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Epic Escort Estate Emporium


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It looks sod all work to get it looking OK to sell on and if you were round the corner I would have it. But as your scrap price is so high, any profit for me is wiped out in the cost to come and get it, which is a shame :-(



Edit: are they genuine Ford rubber mats? How much to post them and the gas struts from the boot if they're the same/similar to my fiestas?

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I've emailed John Nettles care of Midsommer.org.UK about my idea for a new series entitled 'Bergerac meets Breaking bad' but he has yet to get back to me regarding the starring role of a former alcoholic smart arse Detective who fights crime and creates new forms of crystal meth with which to send Charlie Hungerford completely off his tits from the comfort of this Ford estate car so unfortunately can see no future film career for this worthwhile escapee from the channel islands.

Good luck with whatever happens, think ive been up too long!......ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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Nope, we takeranycar thingy gave a price without any hassle. 


I will have a look at the bits for you at the weekend/when it goes to its doom.  Please PM colc with a donation if they are ok for your Fester.. 

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I don't mind these, as low cost transport I've driven owned worse. However with the purchase price , as minimal as that is, plus a road trip to collect, £50 odd to register it, then probably a couple of hundred to get it through a ticket its unlikely its going to make sense on the pound notes front to a shiter.



Sometimes you just gotta hand the keys over to the man at the weighbridge, shrug and walk away.


Id be taking out the Ford 6000cd player though, you can still get 30-40 quid for one of those on fleabay, and holding on to the alloys with decent tyres.

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Don't do anything about the struts and mats yet - wait until I get hold of them first. Then I'll sort out p&p and we'll take it from there. Sound ok?

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Not really thought about ebay as they won't let me sell on there because Mrs. PBK would not yield to their irritating demands about giving free P&p or other such bollocks.

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Tick tock, tick tock. I'm leaving in 30 minutes to go over to Essex and fetch the Escort. Last chance folks for a 'just in time' saving episode.

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You'll need proof of ID (passport, photo driving licence) when the scrap people come.

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Arrgghhh! Mate drove this back from Essex to Enfield and he was very impressed indeed. There might be a chance for a customer of his buying it. I should know tomorrow. Failing that bridge on Friday.


If I needed a car then I'd have bought it myself. Let's hope it can be sold. Talk about a last minute reprieve eh. 

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Well of course the customer who was really, really interested never phoned my mate back. Oh what a monumental surprise.


I am almost tempted to buy it myself and just de-rustify it slowly but surely. The problem I have is that the modern Beetle will be going to the barn as will my Toledo (in April/May) and I have only 2 spaces available to me.


FFS, I am so loath to scrap this car.

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If you've room don't scrap it. As we've said it's technically not that bad and seems a shame to kill it for no reason*


Slowly fix it and in the end if you cba then the options always there that you'll get stupid scrap money and some weird alloys.

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If you've room don't scrap it. As we've said it's technically not that bad and seems a shame to kill it for no reason*

Slowly fix it and in the end if you cba then the options always there that you'll get stupid scrap money and some weird alloys.

A shitter really needs to save it - I doubt anybody else will.

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I really like the Beetle and have wanted on for a long time. Beetle has to stay I am afraid.


I guess I could store it until April but after that I'd be in the same situation as now really. Meh! 

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If you can store it till April without bother then why not - someone on here is bound to be after a cheap runaround between now and then and, if not, then nothing lost, just scrap it in April...

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If anybody buys it they will probably end up scrapping it themselves in a few months anyway.


Try not to get too sentimental over it, it's a typical ELV.

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Have you tried a banger racing Facebook page. There's quite a few prepped Escorts for sale in there already so there must be interest. If you are loathe to scrap it, just keep a hold of it for a bit and see what happens. I did that with my old Vectra and ended up breaking it for spares. However I really regret that now but it was a good car with a few things that went wrong at a bad time.

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