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OMG RATLUK - Where are they now?

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This 'look' has been around for a few years now. I am wondering how the earlier cars have fared?


I have found this blog from 2008. (http://motoringmad.blogspot.co.uk/2008_10_01_archive.html)


On it is this 924 EYX 441V is showing as having no MOT since November 2007 and has not been SORN'd since 2009. Not looking good for it. 




On the same thread is this Disastra:




It is on SORN but has been out of MOT since 2010. I am actually shocked that its not bean tins yet! Its probably sat on someones drive bringing down the house prices. 


I have now looked at this thread from Autoshite only a couple of years ago. http://autoshite.com/topic/11291-autoshite-ratted-mg-focus


This Rover MG 'Focus' is amazingly still on the road, taxed till Jan 2015 and MOTd until July next year:




The number plate for the owners other car seems to be on a Mazda 3 now.




This one below pictured by Trigger is also SORN but has been out of MOT since 2011. I think the owner needs to let it go.






I have no idea when this was 'modified' but this Passat has been untaxed since Nov 2013 and had no MOT since April this year. 




The reason i thought it worth mentioning is the comments on the site. http://www.yourcarisshit.com/cars/they-call-this-the-rat-look/



clive says: haha u clearly need glasses who ever put this car on this website one off the best looking passats around ! clearly your a civic (oh sorry a shitvic ) owner ! got one 4 letter word for you t#*t
Leanne says: To the douche bag that is souneducated on the car scene to even put this on here and not understand the term RAT LOOK then I think you should keep your opinion to yourself or get a pink diary that you can write all your comments in like the little bitch you obviously are! RATLOOK is a form of individuality it's a form of modification that has no limits the only limit is the end of your imagination! And is a big thing in the VW scene, I personally think your a massive penis and you should defintley educate yourself before forming a opinion
Ross says: Imagination creates individuals. Why be normal? Clearly the owner of this site was abused
Callum Jones says: stop h8n rust is naturel hapnz all ova




This mildly RATLUK Golf was posted on the Golf GTi forum in 2008. 




Its on SORN but will have been out of MOT for 4 years tomorrow. 


This caddy has been out of MOT since 2008 and untaxed (and unSORNED) since November 2009




I can't make out the car next to it to check. 


This Mk3 Golf have been without T&T since 2008:




This one has been off the road since October 2008 too:




However most of these cars are dirt cheap crappy cars to begin with. What about the more valuable cars?


This Mk2 Golf GTi would probably be starting to be worth some coin now if someone had not started to RAT it. As it stands its been out of test since July 2011. 




This Van which seems to be from 2009 has been out of test from April 2013. Hopefully someone is doing the descent thing and making it look good again.




MK1 Golfs make good money these days. I wonder if the owners of these ones regret Ratting them?


On SORN but been out of test since May 2012:




No MOT since 2011:




I am not saying that any of these cars would have lasted much longer anyhow, I have no idea but the general outlook does not seem good for them. Okay the owners seem to be keen to keep hold of them but they do not seem to stay 'legal' for long?



And I know this last photo is not RATLUK but I found it whilst looking at photos on Google and I think its sodding brilliant. 





  • Like 7

Taking aside all the subjectivity on how cars like this look ( im generally open minded) the more something is personalised the smaller a market it will appeal to if you come to sell it. Fine if your a long term owner, but if not and the car isn't worth a lot as it stands anyway.......


I recon that vw bus will be ok as they are worth enough to not be at risk of being broken or whatever.

  • Like 3

I have always been a fan of the 'Slover'. The owner is one bloke who was doing it all, tounge-in-cheek and it had some amusing touches.


The Astra 'Asrat' has long since been scrapped. In true forum style the 'creators' bummed each other about it until they bled. I saw it at a show in 2008 and it was actually alright.


Did that 'Asrat' (its painful to type it never mind say it) have some sort of 1970's hi-fi 'install' in the boot? I have some vague recollection about finding it quite funny if so.

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I love how they all say they're being individual - by doing exatly the same thing as loads of other people.


They'll realise eventually that they've rendered their cars unsellable. That VW van is probably the only survivor as they are worth mega coin and are popular with another massive group of highly original and unique individuals.

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'RATLOOK is a form of individuality'


That says all anyone needs to know, what a bunch of fucking knob rockets. Most of those cars have been scrapped because they took an already shit car and made it shitter still.

  • Like 4

I very much doubt anyone would ever buy a car like these, so whoever does the rust or matt paint job is almost always the last owner before the crusher.


I am actually considering painting my pickup satin black or NATO green, purely because its a multi-coloured mess of filler and laquer peel, its not worth the time to do a proper re-spray and I will definitely be the last owner as I probably wouldnt feel comfortable selling it on given the state it is in, so no real loss and in the mean-time I get a reasonably presentable looking vehicle for another year or so motoring for about £30 outlay for a tin of paint and a brush.


I very much doubt anyone would ever buy a car like these, so whoever does the rust or matt paint job is almost always the last owner before the crusher.


I am actually considering painting my pickup satin black or NATO green, purely because its a multi-coloured mess of filler and laquer peel, its not worth the time to do a proper re-spray and I will definitely be the last owner as I probably wouldnt feel comfortable selling it on given the state it is in, so no real loss and in the mean-time I get a reasonably presentable looking vehicle for another year or so motoring for about £30 outlay for a tin of paint and a brush.





clive says: haha u clearly need glasses who ever put this car on this website one off the best looking passats around ! clearly your a civic (oh sorry a shitvic ) owner ! got one 4 letter word for you t#*t

Leanne says: To the douche bag that is souneducated on the car scene to even put this on here and not understand the term RAT LOOK then I think you should keep your opinion to yourself or get a pink diary that you can write all your comments in like the little bitch you obviously are! RATLOOK is a form of individuality it's a form of modification that has no limits the only limit is the end of your imagination! And is a big thing in the VW scene, I personally think your a massive penis and you should defintley educate yourself before forming a opinion

Ross says: Imagination creates individuals. Why be normal? Clearly the owner of this site was abused

Callum Jones says: stop h8n rust is naturel hapnz all ova


Sometimes the internet makes me sad. :-(


'RATLOOK is a form of individuality'



Hmmm, that's why they all look the same....., bloody kids....  :-)


I think its generally accepted that once someone starts the process of 'ratlooking' most cars then they also start the process of moving the car ever so slowly into the jaws of the frag machine.

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I don't feel I can criticise when so many of my old cars have been scrapped. Putting green stripes on my old BX may have been a mistake, but two people considered it worthy of purchase. One of them then removed the stripes. It's why I'm getting my 400 back to stock. If I ever sell it, I want it to appeal to more than two people!


Even well modified stuff can follow the same route though. Creator gets bored, passes through a few different folk, each paying less for it and caring less and before you know it, scrap fodder.


^ Thats true of almost everything though in that 99% of cars get scrapped ultimately. Difference is that most do have a chance of being restored or at least kept on the road but rat look is a bit of a death sentence.


Some good investigative work there, although it proves what we all knew.

It's not unique to ratlook though - a far more common death sentence for stuff like Novas, Corsas, Fiestas, Saxos, etc is the kind of body kit / big spoiler / stupid exhaust barrying that teenage boys seem to think is going to help them pull a bird.


I'd join in, but as my own mk1 Golf has been on SORN for a few years I'm probably not the best one to throw stones.  (It's not OMG RATLUK - it's completely standard and is kept clean-ish and insured and does run up and down the drive, although not especially well.  I guess I'm just not individual enough.)

  • Like 2

The Astra 'Asrat' has long since been scrapped. In true forum style the 'creators' bummed each other about it until they bled. I saw it at a show in 2008 and it was actually alright.


Its still SORN'd so I don't think its been scrapped. 


I have always been a fan of the 'Slover'. The owner is one bloke who was doing it all, tounge-in-cheek and it had some amusing touches.


I remember reading the thread about its 'build' at the time. The car originally looked like this: 




So I imagine that it has actually had its life prolonged somewhat by what's been done to it. 


I agree, when you start modding cars you are often wiping out the resale possibility. For one, it will be someone else's car with their individual (well in many cases their slight take on individual that looks nearly different but exactly the same) stamp on it and 9 times out of 10 it suggests that the person who had it before you was a bad driver with minimal brain cells who reads MAXPOWA and thinks gold chains look pretty cool or is 17 and really has not got a clue what they are doing.


a far more common death sentence for stuff like Novas, Corsas, Fiestas, Saxos, etc is the kind of body kit / big spoiler / stupid exhaust barrying that teenage boys seem to think is going to help them pull a bird.


It actually does, which is the frightening bit.


It actually does, which is the frightening bit.


Yeah but look at the birds. They are just scantily dressed, common 20yrs old sluts who would happily nosh you off for 2l of cider and probably don't expect you to respect them or even remember their name in the morning. Who wants to hang around with a big group of them.........


I am just off out now to chop the springs on the Visa, black out the windows, put some fairy lights underneath and make a HUGE spoiler out of some MDF. 


It's why I'm getting my 400 back to stock. If I ever sell it, I want it to appeal to more than two people!




I don't like rat look, it's like having a really tidy house and then having a lodger in who proceeds to turn the place into a tip.

I notice they're mostly VWs.

  • Like 4

Did that 'Asrat' (its painful to type it never mind say it) have some sort of 1970's hi-fi 'install' in the boot? I have some vague recollection about finding it quite funny if so.

Yes it had a Pong computer system or something that you could play. It had faux wooden paneling around it too. I thought it was ace. I have a picture somewhere.


'RATLOOK is a form of individuality'


That says all anyone needs to know, what a bunch of fucking knob rockets. Most of those cars have been scrapped because they took an already shit car and made it shitter still.

+1 from me, utter wank, almost as bad as the 'individual' vag twats with silly drl's, bonnet bras and stretched tyres
  • Like 3

Sadly it's spreading outside of VW land.




He's had the car about three months and seems to have lost interest as he can't be bothered to paint the remaining tyres.  Looked like a tidy car and was probably worth £1500 before he got to it and is now bid to a mighty £530.





Yeah but look at the birds. They are just scantily dressed, common 20yrs old sluts who would happily nosh you off for 2l of cider and probably don't expect you to respect them or even remember their name in the morning. Who wants to hang around with a big group of them.........


I am just off out now to chop the springs on the Visa, black out the windows, put some fairy lights underneath and make a HUGE spoiler out of some MDF.

Let me post this to remind you of the consequences of barrying your vee hickle


You might wake up next to this




^ Is that an ACTUAL female? I just wasn't really sure as I had to run away from the keyboard and be very, very sick.

  • Like 2

I was thinking of rollering the Toledo with red oxide primer. That would be a massive improvement. 


Should I? It would of course be sanded down and done properly.


You're close, but not quite there. The Triumph part is fine, but it should be a 1300. Also the paint should be black, not red.

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