Push E Type out of tight space it then started on its own battery and moves.


Vitesse was behind the  E-Type and needed a push before the doors could be opened, started after a lot of cranking and the jump pack it started


GS started on its own battery just fine to move out of the way of the Metro.


The Metro needed a jump but started fine.


Finally we are at the back row and the BX, that started fine with a jump pack but even after  15 mins put nothing in the battery.


reassembly is a reversal of the dismantling procedure, except the Vitesse has come home and the BX is at the front.



I got home and in view of the weather forecast decided to put the Vitesse in the garage, VP 1500 in the way and 2CV in the garage needed shoving up.
I now have two batteries to charge..........



what a fabulous home.  ..I'm just saying in passing like.  Very nice looking indeed.


what a fabulous home.  ..I'm just saying in passing like.  Very nice looking indeed.


Next door is for sale!

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Does that mean STILL for sale, or back on the market? I did do a little stalking on Rightmove the last time it was on.


Does that mean STILL for sale, or back on the market? I did do a little stalking on Rightmove the last time it was on.


It was sold and has been refurbished and is back on the market.

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